This standard was approved as a departmental standard on March 8, 2018.
2017 version of SCCAI
The Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2017 is based on the International Standard for country codes ISO 3166-1:2013Footnote 1. All changes made as of December 31, 2017 are included in this 2017 version of the SCCAI. The list was also updated for consistency with government of Canada norms.
In addition to the list of countries and areas of interest, a classification variant for social statistics data is included. The hierarchical structure of the classification shows the relationship between these geographic areas.
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SCCAI 2017 (PDF, 200.46 KB) (catalogue no. 12-608-X)
Concordances and documentation on changes
- SCCAI 2016 - SCCAI 2017
- Differences between SCCAI 2017 and ISO 3166-1:2013
- Current and Historical Countries and Areas of Interest
Variants of SCCAI
Countries and Areas of Interest for Social Statistics - SCCAI 2017
The classification variant for social statistics includes customized groupings (geographical macro-regions and geographical sub-regions) of the SCCAI countries for the publication of social statistics data.