Participate in the update of the National Occupational Classification!


Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Statistics Canada invite users of the National Occupational Classification (NOC), such as industry representatives and experts in the field of employment research, to submit proposals for changes to the NOC.

All proposals received will be shared between ESDC and Statistics Canada, which will be working jointly on the update of the NOC.


The proposals have two objectives:

  • collect input from users as an integral part of the NOC update process; and
  • fuel research in preparation for the NOC revision.


As part of continuous improvement, ESDC and Statistics Canada have decided to increase the frequency of NOC updates. Updates contain non-structural changes. A non-structural change means adding new occupational titles to current groups, modifying the descriptions of the unit groups, or improving the correspondence between English and French versions of the classification.

Revisions, on the other hand, will continue to take place every ten years. Unlike updates, revisions can include structural changes. A structural change means changing the conceptual boundaries of occupational groups, moving occupations to different groups, or changing the hierarchical classification structure. The next NOC revision is scheduled for 2021.

Closing date

Respondents are invited to submit their proposal before November 30, 2017.

Please note that there will be other consultation periods for the 2021 NOC revision.

Nature and content of proposals

Respondents are invited to provide their comments, feedback and suggestions on how to improve the NOC content. They must outline their rationale for proposed changes.

There are no content restrictions. Respondents may propose non-structural and structural changes.


Proposals must contain the name, address, email address and phone number of the respondent.

Proposals must be submitted by email to the following address:

Guidelines for submitting proposals

Respondents are encouraged to follow these guidelines when developing their proposal.

Proposals should:

  • clearly identify the proposed addition, change or modification;
  • outline the rationale and include supporting information for the change suggested, such as:
    • approximate population of workers across the country;
    • duties;
    • requirements for certification (if any);
    • educational background, tools and technology used, as well as experience required for entry into the occupation;
    • current job titles used in the labour market;
  • provide details about experts, related associations or representatives within the sector;
  • be consistent with classification principles such as mutual exclusivity, exhaustiveness, and homogeneity within unit groups;
  • be relevant, that is:
    • present analytical interest;
    • enhance the usefulness of data;
    • be based on appropriate statistical research or subject matter expertise.

Costs associated with proposals

Canada will not reimburse respondents for expenses incurred in developing their proposal.

Treatment of proposals

Canada will review all proposals received.

A team of representatives from ESDC and Statistics Canada will review the proposals. Canada reserves the right to use independent consultants, or government employees, if deemed necessary, to assess proposals.

If deemed appropriate, Canada will contact the respondents to ask additional questions or ask for clarification on a particular aspect of their proposal.

The review of proposals will not necessarily result in changes to the NOC. However, if Canada adopts changes, non-structural changes will be implemented in future NOC updates while structural changes will occur as part of the NOC 2021 revision.

Official languages

Proposals may be written in either of Canada's official languages, English or French.


Personal information collected during this consultation will be protected under the Privacy Act.


We thank all respondents for their continued interest and participation in the various NOC engagement activities.


If you have any enquiries about this process, please send them to

Best regards,
NOC team

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