2011 Census of Agriculture: Geographic amalgamations and their components: British Columbia

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Geographic amalgamations for British Columbia
Census Division Name of Amalgamation Names of Components 2011 Identification Census Consolidated Subdivision Name of Amalgamation Names of Components
Alberni-Clayoquot 590123035 Alberni-Clayoquot D
590123035 Alberni-Clayoquot D
590123049 Alberni-Clayoquot C
Bulkley-Nechako 590751015 Bulkley-Nechako C
590751015 Bulkley-Nechako C
Stikine  590757022 Stikine Region
Capital 590117021 Saanich
590117021 Saanich
590117034 Victoria
Central Coast 590145006 Central Coast A
590145006 Central Coast A
590145010 Central Coast C
Columbia-Shuswap 590339043 Columbia-Shuswap E
590339043 Columbia-Shuswap E
590339023 Columbia-Shuswap B
Cowichan Valley 590119033 Cowichan Valley F
590119033 Cowichan Valley F
590119035 Cowichan Valley I
Fraser-Fort George 590553048 Fraser-Fort George F
590553048 Fraser-Fort George F
590553050 Fraser-Fort George G
Fraser Valley 590209016 Fraser Valley B
590209016 Fraser Valley B
590209048 Fraser Valley C
590209014 Fraser Valley A
Kitimat-Stikine 590649013 Kitimat-Stikine C (Part 1)
590649013 Kitimat-Stikine C (Part 1)
590649041 Kitimat-Stikine D
590649020 Kitimat-Stikine C (Part 2)
Kootenay Boundary 590405030 Kootenay Boundary B
590405030 Kootenay Boundary B
590405050 Kootenay Boundary C
Powell River 590127020 Powell River E
590127020 Powell River E
590127018 Powell River D
590127010 Powell River A
590127010 Powell River A
590127012 Powell River B
Skeena-Queen Charlotte 590647027 Skeena-Queen Charlotte D
590647027 Skeena-Queen Charlotte D
590647016 Skeena-Queen Charlotte A
Squamish-Lillooet 590231034 Squamish-Lillooet B
590231034 Squamish-Lillooet B
590231032 Squamish-Lillooet A
590231021 Squamish-Lillooet D
590231017 Squamish-Lillooet C
590231021 Squamish-Lillooet D
Strathcona 590124042 Strathcona D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake)
590124042 Strathcona D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake)
590124048 Strathcona A
Mount Waddington 590143037 Mount Waddington A
590143031 Mount Waddington C
590143027 Mount Waddington B
590143033 Mount Waddington D
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