Entering the labour market: Tips for a successful job interview

It’s happened—you’ve finished school! With your diploma in hand, you’re preparing to knock on doors to find a job that will meet your expectations and help you to earn a living.

If you have a college diploma or a bachelor’s degree, your chances of landing a job in your field of study are high (around 80%).Footnote 1 Still, here are some tips to help you succeed.

  1. Write a good résumé: To find a job, you have to start by getting an interview. And for that, your résumé must stand out. Make sure you read the hiring criteria (education, skills and qualifications sought) and show that you meet each of them in your résumé. Some employers also require that the résumé be accompanied by a cover letter. Don’t forget it, or your application could be rejected!
  2. Come prepared: Learn about the company, the industry and the competition. Ask yourself why you want to work for this company and what your expertise and ideas can bring to it. Nothing is better to increase your self-confidence and help you feel prepared to answer questions. It also shows your future employer that you have a real interest in the job and that you care about the company’s success.
  3. Dress the part: They say not to judge a book by its cover, but a neat appearance still opens a few doors. That said, know how to adapt to the workplace you want. There’s no point in arriving in a suit and tie or a stern-looking outfit if you’re applying for a job in the field of video games. Similarly, if you’re looking to get hired at a bank or at the front desk of a large hotel, it may be better to adopt a more classic look.

Also read: Entering the labour market: A few figures