Protecting your privacy

We respect your privacy, and place the highest priority on protecting it. From strong encryption technologies to our high-security internal network, we have high standards for keeping your information private, secure and confidential.

Did you know? Your data is protected by law, including the Statistics Act, Privacy Act, and the Access to Information Act. Statistics Canada cannot hand over anyone's personal information—not to the police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada Revenue Agency, or even the courts. We take the confidentiality and privacy of Canadians very seriously.

Learn more

How we protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information

From survey responses to administrative data, we are committed to protecting your privacy.

Is my information safe and private?

Find out more about the state-of-the-art tools, software and processes that prevent disclosure and ensure the confidentiality and privacy of individual data.

Leading with integrity

Learn more about the Data Ethics Secretariat's role in acquiring non-traditional data.

Privacy and confidentiality

Learn more about privacy and confidentiality at Statistics Canada.

What are the laws surrounding data privacy?

Your data is protected by law and we have rigorous processes in place to keep it private, safe and confidential.