Participate in the update of the National Occupational Classification


Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Statistics Canada are launching a consultation process on occupations in Canada.
Those wishing to participate are invited to provide comments on the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.1.


The comments received will be used to support occupational research and update the National Occupational Classification.

Who can participate

This consultation targets:

  • government, all levels;
  • non-governmental organizations;
  • companies and industry associations;
  • academics and researchers;
  • career counselors and career planning specialists; and
  • any other interested person.

How to participate

Participants are invited to complete the response form and follow the guidelines provided. Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the form. It is available for free download from the Adobe web site.
The response form must be sent by email to the following address:

Closing date

The response form must be sent before July 31, 2018.
Comments received after this date will be accepted but may not be analyzed in this round of consultation. Please note that there will be other consultation sessions.

Treatment of comments

A team of representatives from ESDC and Statistics Canada will analyze the comments received. Departments reserve the right to use independent consultants or government employees, if deemed necessary, to assess comments.
If deemed appropriate, departments will contact respondents to ask additional questions or clarification.

Official languages

Comments may be written in either of Canada's official languages, English or French.


Personal information collected during this consultation will be protected under the Privacy Act.


We thank all participants for their continued interest and participation in the various consultation processes.


Enquiries about this consultation process can be forwarded to the following address:

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