Variant of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0 for Analysis by TEER (Training, Education, Experience and Responsibility) categories - Background information

The variant of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0 – Analysis by TEER aggregates the NOC major groups by TEER Footnote 1 categories. The second digit of the standard code represents the variant groupings: 0 = Management occupations, 1 = Professional occupations, 2 = TEER 2 occupations, 3 = TEER 3 occupations, 4 = TEER 4 occupations and 5 = TEER 5 occupations.

Each grouping is composed of complete major groups; no major groups are split between variant grouping.

Variant code (TEER category) and Variant grouping by TEER Categories
Variant code (TEER category) Variant grouping by TEER Categories
0 Management occupations refer to occupations with management responsibilities, including legislators, senior managers and middle managers.
1 Professional occupations refer to occupations which require completion of a university degree (bachelor's, master's or doctorate); or previous experience and expertise in subject matter knowledge from a related occupation found in TEER 2 (when applicable).
2 TEER 2 occupations refers to occupations which usually require completion of a post-secondary education program of two to three years at community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP; or completion of an apprenticeship training program of two to five years; or occupations with supervisory or significant safety (e.g. police officers and firefighters) responsibilities; or several years of experience in a related occupation from TEER 3 (when applicable).
3 TEER 3 occupations refers to occupations which usually require completion of a post-secondary education program of less than two years at community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP; or completion of an apprenticeship training program of less than two years; or more than six months of on-the-job training, training courses or specific work experience with some secondary school education; or several years of experience in a related occupation from TEER 4 (when applicable).
4 TEER 4 occupations refers to occupations which usually require completion of secondary school; or several weeks of on-the-job training with some secondary school education; or experience in a related occupation from TEER 5 (when applicable).
5 TEER 5 occupations refers to occupations which usually require short work demonstration and no formal educational requirements.

The variant of NOC 2021 Version 1.0 - Analysis by TEER updates the previous variant of the NOC 2016 Version 1.0 - Analysis by Skill Level to reflect the major structural revisions to the NOC 2021. Previous versions of the variant of the NOC - Analysis by Skill Level should continue to be used with the corresponding NOC version.

Hierarchical structure

The structure of the NOC 2021 Version 1.0 – Analysis by TEER variant is hierarchical. It is composed of five levels.

  • Level 1: grouping by TEER category (one -digit variant code)
  • Level 2: major group (two-digit standard code)
  • Level 3: sub-major group (three-digit standard code)
  • Level 4: minor group (four-digit standard code)
  • Level 5: unit group (five-digit standard code)
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