Notice of release of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0

Structural revision

NAICS 2022 Version 1.0 is the biggest revision to NAICS since 2002. The overarching theme to the updates is the digital economy. The guiding principle of these changes is to classify economic activities based on digital platforms, and those offered on other forms over the Internet, in the same groupings as their non-digital equivalents.

The Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) has been used for this revision to identify the types of changes made to the classification: real changes and virtual changes. Real changes are those affecting the scope of the existing classification items or categories, whether or not accompanied by changes in the title, definition and/or the coding. Virtual changes are those made in coding, titles and/or definitions, while the meaning or scope of the classification item remains the same.

Real changes include the following:

  • close to 275 new groupings are combined into emerging classes (merger) or existing classes (take-over) with the intent to realign the existing classification items under these classes.
  • 259 classes are affected as a result of either a breakdown or a split.
  • there were 90 instances where part of a class continued and part of it is transferred to one or more existing classes.

Virtual changes include 220 classification items that are modified as a result of a change to a code, title or definition.

For more information on the North American Industry Classification System, please visit: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0

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