Request from businesses to obtain their NAICS code

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was developed by the national statistical agencies of Canada, the United States and Mexico in order to have commonly defined industries for economic statistics. As per Access to Information Act requirements, Statistics Canada is committed to providing the NAICS codes it has on its Business Register to the owners or other authorized representatives of businesses upon formal request.

The Business Register programme has implemented statistical processes to measure the quality of the NAICS codes in order to produce accurate economic statistics by industry. The NAICS is updated according to set processes and schedules that are centered on meeting statistical objectives. It is, however, possible that the NAICS codes of some businesses may not be up-to-date or can be in error on the Business Register. A business observing that the NAICS code it receives is in error can advise Statistics Canada. Nonetheless, no changes to NAICS codes will be made on demand or outside of the established NAICS update processes.