Population and demography statistics
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Indicators, data and detailed analysis related to Canadian demographics, from a wide set of data sources including population estimates and projections, and the census.
Canada's population clock (real-time model)

This population clock models, in real time, changes to the size of the Canadian population and the provinces and territories.
Consult "Differences between Statistics Canada's census counts and population estimates" to learn more about this topic.
Publications by the Centre for Demography
Population growth, age and gender structure
International migration
Internal migration
Families, households and marital status
- Families, households and marital status statistics
- The Daily — Home alone: More persons living solo than ever before, but roomies the fastest growing household type
- The Daily — State of the union: Canada leads the G7 with nearly one-quarter of couples living common law, driven by Quebec
- A portrait of Canada’s families in 2021
- Family matters: Disagreements within couples during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The Daily — A fifty-year look at divorces in Canada, 1970 to 2020
- The Daily — "I don't": Historic decline in new marriages during the first year of the pandemic
- How many children in Canada have experienced the separation or divorce of their parents? Results from the 2019 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth
- Living alone in Canada
Population projections
- Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories
- Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories: Technical Report on Methodology and Assumptions
- Projections of the Indigenous populations and households in Canada, 2016 to 2041
- Projections of the Indigenous populations and households in Canada, 2016 to 2041: Overview of data sources, methods, assumptions and scenarios
- Population projections on immigration and diversity for Canada and its regions, 2016 to 2041: Overview of projection assumptions and scenarios
- Canada in 2041: A larger, more diverse population, with greater differences between regions
- Language Projections for Canada, 2011 to 2036
- Canadian labour force: What will happen once baby boomers retire?
Key tables
- Population estimates, quarterly
- Population estimates on July 1st, by age and gender
- Population estimates, July 1, by census metropolitan area and census agglomeration, 2021 boundaries
- Estimates of the number of non-permanent residents by type, quarterly
- Projected population, by projection scenario, age and gender, as of July 1
- Life expectancy and other elements of the life table, Canada, all provinces except Prince Edward Island
Demographic data visualization products

Our Demographic data visualization products are interactive dashboards that allow users to navigate data in an innovative, customizable environment.
Key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
41,465,2980.4%(quarterly change)
15.2%-0.3 pts(year-over-year change)
18.9%0.1 pts(year-over-year change)
40.3 years-0.3 years(year-over-year change)
41.6 years0.0 years(year-over-year change)
Census program
The Census program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years. The Census Program includes the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture.
Statistics on gender, diversity and inclusion

The portal "Statistics on gender, diversity and inclusion" is a focal point for data produced by Statistics Canada's Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics.
Insights on Canadian Society

The publication "Insights on Canadian Society" brings together and analyzes a wide range of data sources in order to provide information on various aspects of Canadian society, including labour, income, education, social, and demographic issues, that affect the lives of Canadians.
Contact the Centre for Demography
For more information on estimates, projections or on other products from the Statistics Canada Centre for Demography, contact us at statcan.demography-demographie.statcan@statcan.gc.ca.