How to read the concordance table: CIP Canada 2016 - ISCED-F 2013

The concordance of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2016 to the International Standard Classification of Education - Fields of Education and Training (ISCED-F) 2013 shows the Canadian interpretation of the relationships between the two classifications.

The concordance is shown at the lowest level of both classifications, namely at the 6-digit level in CIP Canada 2016 and the 4-digit level in ISCED-F 2013.

The concordance was built from the example programs provided in CIP Canada 2016 to illustrate the content of its 6-digit classes. Each example program was mapped to ISCED-F 2013, and the resulting code pairs were summarized.

The relationships between the two classifications can be simple or complex. The following examples are presented to illustrate how the table should be read.

In the first example, each CIP class maps to one ISCED-F class. When there are no explanatory notes in the last column, it means that all of the content in the CIP class is found in the ISCED-F class it maps to.

An asterisk (*) attached to the ISCED-F code indicates that a CIP class is equal to a portion of an ISCED-F class, and that the ISCED-F class maps to this CIP class as well as to other CIP classes.

Example 1
CIP Canada 2016 Code CIP Canada 2016 Title ISCED-F 2013 Code ISCED-F 2013 Title Explanatory Notes
01.0000 Agriculture, general 0810 Agriculture not further defined  
03.0104 Environmental science 0521* Environmental sciences  
51.2401 Veterinary medicine (DVM) 0841* Veterinary  

In the second example, a CIP class is equivalent to more than one ISCED-F class. CIP 45.0701 maps to a portion of ISCED-F 0314 and to a portion of ISCED-F 0532.

When a CIP class is equivalent to more than one ISCED-F class, there are explanatory notes in the last column. The explanatory notes provide a short description of the nature of the overlap between the CIP class and the ISCED-F class it maps to.

Example 2
CIP Canada 2016 Code CIP Canada 2016 Title ISCED-F 2013 Code ISCED-F 2013 Title Explanatory Notes
45.0701 Geography 0314* Sociology and cultural studies Cultural geography, human geography, social geography
45.0701 Geography 0532* Earth sciences Physical geography, environmental geography

In the third example, an ISCED-F class is equivalent to more than one CIP class.

For the ISCED-F to CIP concordance, when there are no explanatory notes in the last column the CIP class title is the short description of the nature of the overlap between the ISCED-F class and the CIP class it maps to.

Example 3
ISCED-F 2013 Code ISCED-F 2013 Title CIP Canada 2016 Code CIP Canada 2016 Title Explanatory Notes
0831 Fisheries 01.0303 Aquaculture  
0831 Fisheries 03.0301 Fishing and fisheries sciences and management  
0831 Fisheries 49.0303 Commercial fishing  

In the fourth example, an ISCED-F class maps to a portion of a CIP class, and there are explanatory notes in the last column. ISCED-F 0611 maps to a portion of CIP 11.0301, a portion of CIP 11.0601, and to CIP 11.0602 and CIP 11.0699.

The explanatory notes provide a short description of the nature of the overlap between the ISCED-F class and the CIP class it maps to.

An asterisk (*) attached to the CIP code indicates that an ISCED-F class is equal to a portion of a CIP class, and that the CIP class maps to this ISCED-F class as well as to other ISCED-F classes.

Example 4
ISCED-F 2013 Code ISCED-F 2013 Title CIP Canada 2016 Code CIP Canada 2016 Title Explanatory Notes
0611 Computer use 11.0301* Data processing and data processing technology/technician Data processing, electronic data processing
0611 Computer use 11.0601* Data entry/microcomputer applications, general Microcomputer applications
0611 Computer use 11.0602 Word processing  
0611 Computer use 11.0699 Data entry/microcomputer applications, other  
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