Archived – Information about the content of the concordance tables

The changes to census subdivisions (CSDs) between the 2001 edition of the SGC and the 2006 edition are provided in concordance tables. In addition to the changes of CSD name, CSD type and revision of SGC code, the concordance table SGC 2001 – SGC 2006 presents the CSDs that have been deleted (change code 4) and the CSDs that have lost land through the creation of new CSDs (change code 6) whereas the concordance table SGC 2006 – SGC 2001 presents the newly created CSDs (change code 1) and the complete annexations of CSDs by another CSD (change code 5A).

In each concordance table, there is only one entry or CSD on the left-hand side with one or many entries (CSDs) on the right-hand side. The change code allows users to exactly know what part of the left-hand side entity has changed. Change codes 2 and 2C, 3 and 3C, 23 or 7 respectively indicate a change of CSD name, CSD type, CSD name and type or revision of SGC code. Change codes 1, 4, 5A or 6 respectively indicate a newly created CSD, a CSD deleted, a complete annexation of a CSD by another CSD, or a CSD created out of another CSD.

Contrary to the SGC 2001 – SGC 2006 and SGC 2006 – SGC 2001 concordance tables, a third concordance table uses two change codes to explain the annual changes to CSD codes, names and types between 2001 and 2006. The former state of the census subdivision appears on the left-hand side while its revised state is on the right-hand side. The change codes 2, 2C, 23, 3, 3C and 7 are repeated on both sides while the others are combined to show different changes. For a dissolution (code 4) on the left-hand side, we have a creation of new CSD (code 1) or a complete annexation of a CSD by another CSD (code 5A) on the right-hand side. A CSD that has lost part of its land through the creation of a new CSD has a code 6 on the left-hand side and a code 1 for the new created CSD on the right-hand side. The symbols (** and ***) attached to SGC codes on the left-hand side are included to inform users that these SGC codes are new entities created after January 1st, 2001 which were updated after their creation.

The change codes used here follow the definitions presented in the section Information on Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006. The exceptions are change code 6 that only shows the creation of a new CSD from a part of another CSD and change code Y, introduced here for the first time and only used in concordance tables SGC 2001 – SGC 2006 and SGC 2006 – SGC 2001. Code Y shows the remaining part of the CSD from which a part has been lost or the common part of the combination that now makes up the new CSD on account of the complete annexation of a CSD.

Due to late decision to modify the abbreviations and descriptions of many CSD types, there is a difference between the official CSD types listed in the SGC 2006 and in the concordance tables which have been prepared with the information found in the Interim list of changes to municipal boundaries, status and names. Below is a list of CSD types appearing in the concordance tables.

List of CSD types appearing in the concordance tables
Census Subdivision Types - found in
the Interim List of Changes to Municipal
Boundaries Status and Names
Census Subdivision Type Descriptions
C City
CC Chartered community
CG Community government
CM County (municipality)
COM Community
CT Canton (municipalité de)
CU Cantons unis (municipalité de)
CWC Crown colony
DM District municipality
HAM Hamlet
ID Improvement district
IGD Indian government district
IM Island municipality
LGD Local government district
LOT Township and royalty
M Municipalité
MD Municipal district
NH Northern hamlet
NL Nisga'a land
NV Northern village
NVL Nisga'a village
P Paroisse (municipalité de)
PAR Parish
R Indian reserve
RC Rural community
RDA Regional district electoral area
RG Region
RGM Regional municipality
RM Rural municipality
RV Resort village
SA Special area
SCM Subdivision of county municipality
S-E Indian settlement
SET Settlement
SM Specialized municipality
SUN Subdivision of unorganized
SV Summer village
T Town
TC Terres réservées aux Cris
TI Terre inuite
TK Terres réservées aux Naskapis
TL Teslin land
TP Township
TR Terres réservées
UNO Unorganized
V Ville
VC Village cri
VK Village naskapi
VL Village
VN Village nordique