How to read a concordance table - NAICS 2002 and NACE Rev. 1.1

The relationship between the North American Industry Classification System 2002 (NAICS) and revision 1.1 of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE) is shown below in a concordance table. The table shows the Canadian interpretation of the relationships between the two classifications.

The concordance is shown at the lowest level of both classifications, namely at the 6-digit level in NAICS and the 4-digit level in NACE.

The relationships between the two classifications can be simple or complex. The following examples are presented to illustrate how the table should be read.

In the first example, one NAICS Canada class relates to exactly one NACE class.

One NAICS Canada class relates to exactly one NACE class.
NAICS 2002 NACE Rev. 1.1
Code Title Code Title
212210 Iron Ore Mining 13.10 Mining of iron ores

In the second example, one NACE class is equivalent to more than one NAICS class. The asterisk (Partial Flag) indicates that part of NACE 15.84 is equivalent to each NAICS class. The NACE activities corresponding to each NAICS class are listed in the column labelled "Link".

One NACE class is equivalent to more than one NAICS class.
NAICS 2002 NACE Rev. 1.1 Link
Code Title Code Title
311320 Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans 15.84 * Manufacture of cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery Chocolate and confectionery, made from cacao beans
311330 Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate 15.84 * Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery Confectionery, made from purchased chocolate
311340 Non-Chocolate Confectionery Manufacturing 15.84 * Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery Non-chocolate confectionery, manufacturing

In the third example, one NAICS Canada class is equivalent to more than one NACE class.

One NAICS Canada class is equivalent to more than one NACE class.
NAICS 2002 NACE Rev. 1.1 Link
Code Title Code Title
335223 Major Kitchen Appliance Manufacturing 29.71 * Manufacture of electric domestic appliances Major kitchen appliances, electric, manufacturing
29.72 * Manufacture of non-electric domestic appliances Major electric kitchen appliances (except electric), manufacturing