International trade
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Key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
$84.9 billion1.4%(monthly change)
$84.3 billion1.7%(monthly change)
-$0.6 billion
More key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
-$3.2 billion
$66.4 billion1.8%(monthly change)
$66.1 billion2.2%(monthly change)
-$323 million
$16.4 billion
$17.8 billion
48,718682(annual change)
163,8813,643(annual change)
$2,171.3 billion
$1,360.3 billion
$1,865.3 billion
$652.1 billion
4.4 million
$844.7 billion
Understanding the Canadian international merchandise trade balance
In the context of discussions on Canada's trade balance, different statistics can be referenced. Understanding the key concepts and uses for each basis can help determine which statistic may be most appropriate to use given the objectives of individual data users. Additionally, while it might be assumed that the trade statistics of one country should match the trade statistics of another for bilateral trade between the two, this is not usually the case, with the key factor being the attribution of countries in international merchandise trade statistics.
Guide to Canadian International Merchandise Trade Statistics
The primary goal of the Guide to Canadian International Merchandise Trade Statistics is to provide an overview of the CIMT data, the necessary definitions to better understand the data, and information related to concepts and methodology.
International Trade Explorer
The International Trade Explorer is an interactive tool that provides users with a new way of discovering Canada's trade relationships.
Canadian International Merchandise Trade Web Application
The Canadian International Merchandise Trade (CIMT) Web Application offers detailed trade data using the Harmonized System (HS) classification of goods (based on the 8-digit and 10-digit commodity level for exports and imports, respectively). Search using a combination of variables such as: trading partner, province, state, year, month and commodity. View the CIMT Web application video to learn more about the added data and features.
Client services
A variety of custom data products (e.g., tables, maps, etc.) can be personalized to meet clients' special requirements. Send us your custom requests by email at
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