How to read the correspondence table: NAICS Canada 2022 Version 1.0 - ISIC Rev. 4

The correspondence of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0 to the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities Revision 4 (ISIC Rev. 4) is shown in the table below. The table shows the Canadian interpretation of the relationships between the two classifications.

The correspondence is shown at the lowest level of both classifications, namely at the 6-digit level in NAICS and the 4-digit level in ISIC except in the three cases where the link is to a 3-digit ISIC code, where more precise links to ISIC are not possible.

The relationships between the two classifications can be simple or complex. The following examples are presented to illustrate how the table should be read.

In the first example, a NAICS class links exactly to one ISIC class, their coverage of activities being the same. All of the activities in NAICS 212210 are found in ISIC B0710.

Example 1
NAICS Canada 2022 Version 1.0 ISIC Rev. 4
212210 Iron ore mining B0710 Mining of iron ores

In the second example, each NAICS class links to a portion of the same ISIC. Each of NAICS 311340, 311351 and 311352 is a subset of ISIC C1073. The last column contains explanatory notes.

An asterisk attached to the ISIC alpha-numeric code indicates that a NAICS class is equal to a portion of an ISIC class. The explanatory note provides a short description of the nature of the overlap between the NAICS and ISIC classes.

Example 2
NAICS Canada 2022 Version 1.0 ISIC Rev. 4 Explanatory notes
311340 Non-chocolate confectionery manufacturing C1073* Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery Non-chocolate confectionery (e.g., lozenges, gum), manufacturing
311351 Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing from cacao beans C1073* Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery Chocolate and chocolate confectionery, manufactured from cacao beans
311352 Confectionery manufacturing from purchased chocolate C1073* Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery Confectionery, manufactured from purchased chocolate

In the third example, a NAICS class is equivalent to more than one ISIC class. NAICS 115210 is equal to ISIC A0162 plus a portion of ISIC M7500. The last column contains explanatory notes.

Example 3
NAICS Canada 2022 Version 1.0 ISIC Rev. 4 Explanatory notes
115210 Support activities for animal production A0162 Support activities for animal production  
M7500* Veterinary activities Vaccinating livestock and pets (except by veterinarians