Environment Statistics
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Bringing together data, tools and reports to provide you with the latest information on the environment in Canada.
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Key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
$1,711 billion-33.1%(annual change)
3.0 tonnes1.3%(annual change)
64.6 gigajoules0.9%(annual change)
More key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
0.29 kilotonnes per million dollars of real GDP-1.8%(annual change)
4.10 terajoules per million dollars of real GDP-0.7%(annual change)
Volume of untreated wastewater discharged in Canada (including combined sewer overflows) - Canada
(2022)223 million cubic metres
Census of Environment

The Census of Environment will deliver a comprehensive picture of Canada's ecosystems.
Analysis and information

These products present analysis on Canada's environment, as well as information about environmental statistics, surveys and environmental-economic accounts at Statistics Canada.
Data Visualization

These new tools, maps and infographics highlight environmental data:
Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounting

The Methodological Guide: Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounting describes the concepts, sources and methods used to compile environmental-economic accounts at Statistics Canada and links to related data tables and publications.
Human Activity and the Environment

In Human Activity and the Environment, the latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.
Census of Environment Geospatial Explorer

Start exploring Canada's rich data with the Census of Environment Geospatial Explorer.
Quality of Life Framework for Canada

Statistics Canada's Quality of Life Hub provides important information on quality of life in Canada for all, bringing together key economic, social and environmental datasets.
Sustainable Development Goals

Browse Canada's statistics for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Canadian Centre for Energy Information

The Canadian Centre for Energy Information is a convenient one-stop virtual shop for independent and trusted information on energy in Canada.