Prices and price indexes portal
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For governments, businesses, and individuals alike, every change in the price of a barrel of oil, a month's rent, or even a loaf of bread has an impact on how we spend—and earn—our money. Statistics Canada tracks these and many other price movements using a number of key indexes.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) tracks changes in prices as experienced by Canadian consumers by comparing, through time, the cost of a fixed basket of goods and services.
Producer Price Indexes (PPI) track the changes in prices Canadian producers receive or pay for goods and services over time.
Find information on these and other indexes below.
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Key indicators
Selected geographical area: ~ ' ' ~ Canada ~ ''; ?>
$239.308.1%(year-over-year change)
160.92.4%(annual change)
1.9%(12-month change)
-0.1%(quarterly change)
0.8%(quarterly change)
81.8-1.8%(annual change)
0.8%(quarterly change)
Personal Inflation Calculator

This Personal Inflation Calculator is an interactive tool that allows you to estimate your personal inflation rate based on your household expenses.
Consumer Price Index Data Visualization Tool

The Consumer Price Index Data Visualization Tool is an interactive dashboard that provides access to current and historical Consumer Price Index (CPI) data in a dynamic and customizable format.
Statistics Canada Training Institute - Producer price indexes

This online tutorial will provide you with an overview to Statistics Canada's Producer Price Indexes - what they are, how they are made and what they are used for.
An Overview of Canada's Consumer Price Index (CPI)

This video (An Overview of Canada's Consumer Price Index) provides an overview of the CPI. It defines the CPI and looks at what it measures and how it is used.
Prices Analytical Series

The Prices Analytical Series provides research and analysis pertaining to price indices. This series is intended to stimulate discussion on a variety of topics related to the analysis of the evolution of prices through time or space.
Food Price Data Hub

The Food Price Data Hub features a variety of food price related statistics, articles and tools.
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