Survey of Household Spending (SHS) - Brochure

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Survey of Household Spending

The Survey of Household Spending (SHS) is a national survey that gathers information on the spending habits of Canadians. It looks at how much households pay for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, health care and other items.

How Canadian households spent their money

In 2019, Canadian households spent on average $10,311 on food, $12,737 on transportation and $20,200 on shelter.

  • Food 11%
  • Shelter 22%
  • Clothing and accessories 4%
  • Transportation 14%
  • Health and personal care 4%
  • Household operations, furnishings and equipment 8%
  • Income taxes 18%
  • OtherFootnote 1 19%

Did you know?

Data from the Survey on Household Spending is used in the calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures inflation. Assessing inflation allows both government and business sectors to make informed economic decisions that directly affect Canadians.

Changes in the CPI have an effect on:

  • Old Age Security payments, pensions, Canada Pension Plan payments, and other social assistance or income assistance payments,
  • Rental agreements, and spousal and child support payments,
  • Income tax brackets.

The SHS can help answer questions such as:

  • Do Canadians have access to affordable housing?
  • Do single parents, senior citizens, and low-income households have the necessary resources to meet basic shelter, food and clothing needs?
  • Do Canadians change their grocery shopping habits when food prices go up?
  • Do increases in energy prices impact Canadians' spending on necessities such as food, clothing and transportation?
  • Do Canadians pay more for out-of-pocket health care as they get older?
  • Do Canadians incomes keep pace with price increases?

Why is your participation so important?

Your participation allows Statistics Canada to measure the changing spending patterns of Canadians, including how household spending has changed because of COVID-19. The information collected will help governments, economic and social policy analysts, community groups and businesses develop programs and policies to better serve you and your family.

Participating is easy

To access your online questionnaire, please visit: Statistics Canada's electronic questionnaire portal Then, enter the secure access code provided in the letter you received.

In the questionnaire, you will be asked questions about your household characteristics and expenses. You will also be asked to track your household expenses in the paper diary that was included with this brochure and your invitation letter.

Tips to prepare

Gather your most recent regular bills or statements (water, electricity, gas, communication services, rent or mortgage).

Collect any receipts for large purchases you made in the last 12 months, such as furniture and appliances, home renovations, and trips. Having these bills and receipts available will make it easier for you to answer some of the questions.

Please inform other people living in your home that to enhance the data from this survey and to reduce response burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with information from personal tax data. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with data from other surveys or administrative sources.

Your privacy is important to us

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, which ensures the information you provide will be kept confidential. We do not release any information that could identify you, or any member of your household.

To learn more on how we protect your data, please visit: Statistics Canada's Trust Centre.

Contact us

Telephone: 1-877-949-9492
TTY: 1-800-363-7629

For more information

Visit: Survey of Household Spending (SHS)
