Archived – Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006

Supplement no. 1

October 20, 2008

Supplement no. 1 to the Standard Geographical Classification 2006 is issued by Standards Division to inform users of the official names in English and French for the territory of the Yukon.

Effective October 20, 2008, the names "Yukon Territory" in English and "Territoire du Yukon" in French become "Yukon" in English and in French, as per the Yukon Act (Chapter 7, assented March 27, 2002).

Divisions in Statistics Canada releasing data for that territory are expected to use the new name at the earliest opportunity.

Official abbreviations

Users should be aware that there is no change to the abbreviations as well as to the numeric and alpha codes for Yukon. The abbreviations remain Y.T. in English and Yn in French, and 60 for the numeric code and YT for the alpha code.

For a complete list see abbreviations.

Divisions, when using provincial/territorial abbreviations for releasing data, are expected to implement these abbreviations.

Data dissemination guidelines

Effective October 20, 2008, "Yukon" is the official name, in both English and French, of the territory of the Yukon in the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006.

The following applies to data released in print, through CANSIM or electronically.

For non-Census products and programs, the new territory name and its abbreviations should be implemented at the earliest opportunity in any new release, regardless of the reference period of the data.

For the 2006 Census products, the former name will be maintained but a footnote should be added in any new release in the Daily text, or in any analytical text indicating the name change.