2011 Census of Agriculture: Geographic amalgamations and their components: New Brunswick

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Geographic amalgamations for New Brunswick
Census Division Name of Amalgamation Names of Components 2011 Identification Census Consolidated Subdivision Name of Amalgamation Names of Components
Albert 130306001 Hopewell
130306001 Hopewell
130306004 Harvey
Carleton 130111024 Peel
130111024 Peel
130111021 Simonds
Charlotte 130202044 Dumbarton
130202044 Dumbarton
130202028 Saint Croix
130202021 Saint Patrick
130202011 Pennfield
130202011 Pennfield
130202016 Saint George
130202052 Grand Manan
130202014 Clarendon
130202039 Saint James
130202039 Saint James
130202034 Saint Stephen
Gloucester 130415012 Beresford
130415012 Beresford
130415008 Bathurst
130415026 Caraquet
130415026 Caraquet
130415024 Inkerman
130415036 Bertrand
130415019 Paquetville
130415019 Paquetville
130415021 Saint-Isidore
130415006 Allardville
Kent 130308019 Saint-Charles
130308019 Saint-Charles
130308026 Carleton
130308021 Saint-Louis
130308024 Acadieville
130308006 Saint Mary
130308006 Saint Mary
130308008 Saint-Paul
130308010 Harcourt
Kings 130205006 Hampton
130205006 Hampton
130205004 Upham
130205057 Quispamsis
130205036 Kars
130205036 Kars
130205038 Greenwich
130205011 Westfield
130205016 Norton
130205016 Norton
130205018 Norton
130205024 Waterford
130205024 Waterford
130205001 Hammond
Madawaska 130113027 Edmundston
130113027 Edmundston
130113032 Saint-Hilaire
130113041 Saint-François
130113041 Saint-François
130113034 Baker Brook
130113038 Clair
130113036 Lac-Baker
130113004 Saint-Léonard
130113004 Saint-Léonard
130113008 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
130113015 Rivière-Verte
130113011 Sainte-Anne
Northumberland 130409004 Glenelg
130409004 Glenelg
130409016 Rogersville
130409001 Hardwicke
130409031 Newcastle
130409031 Newcastle
130409011 Derby
130409026 Southesk
130409026 Southesk
130409028 Northesk
130409027 Upper Miramichi
130409021 Blissfield
130409018 Blackville
Queens 130204024 Chipman
130204024 Chipman
130204018 Waterborough
130204021 Canning
130204004 Gagetown
130204004 Gagetown
130204006 Hampstead
130204001 Petersville
130204008 Wickham
130204008 Wickham
130204014 Johnston
130204016 Brunswick
Restigouche 130414008 Dalhousie
130414008 Dalhousie
130414016 Eldon
130414012 Addington
130414001 Durham
130414001 Durham
130414005 Balmoral
130414003 Colborne
130414021 Saint-Quentin
130414021 Saint-Quentin
130414018 Grimmer
Saint John 130201001 Saint Martins
130201001 Saint Martins
130201006 Saint John
130201016 Musquash
Sunbury 130203001 Blissville
130203001 Blissville
130203011 Burton
130203008 Lincoln
130203008 Lincoln
130203004 Gladstone
130203016 Maugerville
130203016 Maugerville
130203014 Sheffield
130203018 Northfield
Victoria 130112004 Perth
130112004 Perth
130112001 Andover
130112008 Gordon
130112011 Lorne
York 130110004 Manners Sutton
130110004 Manners Sutton
130110011 Canterbury
130110007 McAdam
130110014 Dumfries
130110008 North Lake
130110031 Saint Marys
130110031 Saint Marys
130110032 Fredericton
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