Workshop on record linkage and linked data


The Record Linkage Workshop will be a tour of linkage and linked data for RDC researchers. We will survey different types of linkage and their applications. We will dig a bit deeper on probabilistic record linkage, which is a key type performed at Statistics Canada, before giving some techniques and tips for analysis using linked data. We will also describe some critical resources – the Social Data Linkage Environment and the Record Linkage Resource Centre, including their role in getting you access to linked data for your project.

Come to this workshop if you are wondering what linked data can do for you, or if you anticipate leading a project that would benefit from access to linked data and want to know how to get it.


  • Types of record linkage
  • Probabilistic record linkage overview
  • Analysis using linked data
  • Social Data Linkage Environment and Getting access to linked data
  • Record Linkage Resource Centre overview