Rural Canada Statistics
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Explore data, analyses and tools focused on the vibrant rural and small town communities and regions of Canada.
Key indicators
Note: For the key indicators listed below, "rural" or "rural and small town" refers to areas outside census metropolitan areas or census agglomerations.
5,957,695 persons
2,741.1 thousand persons
More key indicators
Rural and small town Canada interactive dashboards
Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin

The Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin offers analytical articles that provide insight into the socioeconomic landscape of rural and small town communities in Canada.
Rural Data Viewer

Visualize databases relevant to rural and small town Canada in the interactive mapping application Rural Data Viewer.
Enquiries and custom services

Send your questions or requests for custom data products related to rural and small town Canada to Rural Client Services.
Explore more rural and small town Canada resources
Census Program Data Viewer

Search geographic and sociodemographic data for rural and small town areas and visualize them on a map using the Census Program Data Viewer.
Linkable Open Data Environment

Explore Open databases that contain disaggregated microdata from municipal, provincial and federal sources.
Centre for Municipal and Local Data

The Centre for Municipal and Local Data provides access to and an understanding of local data for Canadians.
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