Publications and information holdings

Explore series of publications containing information about and/or collected by Statistics Canada.

Published Statistics Canada results can be found under "Published data" on the main page of every survey in collection.

The Statistics Canada website offers a wealth of information:

  • The Daily: This is Statistics Canada's official release vehicle. It contains the results of Statistics Canada's surveys every working day. It is also archived to permit a search for information from past releases.
  • Census: This module provides a statistical portrait of Canada and its people. You will also find the most recent data from the 2021 Census.
  • Interact with data: Explore data visualizations, infographics, thematic maps and videos on the latest data published.
  • Social media: Keep up to date with the latest news through Statistics Canada's social media platforms.
  • My StatCan: This is a customizable one-stop portal that allows you to bookmark and quickly access your favourite articles, reports, data tables, indicators, and more; receive email notifications on our latest data releases; and participate in online discussions on the "StatCan Blog", "Chat with an expert" and "Question of the month".

For more information about our publications and products:

  • Toll-free number (Canada and the United States): 1-800-263-1136
  • National TTY line: 1-800-363-7629
  • Fax: 1-514-283-9350
  • E-mail: