Introduction to Record Linkage (Course code 0419)


To provide an overview of record linkage, focusing mainly on probabilistic linkage

Benefits to participants

Participants will explore one-file and two-file linkages including planning, preprocessing, weighted comparison rules, iterative linkage development, mapping for business logic and batch mode. They will also learn about the Statistics Canada linkage context. The participants will also do a short project using G-Link interspersed with lecture content.

Target population

Professionals involved or about to be involved in record linkage activities.

Course outline

  • Overview of record linkage
  • Definitions and concepts related to probabilistic linkage
  • Probabilistic record linkage steps and theory (including practical tutorial)
  • Current challenges in record linkage research
  • Processes and policy around record linkage at Statistics Canada


A solid understanding of functions and probability will be helpful.

Delivery type: Virtual instructor-led

Duration: 8 days (2hrs per session)

If you have questions or to register to the course, contact us at