Roles in analysis | 1981 Census | 1991 Census | 2001 Census | NHS | Description |
To identify one’s living arrangements (dependent variable) | c_fam | cfinhh | c_fam | c_fam/cfhh | Census family number |
cfamst | cfamst | cfstat | cfamstdet/cfstat | Census family status | |
presch | ChildAgeOver24 | lfpresch | Cfkidset7a | Number of children age over 24 | |
rlpers | hhstat | r2p12bf | r2p1 | Relationship to the household reference person | |
To identify Canadian-born versus immigrant seniors (independent variable and sample selection) | immder | immder | immder | immder | Immigrant status |
Age | Age | Age | Age | Age | |
To contruct measures of cultural preferences of living arrangements (independent variable) | Birt_pi | Birt_pi | pob | pob | Place of birth |
To measure economic resources (independent variable) | totinc | totinc | totinc | totinc | Total personal income |
cfinc | cfinc | cfinc | cfinc_pp | Census family total income | |
tenur | tenur | tenur | tenur | Whether a member of the household owns the dwelling |
Variable | Description |
IND_Res | Indian reserve |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age - Single Years of Age (from 0 to 121). |
MarStat | Marital Status |
MonBorn | Month of birth |
Sex | Sex |
War | Wartime Service |
Variable | Description |
Auto | Passenger vehicles of household |
Bath | Bath or shower facilities installed |
BedRooms | Number of bedrooms |
BlackTV | Television |
Built | Period dwelling constructed |
ColourTV | Colour television(s) |
DishWash | Dishwasher |
Dryer | Dryer |
DwlOwned | Occupied dwelling owned or rented |
DwlValue | Value of dwelling |
FarmDwl | A private occupied dwelling situated on an agricultural holding. |
FarmHhld | A person or group of persons occupying a farm dwelling. |
FCook | Refers to the fuel used most often for cooking |
FHouse | Principal heating fuel |
FirstMrg | First mortgage |
Freezer | Freezer |
Fridge | Refrigerator |
FWater | Fuel used to heat water |
Garage | Garage |
Heating | Type of principal physical heating equipment used. |
Inclairc | Air conditioning included or not included in rent. |
InclFrig | Refrigerator included or not included in rent. |
InclFurn | Furniture included or not included in rent. |
InclStov | Stove included or not included in rent. |
LengthR | Length of occupancy |
Mortgage | Mortgage |
NoDwl | Dwellings in building, number of |
NoRooms | Rooms |
Parkin | Off-street parking (inside) |
Parkout | Off-street parking (outside) |
PrevDwlG | Tenure of previous dwelling |
Rentime | Rent paid period |
Sewage | Sewage disposal system |
Tenure | Tenure |
Toilet | Toilet, flush |
TypeDwl | Structural type of dwelling |
VacHomes | Vacation home |
Water | Water Supply |
WaterSrc | Source of water supply |
WhyRntLo | Reason for reduction in rent |
Variable | Description |
Attend | School attendance |
CRSComp | Date of completion of vocational training |
CRSLen | Length of vocational training |
CRSType | Kind of vocational course |
Degree | University degree |
HighGrad | Highest grade of elementary or secondary schooling |
OtherEdu | Year of non-university schooling |
School | Place of completion of highest grade of elementary or secondary schooling. |
Training | Type of vocational course |
Universi | Years of university |
Variable | Description |
Ethnic | Ethnic Group |
Variable | Description |
C_Fam | Census family number |
CenFamXX | Census family Head |
CfPtr | Pointer for census family weight |
CfSize | Number of persons in a census family |
E_Fam | Economic family number |
EcoFamXX | Economic family Head |
EfPtr | Pointer for economic family weight |
EfSize | Number of persons in an economic family |
FamNo | The family status of individuals with respect to the Head of the household. |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Metropolitan area of current residence (1971). |
County | Census division of current residence (1971). |
CSDType | Census subdivision |
MResType | Municipality type |
Munic | Census subdivision of current residence (1971). |
Pedea | Province, electoral district, enumeration |
Province | Province or territory of current residence (1971). |
RuSize | Rural/urban size code |
Variable | Description |
DocTp | Document type classification (Census Family) |
FarmOp | Farm operator |
HhTyp | Household number {collapsed} |
PInHh | Number of persons for each household |
RelHead | Relationship with the household head |
Variable | Description |
BirthPlc | Place of birth |
Citizen | Citizenship, country of |
ImmigPrd | Year or period of immigration. |
Parents | Birthplace of parents |
Variable | Description |
CTDist | CT commuting distance to work |
MunDist | Municipal commuting distance to work |
POW | Place of work |
POWCD | Census division of place of work |
POWCMA | CMA or CA of work was derived from the variables workprov, workma and cma. |
POWST | Place of work status |
TypeMun | Municipality of work type |
TypMun | Municipality of work type (derived variable) |
WorkCD | Census Division of work |
WorkCT | Census Tract of work |
WorkMA | Census metropolitan area or Census agglomeration of work. |
WorkMun | Municipality of work |
WorkProv | WorkProv |
Variable | Description |
Absent | Restricted variable - Absent from job or business in reference week. |
FPTime | Worked full or part-time |
HrsPaid | Number of hours worked for pay or profit. |
HrsUnpd | Number of hours worked without regular money wages. |
Incorbus | Refers to the legal status of a business. |
Industry | Industry based on the 'Standard Industrial Classification Manual 1970'. |
LastWrkd | Year or period last worked. |
Layoff | Temporary or not temporary layoff. |
LFCode1 | Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census concepts. |
LFCode2 | Work experience prior to the census date. |
NumWeeks | Weeks worked in 1970 |
Occupatn | Profession |
SeekWork | Restricted variable - Looked for work in reference week |
UsualHrs | Number of hours usually worked |
WorkType | Class of worker |
Variable | Description |
Converse | Official languages |
HomeLang | Language spoken at home |
MotherTg | Mother tongue |
B71DW5YAGO | Mobility Status - Place of dwelling 5 years ago (1966) - Derived |
CD5YAgo | Census division of residence 5 years ago (1966). |
MA5YAgo | Metropolitan area of residence 5 years ago (1966). |
Moves | Moves, Intermunicipal |
Mun5YAgo | Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1966). |
Pr5YAgo | Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1966). |
Typ5YAgo | Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1971). |
Variable | Description |
Religion | Religion (Religious denomination) |
Variable | Description |
RentPaid | Dollar amount of rent |
Variable | Description |
BondInc | Income, bond and deposit interest and dividends |
EmplIncm | Employment Income |
FamAllow | Family allowance |
FarmInc | Farm income |
GovtInc | Government income |
Investmt | Income from investment |
OldAge | Government Old Age Pension Income |
OtherInc | Other Income |
Pension | Income - Retirement Pensions from previous employment |
SelfInc | Income from business of professional practice |
TotalInc | Total income |
TotWages | Income, wages and salaries |
Variable | Description |
CfNum | Key for Census Family table |
DwNum | Key for Dwelling table |
EfNum | Key for Economic Family table |
HhNum | Key for Household table |
PpNum | Key for Person table |
Variable | Description |
HhldWght | Household weight |
PersWght | PersWght |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121) |
DecAd | Decade of Birth (born in the 1860's to 1970's) |
MarSt | Marital Status - Refers to the conjugal statusof a person / MarSt |
MBorn | Month Born |
Sex | Sex |
YBorn | Year of Birth (from 0 to 9) |
Variable | Description |
Cdeln | Dwelling, collective |
DFarmP | Farm population |
DSale | Derived farm sales for farm designation (forAGROP linkage) |
DType | Structural type of dwelling |
Rent | Tenure (Household) |
Variable | Description |
AtenD | School attendance |
Att_Ps | Post-Secondary attendance |
Atype | Attendance by type of educational institution |
Dgree | Highest degree, certificate or diploma |
HGrad | Highest grade of elementary or secondaryschool |
Lvsch | Highest level of schooling |
Ps_Ot | Years of other non-university |
Ps_Uv | Years of university |
Variable | Description |
C_Fam | Census family number |
Cf_Hd | Member of a census family |
CfPtr | Pointer for census family weight |
CfSize | Number of persons in a census family |
E_Fam | Economic family number |
Ef_Hd | Member of an economic family |
EfPtr | Pointer for economic family weight |
EfSize | Number of persons in an economic family |
FamMem | Family status |
Sp_Pr | Spouse present |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or censusagglomeration of current residence (1976). |
PCD | Census division of current residence (1976) |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence(1976) |
Pr | Province or territory of current residence(1976). |
RuSize | Rural/urban size code |
Variable | Description |
DocTp | Document type classification (Person) |
FarmO | Farm operator |
HhTyp | Type of family household |
NUnits | Number of persons for each household |
RHead | Refers to the relationship of persons in thehousehold to the household head |
Variable | Description |
Absnt | Absent from job or business in referenceweek |
AValW | Persons availability to start work in thereference week |
HPaid | Actual number of hours worked for pay. |
HunPd | Actual number of hours of unpaid work |
LayOf | On temporary lay-off from job or business inreference week. |
LF71X | Labour: Labour Force Activity - 1971 CensusConcepts |
LFTag | Labour market activity |
LookW | Looked for work in reference week. |
NuJob | New job |
Variable | Description |
MTong | Mother tongue |
Variable | Description |
CMA5 | Census metropolitan area or censusagglomeration of residence 5 years ago(1971) |
Mob5 | Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 yearsago (1971) |
PCD5 | Census division of residence 5 years ago(1971). |
PCSD5 | Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago(1971). |
Pop5 | Population size group of census subdivisionof residence 5 years ago (1971). |
Pr5 | Province or territory of residence 5 yearsago (1971). |
RuUb5 | Rural-Urban place of residence 5 years ago,(1971) |
Variable | Description |
POP | Population size group of current censussubdivision of residence (1976). |
Pedea | Province, electoral district, enumeration |
Variable | Description |
CfNum | Key for Census Family table |
DwNum | Key for Dwelling table |
EfNum | Key for Economic Family table |
HhNum | Key for Household table |
PpNum | Key for Person table |
Variable | Description |
CompWT | Composite weight |
HhldWt | Household weight |
PersWt | Person weight |
TempWt | Temporary resident adjusted weight |
Variable | Description |
Pedea | Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area |
Variable | Description |
AborFLh | Native household flag |
AborFlp | Native person flag |
NatPop | Native Peoples population |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121) |
AgeHus | Age of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
AgeMar | Age at first marriage |
AgeWife | Age of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
Birt_Pl | Place of birth |
BrthYr | Year of Birth (from 1860 to 1981) |
MarSt | Marital Status - Refers to the conjugal status of a person |
MthB2 | Month of Birth - Month of Birth split at Census Day. |
MthMar | Month of first marriage |
Sex | Sex |
YrMar | Year of first marriage |
Variable | Description |
Built | Period of construction of dwelling |
CDwel | Dwelling collective |
DType | Structure type of dwelling |
FuelH | Fuel for heating dwelling |
FuelW | Fuel for heating water |
Heat | Main type of heating equipment |
LnThr | Length of residence in dwelling |
Pit | Property taxes included in mortgage payments |
RCond | Tenure - condominium status |
Rooms | Rooms, (Number of) |
RPair | Condition of dwelling |
SDwel | Dwelling marginal |
Tenur | Tenure (Dwelling) |
AtenDr | School attendance |
ATypeR | Type of School Attended |
CerBAR | University certificate or diploma above bachelor level |
DgreeR | Highest degree, certificate or diploma |
HGradR | Highest grade of elementary or secondary school |
HLOS | Highest level of schooling |
MeDR | Medical degree |
Ps_OtR | Years of other non-university |
Ps_UvR | Years of university |
TrnUcr | Trades or non-university certificate or both |
Variable | Description |
Ethnic | Ethnic Origin (detailed) |
Ethor | Ethnic Origin (non-detailed) |
ETO29 | Ethnic origin (German) |
ETO30 | Ethnic origin (Italian) |
ETO31 | Ethnic origin (Ukrainian) |
ETO32 | Ethnic origin (Dutch - Netherlands) |
ETO33 | Ethnic origin (Polish) |
ETO36 | Ethnic Origin write-in |
Variable | Description |
Babes | Number of children ever born |
Cf_Rp | Census family reference person |
CFamSt | Census family status |
Ef_Rp | Economic family reference person |
EFamSt | Economic family status |
EfStruct | Economic family structure |
HWCLPR | Husband/wife or common-law partner present |
PresCh | Presence of children |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1981). |
CSDType | Type of census subdivision |
CTName | Census Tract |
PCD | Census division of current residence (1981) |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence (1981) |
Pr | Province or territory of current residence (1981). |
RuSize | Rural/urban population size |
FarmPop | Household in farm population |
HhStruct | Structure of household |
HMain | Household maintainer |
NUnits | Number of persons for each household |
OwRtp | Person responsible for payments |
Variable | Description |
AgOp | Farm operator |
C_Fam | Census family number |
CfPtr | Pointer for Census Family weight |
DocTp | Document type classification (person) |
E_Fam | Economic family number |
EfPtr | Pointer for economic family weight |
FopInd | Farm operator (indicator) |
ResOpHh | Location indicator of households |
RLPers | Relationship to person 1 |
Variable | Description |
Age_Imm | Immigration - Age of Immigration |
Citizen | Citizenship - Status |
ImmYear | Year of immigration |
Variable | Description |
LC069 | Low Income Status |
LoInc | Income: Low income status |
RLoInc | Income: Low income status (Person) 1992 base; compare to 2006 |
Variable | Description |
CowD | Class of worker - derived |
FPTIM | Full or part time work in 1980 |
Hours | Hours worked |
Industry | Industry - Final |
LayAb | On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business |
LF71 | Labour force activity - 1971 census concepts |
LFTag | Labour force activity derived E&I |
LoKWk | Looked for work in past four weeks (full- or part-time) |
LstWk | When last worked |
NuJob | New job to start in four weeks or less |
Occ71 | Occupation based on the 1971 Occupational Classification Manual |
Occ81 | Occupation based on the 1980 Standard Occupational Classification |
Reasn | Reasons unable to start a job |
Weeks | Weeks worked in 1980 |
WorkAct | Work activity |
HLang | Home language |
MTong | Mother tongue |
OffLang | Official language |
Variable | Description |
CMA5 | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1976) |
Mob5 | Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1976) |
PCD5 | Census division of residence 5 years ago (1976). |
PCSD5 | Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1976). |
Pr5 | Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1976). |
RuUb5 | Rural-Urban place of residence 5 years ago, 1976 |
Variable | Description |
Pow | Place of work |
PowCma | C(M)A of work |
PowCt | CT of work |
PowS | Place of work status |
Variable | Description |
Religion | Religious denomination |
Variable | Description |
Elect | Annual payment for electricity, restricted |
Fuel | Annual payment for fuel, restricted |
GrosRt | Rent gross |
Mortg | Monthly mortgage payments, restricted |
OMP | Owner's major payment |
OtSer | Annual payment for water and other municipal services, restricted |
Rent | Rent monthly cash |
Taxes | Annual property taxes, restricted |
Value | Value of dwelling |
Variable | Description |
Pop | Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1981). |
Variable | Description |
CFInc | Census Family Total Income |
CTC | Restricted variable - Child tax credit |
EFEQ1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition |
EfInc | Economic family total income |
EfInc_AE_PP | Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EmpIn | Employment income |
FamAl | Family allowance |
FarmI | Farm self-employment income |
GovtI | Other Government Income |
HhInc | Household total income |
Invst | Investment Income |
Retir | Retirement and other income |
SelfI | Non-farm self-employment income |
TFC | Economic Family income including CTC |
TIC | Total Income including CTC |
TotInc | Total Income |
UICBn | Unemployment Insurance benefits |
Wages | Wages and salaries |
Variable | Description |
Pop5 | Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1976). |
Variable | Description |
ID | Household identifier |
PersNo | Person identifier within the household |
Variable | Description |
CompW1 | Composite weight (HHLDWT+OCCWTH-1) |
CompW4 | Composite weight (perswt+occwtp-1) |
CompW5 | Composite weight (perswt+tempwt+occwtp-2) |
Ind_Wght | Ind_Wght |
Ind_Wtr | Sampling weight for the 1980 SIC variable IND1980 |
OccWth | Occupied vacant household adjustment |
OccWtp | Occupied vacant person adjusted weight |
TempWt | Temporary resident adjusted weight |
Variable | Description |
FSAName | Forward Sortation Area |
Pedea | Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area |
Variable | Description |
DisabFl | Disability limitation flag |
Disabil | Limited activities at work or school/ home/ other/ long term |
DisHome | Limitation in the kind or amount of activity at home |
DisLgTm | Long term disabilities or handicaps |
DisOthr | Limitation in the kind or amount of activity in other activities |
DisScWk | Limitation in the kind or amount of activity at school or at work |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121) |
AgeHus | Age of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
AgeWife | Age of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
BrthYr | Year of Birth (from 1865 to 1986) |
MarSt | Marital Status - Refers to the conjugal status of a person |
MPartner | Married person with or without partner |
MthB2 | Month of Birth -Month of Birth split at Census Day. |
Sex | Sex |
Variable | Description |
Built | Period of construction of dwelling |
CDwel | Dwelling collective |
Constr | Dwelling under construction, renovation or conversion |
DType | Structural type of dwelling |
FuelH | Fuel used for heating |
GrosRt | Rent Gross |
Heat | Main type of heating equipment |
Margnl | Dwelling Marginal |
Pit | Property taxes included in mortgage payments |
RCond | Tenure - Condominium |
Rooms | Rooms, Number of |
Tenur1 | Tenure (Dwelling) ( separate 'on reserve' ) |
CerBAR | University certificate or diploma above Bachelor level |
Dg_MFSR | Major field of study |
DgreeR | Highest degree, certificate or diploma |
HGradR | Highest grade of elementary or secondary school |
HLOS | Highest level of schooling |
HLosHus | Highest level of schooling of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
HLosWife | Highest level of schooling of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
MeDR | Medical degree |
Ps_OtR | Years of other non-university |
Ps_UvR | Years of university |
SecGrd20 | Secondary school certificate |
TotYrs | Total years of schooling |
TrnUcr | Trades or non-university certificate or both |
Variable | Description |
ETO123 | Ethnic Origin single/multiple indicator |
ETO25 | Ethnic Origin (French). |
ETO26 | Ethnic Origin (English). |
ETO27 | Ethnic Origin (Irish ). |
ETO28 | Ethnic Origin (Scottish). |
ETO29 | Ethnic Origin (German). |
ETO30 | Ethnic Origin (Italian). |
ETO31 | Ethnic Origin (Ukrainian) |
ETO32 | Ethnic Origin (Dutch - Netherlands). |
ETO33 | Ethnic Origin (Chinese). |
ETO34 | Ethnic Origin (Jewish). |
ETO35 | Ethnic Origin (Polish). |
ETO36 | Ethnic Origin (Black). |
ETO37 | Ethnic Origin (Inuit). |
ETO38 | Ethnic Origin (North American Indian). |
ETO39 | Ethnic Origin (Metis). |
ETO40 | Ethnic Origin (First write-in, ethnic origin). |
ETO41 | Ethnic Origin (Second write-in, ethnic origin). |
ETO42 | Ethnic Origin (Third write-in, ethnic origin). |
ETOCount | Ethnic Origin - Number of responses given for ethnic origin. |
ETOSing | Single and Multiple Ethnic Origins. |
Cf_Rp | Census family reference person |
CFamSt | Census family status |
CfStruct | Census family structure |
CfType | Primary or secondary census family |
ChildAge0To5 | Total number of children in a census family, age 0 to 5 |
ChildAge15To17 | Total number of children in a census family, age 15 to 17 |
ChildAge18To24 | Total number of children in a census family, age 18 to 24 |
ChildAge6To14 | Total number of children in a census family, age 6 to 14 |
ChildAgeOver24 | Total number of children in a census family, age over 24 |
ChildCount | Total number of children in a census family |
Ef_Rp | Economic family reference person |
EFamSt | Economic family status |
EfSize | Number of persons in an economic family |
EfStat | Economic family status of a person |
EfStruct | Economic family structure |
EfType | Primary or secondary economic family |
EIEFS | Economic family status of a person (for income) |
FamStat | Family status of a person |
HWCLPR | Husband/wife or common-law partner present |
PresCh | Presence of children |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1986). |
CSDType | CSD type indicates the municipal status of a census subdivision. |
CTName | Name of Census Tract or Provincial Census Tract |
PCD | Census division of current residence (1986) |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence (1986) |
Pr | Province or territory of current residence (1986). |
Variable | Description |
FarmPop | Rural farm population |
HhSize | Number of persons in household |
HhStruct | Structure of household |
HMain | Household maintainer |
OwRtp | Person responsible for payments |
C_Fam | Census family number |
CfPtr | Pointer for Census Family weight |
DocTp | Type of document |
E_Fam | Economic family number |
EfPtr | Pointer for economic family weight |
FarmO | Farm operator indicator |
FOPInd | Farm operator (indicator) |
ResOpHh | Location indicator of households |
RLPers | Relationship to Person 1 |
Variable | Description |
Age_Imm | Immigration - Age at immigration. |
Birt_Pl | Place of birth |
Birt_PlofHus | Birth place of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
Birt_PlofWife | Birth place of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
Citizen | Citizenship - status |
ImmYear | Year of immigration |
Variable | Description |
LoInc | Income: Low income status |
RLoinc | Low income status - Revised base. Restricted |
RLoInc2 | Income: Low income status (Person) 1992 base; compare to 2006 |
Variable | Description |
Cow | Class of worker |
CowD | Class of worker (derived) |
FPTIM | Full or part time work in 1985 |
Hours | Hours worked in reference week |
IND70 | Industry, 1970 classification |
IND80 | Industry, 1980 classification |
LayAb | On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business |
LF71 | Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts |
LFTag | Labour force activity |
LfTagHus | Labour force activity of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
LfTagWife | Labour force activity of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
LoKWk | Looked for work in past four weeks (full or part-time) |
LstWk | Date last worked |
NuJob | New job to start in four weeks or less |
Occ71 | Occupation based on the 1971 Occupational Classification Manual |
Occ81 | Occupation based on 1980 Standard Occupational Classification |
Reasn | Reasons unable to start a job |
Weeks | Weeks worked in 1985 |
WorkAct | Work activity |
HLN43 | Home language (English). |
HLN44 | Home language (French). |
HLN45 | Home language (Italian). |
HLN46 | Home language (Chinese). |
HLN47 | Home language (German). |
HLN48 | Home language (Write-in). |
HLNCount | Number of responses given for the home language question |
HLnDer | Home language derived. |
HLnDerHus | Home language derived of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
HLnDerWife | Home Language derived of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
HLnFl | Home language processing flag. |
HLnSm | Home Language single/multiple flag |
HLnUni | Home language unimputed |
MTgCount | Number of responses given to mother tongue question |
MTgDerHus | Mother Tongue derived of the husband, male common-law partner or male lone parent |
MTgDerWife | Mother Tongue derived of the wife, female common-law partner or female lone parent |
MTN27 | Mother tongue (English) |
MTN28 | Mother tongue (French) |
MTN29 | Mother tongue (Italian) |
MTN30 | Mother tongue (German) |
MTN31 | Mother tongue (Ukrainian) |
MTN32 | Mother tongue (Write-in) |
MTNDer | Mother tongue derived |
MTnFl | Mother tongue processing flag |
MTnSm | Single or multiple mother tongue |
MTnUni | Mother tongue unimputed |
OLn | Official language |
OLnFl | Official language processing flag |
OLnUni | Official languages unimputed |
Variable | Description |
CMA5 | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1981) |
Mob5 | Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1981) |
PCD5 | Census division of residence 5 years ago (1981). |
PCSD5 | Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1981). |
Pr5 | Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1981). |
RuUb5 | Rural-Urban place of residence 5 years ago, 1981 |
VisMin | Visible Minority Status |
Variable | Description |
Elect | Annual payment for electricity |
Fuel | Annual payment for fuel |
Mortg | Monthly mortgage payments |
OMP | Owner's major payments |
OtSer | Annual payment for water and other municipal services |
Rent | Rent monthly cash |
Taxes | Annual property taxes |
Value | Value of dwelling |
Variable | Description |
Pop | Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1986). |
RuSize | Rural/urban population size |
Variable | Description |
CFInc | Census family total income |
CHDCR | Child tax credit |
CQPPB | Canada/Quebec Pension Plan Benefits |
EFEQ1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition |
EfInc | Economic family total income |
EfInc_AE_PP | Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EmpIn | Employment income |
FamAl | Family allowance |
FarmI | Farm self-employment income |
GovtI | Other government income |
HhInc | Household total income |
Invst | Investment income |
OASGI | Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement |
OtInc | Other income |
Retir | Retirement pensions |
SelfI | Non-farm self-employment income |
TotInc | Total income |
UICBn | Unemployment insurance benefits |
Wages | Wages and salaries |
Variable | Description |
Pop5 | Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1981). |
Variable | Description |
ID | Household identifier |
PersNo | Person identifier within the household |
Variable | Description |
CompW1 | Composite weight (hhldwt + occwth-1) |
CompW4 | Composite weight (perswt + occwtp-1) |
CompW5 | Composite weight (perswt+tempwt+occwtp-2) |
Variable | Description |
FSAName | Forward Sortation Area |
Pedea | Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area |
Variable | Description |
DeAbP | Aboriginal or Registered Indian population |
Rgind | Registered/not registered under the Indian Act |
Rgind27 | Band or First Nation write-in |
Variable | Description |
CitDer | Citizenship - derived broad categories |
Citizen | Citizenship - detailed |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121) |
AgeHus | Age of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent |
AgeWife | Age of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent |
BirthCensus | Month of birth - Month of birth split at Census Day |
BirthYear | Year of birth (from 1870 to 1991) |
MarSt | Marital Status (Legal) |
MarStH | Marital Status (Historical) |
Sex | Sex |
Variable | Description |
DisabFl | Disability limitation flag |
Disability | Limited activities at work or school/ home/ other/ long term |
DisLgTm | Long term disabilities or handicaps |
Variable | Description |
Attendr | Schooling: School attendance |
CerBAR | Schooling: University certificate or diploma above bachelor level |
Dg_MFSR | Schooling: Major field of study |
DgreeR | Schooling: Highest degree, certificate or diploma |
HGradR | Schooling: Highest grade of elementary or secondary school |
HLOS | Schooling: Highest level of schooling |
HLosHus | Highest level of schooling of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent |
HLosWife | Highest level of schooling of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent |
MeDR | Schooling: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry |
Ps_OtR | Schooling: Years of other non-university education |
Ps_UvR | Schooling: Years of university |
SecGrCert | Schooling: Secondary school graduation certificate |
TotYrs | Schooling: Total years of schooling |
TrNUCr | Schooling: Trades and other non-university certificates |
Variable | Description |
ETO08 | Ethnic origin (French). |
ETO09 | Ethnic Origin (English). |
ETO10 | Ethnic origin (German). |
ETO11 | Ethnic origin (Scottish). |
ETO12 | Ethnic origin (Italian). |
ETO13 | Ethnic origin (Irish). |
ETO14 | Ethnic origin (Ukrainian). |
ETO15 | Ethnic origin (Chinese). |
ETO16 | Ethnic origin Dutch (Netherlands). |
ETO17 | Ethnic origin (Jewish). |
ETO18 | Ethnic origin (Polish). |
ETO19 | Ethnic origin (Black). |
ETO20 | Ethnic origin (North American Indian). |
ETO21 | Ethnic origin (Métis). |
ETO22 | Ethnic origin (Inuit). |
ETO23 | Ethnic origin (First write-in, ethnic origin). |
ETO24 | Ethnic origin (Second write-in, ethnic origin). |
EtoCnDr | Ethnic Origin; Single and multiple ethnic origins, including Canadian |
EtoCount | Ethnic Origin; Number of responses given for ethnic origin |
VisMin | Visible Minority Status |
Variable | Description |
Babes | Number of children ever born |
Cf_Rp | Census family reference person |
CFamSt | Census family status |
CfBabes | Number of children ever born |
CfSize | Number of persons in a census family |
CfStruct | Census family structure |
CfType | Primary or secondary census family |
ChildAge0To5 | Children, number age 0 to 5 |
ChildAge15To17 | Children, number age 15 to 17 |
ChildAge18To24 | Children, number age 18 to 24 |
ChildAge6To14 | Children, number age 6 to 14 |
ChildAgeOver24 | Children, number age over 24 |
ChildCount | Children, total number in census family |
Ef_Rp | Economic family reference person |
EFamSt | Economic family status |
EfSize | Number of persons in an economic family |
EfStat | Economic family status of a person |
EfStruct | Economic family structure |
FamilyStat | Census family status of a person |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1991) |
CMA5 | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
Co1 | Country of residence 1 year ago (1990) |
Co5 | Country of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
CSDType | Census subdivision type of current residence (1991). |
CSDType5 | Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
CTName | Census Tract (CT) |
PCD | Census division of current residence (1991) |
PCD5 | Census division of residence 5 years ago (1986). |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence (1991) |
PCSD5 | Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
Pr | Province or territory of current residence (1991) |
Pr1 | Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (1990) |
Pr5 | Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
RuUb5 | Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
Variable | Description |
CfAddPers | Number of additional persons in household |
CfInHh | Number of census families in household |
CfPersInHh | Number of census family persons in household |
EfInHh | Number of economic families in household |
EfPersInHh | Number of economic family persons in Household |
HhMainRef | Primary Household maintainer |
HhSize | Number of persons in household |
HhStat | Relationship to person 1 |
NonCfPersInHh | Number of non census family persons in household |
NonEfPersInHh | Number of non economic family persons in household |
Nstien | Number of household maintainers |
ResOpHh | Location indicator of households |
SecMain | Secondary household maintainer |
Variable | Description |
BedRm | Bedrooms, number |
Built | Period of construction of dwelling |
Cdwel | Dwelling, collective |
Construction | Dwelling under construction, renovation or conversion |
DwStruct | Structural type of dwelling |
DwType | Dwelling, type of |
EfType | Primary or secondary economic family |
HhFarm | Household in farm population |
Marginal | Dwelling, marginal |
Pit | Property taxes included in mortgage payments |
PresMort | Mortgage, presence of |
Rcond | Tenure - condominium |
ResidentSt | Residence status of persons living in farm household |
Rooms | Rooms, number of |
Rpair | Condition of dwelling |
Tenure | Tenure (Dwelling) |
Variable | Description |
C_Fam | Census family number |
CFPtr | Pointer for census family weight |
DocTp | Document type classification (Household) |
E_Fam | Economic family number |
EFPtr | Pointer for economic family weight |
FopInd | Farm operator (indicator) |
Variable | Description |
Age_Imm | Immigration: Age at Immigration |
ImmDer | Immigration: immigrant status |
ImmDerHus | Immigrant status derived of the Husband, Male Common-law partner or Male Lone Parent |
ImmDerWife | Immigrant status derived of the wife, Female Common-law partner or Female Lone Parent |
ImmStat | Immigration: landed immigrant indicator |
ImmYear | Immigration: Year of immigration |
Variable | Description |
LoInc | Income: Low income status |
Variable | Description |
FOL | First official language spoken |
HLnDer | Single or multiple home language derived |
HLnDerHus | Home Language derived of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent |
HLnDerWife | Home Language derived of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent |
HLnFl | Home language flag |
HLnMod | Home language modification |
HLnUni | Home language unimputed |
MotherTgCount | Number of responses given to mother tongue question |
MotherTgDer | Mother tongue derived |
MotherTgImp | Mother tongue processing flag |
MotherTgMod | Mother tongue modification |
MotherTgUni | Mother tongue unimputed |
MTgDerHus | Mother Tongue derived of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent |
MTgDerWife | Mother Tongue derived of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent |
NOLFl | Non-official language processing flag |
OLn | Official language |
OLnFl | Official language processing flag |
OLnMr | Official language after multiple resolution |
Variable | Description |
Mob1 | Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (1990) |
Mob5 | Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
Variable | Description |
Birt_PlofHus | Birth place of the husband, male common-law partner or male Lone Parent |
Birt_PlofWife | Birth place of the Wife or Female common-law partner or Female Lone Parent |
Birth_Pl | Place of birth: detailed |
Variable | Description |
Religr | Religious denomination |
Variable | Description |
COWD | Class of Worker (Derived) |
FPTim | Full- or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 1990 |
Hours | Hours Worked in Reference Week |
Ind70 | Industry (Based on 1970 Standard Industrial Classification) |
Ind80 | Industry (Based on 1980 Standard Industrial Classification) |
LabForSta | Labour Force Status of Census Family |
LayAb | On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business (in reference week) |
LF71 | Labour Force Activity - 1971 |
LFTag | Labour Force Activity Derived |
LfTagHus | Labour Force Activity of the Husband, Male Common-Law Partner or Male Lone Parent |
LfTagWife | Labour Force Activity of the Wife, Female Common-Law Partner or Female Lone Parent |
LoKWk | Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time) |
LstWk | When Last Worked |
NoCEIC | Occupation (Based on the 1990 National Occupational Classification - HRD Canada) |
NuJob | New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less (from Reference Week) |
Occ71 | Occupation (Based on 1971 Occupational Classification Manual) |
Occ81 | Occupation (Based on 1980 Standard Occupational Classification) |
POW | Place of work census subdivision (PR CD CSD) |
POWCD | Census division of work |
POWCMA | CMA or CA of work |
POWSt | Place of work status |
Reasn | Reasons unable to start a job (in reference week) |
SOC91 | Occupation (Based on 1991 Standard Occupational Classification) |
Weeks | Weeks Worked in 1990 |
WorkAct | Work Activity in 1990 |
Variable | Description |
FamAl | Family allowance |
Variable | Description |
Pop | Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1991). |
Pop5 | Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1986) |
RuSize | Rural/urban population size |
Variable | Description |
GrosRt | Gross rent |
OMP | Owner's major payment |
Rent | Rent monthly cash |
Value | Value of dwelling |
Variable | Description |
ID | ID: Index ID (household) |
PersNo | Person number after reorder |
Variable | Description |
CfInc | Census family total income |
ChdCr | Child tax credit |
CQPPB | Canada/Québec Pension Plan Benefits |
EfInc | Economic family total income |
EmpIn | Employment Income of Census Family |
FarmI | Farm self-employment income |
GovtI | Other government income |
HhInc | Household total income |
Invst | Investment income |
OASGI | Old age security and Guaranteed Income Supplement |
Retir | Retirement pensions |
SelfI | Non-farm self-employment income |
TotInc | Total income |
UICBn | Unemployment insurance benefits |
Wages | Wages and salaries |
Variable | Description |
OtInc | Other income |
Variable | Description |
COMPW1 | Composite weight (hhldwt + occwth -1) |
COMPW3 | Composite weight (perswt + tempwt -1) |
COMPW4 | Composite weight (perswt + tempwt -1) |
COMPW5 | Composite weight (perswt+tempwt+occwtp-2) |
Variable | Description |
FSAName | Forward Sortation Area |
Pedea | Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area |
PWEA | Province, Federal Electoral District, Enumeration Area of work |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (1996) |
CSDtypeH | Type of CSD |
PCD | Census division of current residence (1996) |
PCSD_NEW | Census subdivision of current residence (1996) |
PR | Province or territory of current residence (1996) |
RuSize | Rural/urban size code |
CTUid | Census Tract (CT) |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age: Single Years of Age(from 0 to 121) |
AgeHus | Age of the Husband, Male Common-law Partner or Male Lone Parent |
AgeWif | Age of the Wife, Female Common-law Partner or Female Lone Parent |
BrthYr | Year of birth (from 1875 to 1996) |
DayB | Day of birth (01 to 31) |
Kid | Children, total number in census family |
Kid0T5 | Children, number age 0 to 5 |
Kid15T17 | Children, number age 15 to 17 |
Kid18T24 | Children, number age 18 to 24 |
Kid25Up | Children, number age over 25 |
Kid6T14 | Children, number age 6 to 14 |
KidAge | Age of youngest child in census family |
MthB2 | Month of Birth - Month of Birth split at Census Day. |
MthBd | Month of birth (01 to 12) |
MthCD | Census Month split by Census Day |
POBDer | Place of birth-summary |
POP | Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (1996) |
Sex | Sex |
Variable | Description |
Age_Imm | Immigration: Age at Immigration |
Cit91 | Citizenship status - historical comparison |
CITCount | Number of responses given to the citizenship question |
Citizen | Citizenship status - summary |
CitSm | Citizenship, derived single / multiple Canada / other response |
ImmDer | Immigration: Immigrant status |
POB | Place of birth-detailed |
YRIM | Immigration: Year of immigration |
Variable | Description |
FOL | Language: First official language spoken |
HLNCount | Home language: Number of responses to the home language question |
HLNDR | Language: Home language derived - retrieval |
MTgCount | Mother tongue: Number of responses to the mother tongue question |
MTNDr | Language: Mother tongue derived |
NOL0123 | Language: Number of responses given to the non-official language question |
NOLCount | Non-official language: Number of responses given to the non-official language question |
OLN | Language: Official language |
Variable | Description |
Deth123 | Ethnic Origin: Ethnic origin single / multiple indicator |
DethNic | Ethnic Origin: Q.17 Derived single and selected multiple ethnic origins |
ETOCount | Ethnic Origin: Q. 17 Number of responses given to the ethnic origin question |
Eth1 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 First ethnic origin response |
Eth2 | Ethnic Origin (component): Q.17 Second ethnic origin response |
Eth3 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Third ethnic origin response |
Eth3 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fourth ethnic origin response |
Eth5 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fifth ethnic origin response |
Eth6 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Sixth ethnic origin response |
Variable | Description |
AbDerr | Aboriginal: Aboriginal Population Derived |
AsRr | Aboriginal: Aboriginal Identity |
BFNCBR | Aboriginal: Band or First Nation membership |
RgIndR | Aboriginal: Registered / not registered under the Indian Act |
TribEr | Aboriginal: Indian Tribe / Nation |
Variable | Description |
COWD | Labour Market Activities: Class of Worker (Derived) |
FPTim | Labour: Full-time or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 1995 |
Hours | Labour: Hours Worked for Pay or in Self-employment |
IND80 | Labour Market Activities: Industry (Based on 1980 Standard Industrial Classification) |
INDDIVF | Labour Market Activities: Industry divisions |
INDMAJF | Labour Market Activities: Industry major groups |
LayAB | Labour: On Temporary Lay-off or Absent from Job or Business (in Reference Week) |
LF71 | Labour: Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts |
LFTag | Labour: Labour Force Activity |
LOKWK | Labour: Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time) |
LSTWK | Labour: When Last Worked for Pay or in Self-employment |
LFNumber | Labour: Number of children |
LFPRESCH | Labour Market Activities: Presence of Children (Derived E&I) |
Nochrd | Labour: Occupation (Based on the 1990 National Occupational Classification - HRD Canada) |
NUJOB | Labour: New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less (from Reference Week) |
REASN | Labour: Reasons unable to start a job (in reference week) |
Soc91 | Labour: Occupation (Based on 1991 Standard Occupational Classification) |
Weeks | Labour: Weeks Worked in 1995 |
WorkAct | Labour: Work Activity in 1995 |
Variable | Description |
HhWork | Household Activities: Unpaid housework |
KidCare | Household Activities: unpaid child care |
SrCare | Household Activities: unpaid care of seniors |
UnPWork | Household Activities: Summary variable for unpaid work |
Variable | Description |
PWDISTx | JTW: Commuting distance to work |
PWStat | JTW: Place of work status |
TrMode | JTW: Mode of transportation to work |
Variable | Description |
CO1 | Mobility 1: Country of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
CO5 | Mobility 5: Country of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
PR1 | Mobility 1: Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
PR5 | Mobility 5: Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
CMA1 | Mobility 1: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
CMA5 | Mobility 5: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
PCD1 | Mobility 1: Census division of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
PCD5 | Mobility 5: Census division of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
PCSD1 | Mobility 1: Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
PCSD5 | Mobility 5: Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
CSDType1 | Mobility 1: Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
CSDType5 | Mobility 5: Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
RUUB1 | Mobility 1: Rural-urban place of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
RUUB5 | Mobility 5: Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
Mob1 | Mobility 1: Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
Mob5 | Mobility 5: Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
POP1 | Mobility 1: Population size group of census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (1995) |
POP5 | Mobility 5: Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1991) |
Variable | Description |
Attendr | Schooling: School attendance |
CerBAR | Schooling: University certificate or diploma above bachelor level |
Dg_MFSR | Schooling: Major field of study |
DgreeR | Schooling: Highest degree, certificate or diploma |
HGradR | Schooling: Highest grade of elementary or secondary school |
HLosR | Schooling: Highest level of schooling |
MedR | Schooling: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry |
Ps_OtR | Schooling: Years of other non-university education |
Ps_UvR | Schooling: Years of university |
SecGradR | Schooling: Secondary school graduation certificate |
TotYrSr | Schooling: Total years of schooling |
TrNUCr | Schooling: Trades and other non-university certificates |
Variable | Description |
BedRm | Bedrooms, number of |
Built | Period of construction of dwelling |
CDwel | Dwelling, collective |
Constr | Dwelling under construction, renovation or conversion |
DType | Structural type of dwelling |
GrosRt | Rent, gross |
Margnl | Dwelling, marginal |
OMP | Owner's major payment |
PIT | Property taxes included in mortgage payments |
RCond | Tenure - condominium |
Rooms | Rooms, number of |
Rpair | Condition of dwelling |
Stmp | Person responsible for household payments |
Tenur | Tenure (Household) |
Value | Value of dwelling |
Variable | Description |
HMain | Primary Household maintainer |
NStien | Number of household maintainers |
NUnits | Number of persons in household |
Stien1 | Person 1 is a household maintainer |
Stien2 | Person 2 is a household maintainer |
Stien3 | Person 3 is a household maintainer |
Stien4 | Person 4 is a household maintainer |
Stien5 | Person 5 is a household maintainer |
Stien6 | Person 6 is a household maintainer |
Stien8 | Person who does not live here is a household maintainer |
Variable | Description |
MarHus | Marital status of male parent |
CF_Rp | Census family reference person |
CFamSt | Census family status |
CfCnt | Number of persons in a census family |
CfHh | Number of census families in household |
CfNm | Number of non census family persons in household |
CfPp | Number of census family persons in household |
CFStat | Census family status of a person |
CfStruct | Census family structure |
ComLawF | Common law status |
EF_RP | Economic family reference person |
EFamSt | Economic family status |
HwClPr | Husband / wife or common-law partner present |
MarStF | Marital Status (Legal) |
MarStH | Marital Status |
MarWif | Marital status of female parent |
R2P12bF | Relationship to person 1 |
Variable | Description |
CfInc | Income: Census family total income |
CHDBN | Income: Federal Child Tax Benefits |
CQPPB | Income: Canada / Québec Pension Plan Benefits |
EfInc | Income: Economic family total income |
EmpIn | Income: Employment income |
FarmI | Income: Farm self-employment income |
GovtI | Income: Other government income |
GTRfs | Income: Total Government Transfer Payments |
HhInc | Income: Household total income |
Invst | Income: Investment income |
LoInc | Income: Low income status (Person) |
OASGI | Income: Old age security and Guaranteed Income Supplement |
OtInc | Income: Other income |
Retir | Income: Retirement pensions |
SelfI | Income: Non-farm self-employment income |
SempI | Income: Total Self Employment Income |
TotInc | Income: Total income |
UICBN | Income: Unemployment insurance benefits |
Wages | Income: Wages and salaries |
Variable | Description |
DVisMin | Population Group: Q.19 Visible minority derived |
DVM123 | Population Group: Q. 19 Population group single/ multiple indicator |
PopGroup | Population Group: Q19 Derived selected population group responses |
Variable | Description |
DisAbFl | Activity Limitations: Home / School or Work / Other / Long-term disabilities |
Disabil | Activity Limitations: Combinations of or one activity limitation(s) |
DisHome | Activity Limitations: Q.7(a) Home |
DisLgTm | Activity Limitations: Q.8 Long-term disabilities or handicaps |
DisOthr | Activity Limitations: Q.7(c) Other Activities |
DisScWk | Activity Limitations: Q.7(b) School or Work |
Variable | Description |
CompW2 | Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP -1) |
Variable | Description |
ID | ID : Index ID (household) |
HHPtr | Pointer for household |
CFPtr | Pointer for census family weight |
EFPtr | Pointer for economic family weight |
FopInd | Farm operator (indicator) |
PersNo | Person number after reorder |
UnP1Flg | Household Activities: Unpaid work imputation flag |
DocTp | Document type classification (Person) |
E_Fam | Economic family number |
C_Fam | Census family number |
Variable | Description |
FSAName | Forward Sortation Area |
PRCDDA | Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area |
PWPRCDDA | Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area of work |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (2001) |
CMA1 | Mobility 1 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
CMA5 | Mobility 5 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
CO1 | Mobility 1 : Country of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
CO5 | Mobility 5 : Country of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
CSDTYPE1 | Mobility 1 : Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
CSDTYPE5 | Mobility 5 : Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
CSDTYPEH | Type of CSD |
CTCOD | Census Tract Code |
PCD | Census division of current residence (2001) |
PCD1 | Mobility 1 : Census division of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
PCD5 | Mobility 5 : Census division of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence (2001) |
PCSD1 | Mobility 1 : Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
PCSD5 | Mobility 5 : Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
PR | Province or territory of current residence (2001) |
PR1 | Mobility 1 : Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
PR5 | Mobility 5 : Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
SAC | Statistical Area Classification |
RUSIZE | Rural / urban size code |
RUUB1 | Mobility 1 : Rural-urban place of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
RUUB5 | Mobility 5 : Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
SEX | Sex |
DAYB | Day of birth (01 to 31) |
AGE | Age : Single Years of Age (from 0 to 121) |
BRTHYR | Year of birth (from 1880 to 2001) |
MTHBD | Month of birth (01 to 12) |
POBDER | Place of birth - summary |
POP | Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (2001) |
POP1 | Mobility 1 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
POP5 | Mobility 5 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
Variable | Description |
CITBIR | Citizenship (Component) - Canada by birth |
CITIZEN | Citizenship status - summary |
CITNAT | Citizenship(Component) - Canada by naturalization |
IMMDER | Immigration : Immigrant status |
PERIMMA | Period of Immigration - A |
PERIMMB | Period of Immigration - B |
POB | Place of birth-detailed |
POBF | Place of Birth : Father |
POBM | Place of Birth : Mother |
YRIM | Immigration : Year of immigration |
AGE_IMM | Immigration : Age at Immigration |
CITSM | Citizenship, derived single / multiple Canada / other response |
GEN71 | Place of birth of parents to compare to 1971 |
GENDET | Detailed place of birth of parents, population 15 years of age or more |
GENSTPOB | Generational Status of the respondent |
HLNAEN | Language : Home language - English - component - Part A. |
HLNAFR | Language : Home language - French - component - Part A. |
HLNAW1R | Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part A. |
HLNBEN | Language : Home language - English - component - Part B. |
HLNBFR | Language : Home language - French - component - Part B. |
HLNBW1R | Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part B. |
MTNEN | Language : Mother tongue (English) - component |
MTNFR | Language : Mother tongue (French) - component |
MTNW1R | Language : Mother Tongue - First Write-In - component |
NOLW1R | Language : Non-official language - First write-in - component |
NOLW2R | Language : Non-official language - Second write-in - component |
NOLW3R | Language : Non-official language - Third write-in - component |
OLN | Language : Official language |
HLNABDR | Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part A & B. |
HLNBDR | Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part B |
HLNDR | Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part A. |
LNWABDR | Language of work derived - Part A & B. |
LNWADR | Language of work derived - Part A. |
LNWBDR | Language of work derived - Part B. |
MTNDR | Language : Mother tongue derived |
NOL0123 | Language : Number of responses given to the non-official language question |
NOLNO | Language : No non-official language imputed |
DETH123 | Ethnic Origin : Ethnic origin single / multiple indicator |
ETH1 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 First ethnic origin response |
ETH2 | Ethnic Origin (component): Q.17 Second ethnic origin response |
ETH3 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Third ethnic origin response |
ETH4 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fourth ethnic origin response |
ETH5 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Fifth ethnic origin response |
ETH6 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Q.17 Sixth ethnic origin response |
Variable | Description |
ABDERR | Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity - Summary |
BFNCBR | Aboriginal : Band or First Nation membership |
RGINDR | Aboriginal : Registered / not registered under the Indian Act |
INACFLGH | On-reserve |
ASRR | Aboriginal : Aboriginal Self-reporting |
Variable | Description |
RELIGWI | Religious denomination |
FPTIM | Labour Market Activities : Full-time or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 2000 |
HOURS | Labour Market Activities : Hours Worked for Pay or in Self-employment |
IND80 | Labour Market Activities : Industry (Based on 1980 Standard Industrial Classification) |
INDDIVF | Labour Market Activities : Industry divisions |
INDMAJF | Labour Market Activities : Industry major groups |
LAYAB | Labour Market Activities : On Temporary Lay-off or Absent from Job or Business |
LNWAEN | Language of work - Part A - English. |
LNWAFR | Language of work - Part A - French. |
LNWAW1R | Language of work - first write-in - component - Part A. |
LNWBEN | Language of work - Part B - English. |
LNWBFR | Language of work - Part B - French. |
LNWBW1R | Language of work - second write-in - component - Part B. |
LOKWK | Labour Market Activities : Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work) |
LSTWK | Labour Market Activities : When Last Worked for Pay or in Self-employment |
NAICS97 | Labour Market Activities : Detailed Industry (Based on the 1997 NAICS) |
NAICSECF | Labour Market Activities : Industry Sectors |
NAICSSF | Labour Market Activities : Industry Sub-sectors |
NOCHRD | Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the 2001 NOC - HRD Canada) |
NOCS2001 | Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the 2001 NOC-S) |
NUJOB | Labour Market Activities : New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less (from Reference Week) |
REASN | Labour Market Activities : Reasons unable to start a job (in reference week) |
WEEKS_FIXED | Labour Market Activities : Weeks Worked in 2000 - FIXED |
COWD | Labour Market Activities : Class of Worker (Derived) |
WORKACT_FIXED | Labour Market Activities : Work Activity in 2000 - FIXED |
SOC91H | Labour Market Activities : Derived Occupation Variable for Historical Comparisons |
LF71 | Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts |
LFTAG | Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity |
HHWORK | Unpaid work : Hours Spent Doing Unpaid Housework |
KIDCARE | Unpaid work : Hours Spent Looking After Children, Without Pay |
SRCARE | Unpaid work : Hours Spent Providing Unpaid Care or Assistance to Seniors |
UNPWORK | Unpaid Work : Summary variable for unpaid work |
Variable | Description |
PWCMA | JTW : CMA or CA of work |
PWCOMMUT | JTW : Place of work type of commuting |
PWSAC | JTW : Place of work: Place of work statistical area classification |
PWSGC | JTW : Census subdivision of work |
PWSTAT | JTW : Place of work status |
TRMODE | JTW : Mode of transportation to work |
Variable | Description |
MOB1 | Mobility 1 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2000) |
MOB5 | Mobility 5 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (1996) |
ATTENDR | Schooling : School attendance |
EDg_MFS | Schooling : Major field of study (Historical) |
HGRADR | Schooling : Highest grade of elementary or secondary school |
PS_OTR | Schooling : Years of other non-university education |
PS_UVR | Schooling : Years of university |
SECGRADR | Schooling : Secondary school graduation certificate |
TRNUCR | Schooling: Trades and other non-university certificates |
DGREER | Schooling : Highest degree, certificate or diploma |
CERBAR | Schooling : University certificate or diploma above bachelor level |
HLOSR | Schooling : Highest level of schooling |
MEDR | Schooling : Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry |
TOTYRSR | Schooling : Total years of schooling |
Variable | Description |
STMP | Person responsible for household payments |
BEDRM | Bedrooms, number of |
BUILT | Period of construction of dwelling |
GROSRT | Rent, gross |
OMP | Owner's major payment |
PIT | Property taxes included in mortgage payments |
RCOND | Tenure - condominium |
ROOMS | Rooms, number of |
RPAIR | Condition of dwelling |
TENUR | Tenure (Household) |
VALUE | Value of dwelling |
FARMPOP | Household in farm population |
FARMYES | This is a farm household |
HMAIN | Primary Household maintainer |
LFNUMBER | Number of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households |
LFPRESCH | Presence of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households by age groups |
NSTIEN | Number of household maintainers |
STIEN1 | Person 1 is a household maintainer |
STIEN2 | Person 2 is a household maintainer |
STIEN3 | Person 3 is a household maintainer |
STIEN4 | Person 4 is a household maintainer |
STIEN5 | Person 5 is a household maintainer |
STIEN6 | Person 6 is a household maintainer |
STIEN8 | Person who does not live here is a household maintainer |
Variable | Description |
MARST | Marital Status (Legal) |
HWCLPR | Husband / wife or common-law partner present |
R2P12BF | Relationship to person 1 |
COMLAWBF | Common law status |
C_FAM | Census family number |
CF_RP | Census family reference person |
CFAMST | Census family status |
CFSTAT | Detailed census family status and household living arrangements |
E_FAM | Economic family number |
EF_RP | Economic family reference person |
EFAMST | Economic family status |
MARSTH | Marital Status - Historical |
CQPPB | Income : Canada / Québec Pension Plan Benefits |
EMPIN | Income : Employment income |
FARMI | Income : Farm self-employment income |
GOVTI | Income : Other government income |
GTRFS | Income : Total Government Transfer Payments |
INVST | Income : Investment income |
MRKINC | Income : Market Income |
OASGI | Income : Old age security and Guaranteed Income Supplement |
OTINC | Income : Other income |
RETIR | Income : Retirement pensions |
SELFI | Income : Non-farm self-employment income |
SEMPI | Income : Total Self Employment Income |
TOTINC | Income : Total income |
UICBN | Income : Employment Insurance benefits |
WAGES | Income : Wages and salaries |
CFINC | Income : Census family total income |
EFINC | Income : Economic family total income |
HHINC | Income : Household total income |
LOINC | Income : Low income status (Person) |
DVISMIN | Population Group : Q.19 Visible minority derived |
DVMHIST | Population Group : Q.19 Visible minority derived - Historical |
Variable | Description |
DISABFL | Activity difficulties / activity reductions at home, at work or school, or other. |
DISABIL | Activity difficulties /reductions : Combinations of one or more activity difficulties / reduction |
Variable | Description |
COMPW2 | Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP -1) |
Variable | Description |
ID | |
CFPTR | Pointer for census family weight |
EFPTR | Pointer for economic family weight |
HHPTR | Pointer for household weight |
PERSNO | Person number after reorder |
DOCTP | Document type classification (Person) |
Variable | Description |
FSAName | Forward Sortation Area |
PRCDDA | Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area |
PWPRCDDA | Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area of work |
Variable | Description |
AbAncSm | Aboriginal: Aboriginal ancestry, derived single and selected multiple ancestries, summary - Q 17 |
AbDerr | Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity (Derived) - Summary - Derived |
AbIdent | Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity (Derived) - Detailed - Derived |
AsRr | Aboriginal : Aboriginal Identity (Single Question) - Derived |
B06_AdjustedBase_ 960106 | Adjusted Base - Incompletely enumerated reserves, 1996, 2001 and 2006 - |
B06_adjustedBase_ IR_PP_19962006 | Adjusted Base - Incompletely enumerated reserves, 1996 and 2006 - |
B06_adjustedBase_ IR_PP_20012006 | Adjusted Base - Incompletely enumerated reserves 2001 and 2006 - |
B06_Area_Residen ce | Area of Residence - |
B06_Area_Residen ce_9606 | Area of Residence 2006 for 9606 - |
BFNCBR | Aboriginal : Band or First Nation Membership - Q 20 |
InacFlgH | On reserve - Derived |
RgIndR | Aboriginal : Registered/not registered under the Indian Act - Q 21 |
TribEr | Aboriginal : Indian Tribe/Nation - Derived |
Variable | Description |
ADifclty | Difficulty with activities of daily living. - Q 7 |
ARHome | Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at home. - Q 8a |
AROthr | Reduction in the amount or kind of activity in other activities (e.g., transportation or leisure). - Q 8c |
ARWkSc | Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at work or at school. - Q 8b |
DisAbFl | Activity difficulties/activity reductions at home, at work or school, or other. - Derived |
Disabil | Activity difficulties/reductions : Combinations of one or more activity difficulties/reduction - Derived |
Variable | Description |
Age | Age : Single Years of Age (from 0 to 121) - Q 3 |
AgeHus | Age of male spouse, partner or male lone parent of the census family - Derived |
AgeWif | Age of female spouse, partner or lone parent of the census family - Derived |
BrthYr | Year of birth (from 1885 to 2006) - Q 3 |
DayB | Day of birth (01 to 31) - Q 3 |
MarHus | Legal marital status of male spouse, partner or lone parent of the census family - Derived |
MarSt | Marital Status (Legal) - Q 4 |
MarStH | Marital Status - Historical - Q 4 |
MarWif | Legal marital status of female spouse, partner or lone parent of the census family - Derived |
MthBd | Month of birth (01 to 12) - Q 3 |
POB_CNTRY | Place of birth : country of birth of respondent- detailed - Q 9 |
POBDer | Place of birth : place of birth of respondent - summary - Q 9 |
POBF | Place of birth : place of birth of father - detailed - Q 25a |
POBM | Place of birth : place of birth of mother - detailed - Q 25b |
R2P12bF | Relationship to person 1 - Q 6 |
Sex | Sex - Q 2 |
Variable | Description |
BedRm | Bedrooms, number of - Q H3b |
Built | Period of construction of dwelling - Q H4 |
CDwel | Dwelling, collective - Derived |
DType | Structural type of dwelling - Form2b |
NHS | Marginal dwelling indicator - Derived |
PIT | Property taxes included in mortgage payments - Q H8b |
PresMortG | Mortgage, presence of - Derived |
RCond | Tenure - condominium - Q H8e |
Rooms | Rooms, number of - Q H3a |
Rpair | Condition of dwelling - Q H5 |
Stmp | Person responsible for household payments- Q H1 |
Tenur | Tenure (Dwelling) - Q H2 |
Variable | Description |
ATTSCH | Education: Attendance at school - detailed CAUTION: see long description - |
ATTSCHSUM | Education: Attendance at school - summary- |
CIPCODE | Education: Major Field of Study (Based on the CIP, Canada 2000) - Q 30 |
HCDD | Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree - Derived |
LOC_STUDY | Education: Location of study - Q 31 |
MEDDIP | Education: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry - Q 29 (cell 04,05,06) |
SSGRAD | Education: High school graduation certificate or equivalent - Derived |
Variable | Description |
Deth123 | Ethnic Origin: Single/multiple response indicator - Q 17 |
Eth1 | Ethnic Origin (Component): First ethnic origin - Q 17 |
Eth2 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Second ethnic origin - Q 17 |
Eth3 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Third ethnic origin - Q 17 |
Eth3 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Fourth ethnic origin - Q 17 |
Eth5 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Fifth ethnic origin - Q 17 |
Eth6 | Ethnic Origin (Component): Sixth ethnic origin - Q 17 |
Variable | Description |
C_FamPp | Census family identifier within the household. - Derived |
CF_Rp | Census family reference person - Q 6 |
CFamSt | Census family status - Derived |
CfCnt_PP | Number of people in census family - Derived |
CFStat | Detailed census family status and household living arrangements - Derived |
CfStruct | Census family structure - Derived |
ComLawBF | Common law status - Q 5 |
E_FamPp | Economic family identifier within the household. - Derived |
EF_RP | Economic family reference person - Q 6 |
EFamSt_det | Economic family status - detailed - Derived |
EfCnt_PP | Number of people in economic family - Derived |
HwClPr | Presence of the person's spouse or partner in the household - Q 4 |
Kid | Children, total number in census family - Derived |
Kid0T4 | Children, number age 0 to 4 - Derived |
Kid0T5 | Children, number age 0 to 5 - Derived |
Kid10T14 | Children, number age 10 to 14 - Derived |
Kid15T17 | Children, number age 15 to 17 - Derived |
Kid18T24 | Children, number age 18 to 24 - Derived |
Kid25Up | Children, number age 25 and over - Derived |
Kid5 | Children, number age 5 - Derived |
Kid6 | Children, number age 6 - Derived |
Kid6T14 | Children, number age 6 to 14 - Derived |
Kid7 | Children, number age 7 - Derived |
Kid8 | Children, number age 8 - Derived |
Kid9 | Children, number age 9 - Derived |
KidAge | Age of youngest child in census family - Derived |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (2006) - Form2b |
CSDtypeH | Type of CSD - Form2b |
CTCod | Census Tract Code - Form2b |
PCD | Census division of current residence (2006)- Derived |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence (2006) - Derived |
PR | Province or territory of current residence (2006) - Form2b |
RUIndFG | Rural, Urban classification - |
SAC_Type | Statistical Area Classification 2006 - Form2b |
Variable | Description |
FopInd | Farm operator (indicator) - CAUTION: see long description - N/A |
HMain | Primary Household maintainer - Derived |
LFNumber | Number of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households - Derived |
LFPRESCH | Presence of Children - Refers to the number of children in private households by age groups - Derived |
NStien | Number of household maintainers - Derived |
NUnits | Number of persons in household - Derived |
Stien1 | Person 1 is a household maintainer - Q H1 |
Stien2 | Person 2 is a household maintainer - Q H1 |
Stien3 | Person 3 is a household maintainer - Q H1 |
Stien4 | Person 4 is a household maintainer - Q H1 |
Stien5 | Person 5 is a household maintainer - Q H1 |
Stien8 | Person who does not live here is a household maintainer - Q H1 |
Variable | Description |
DocTp | Document type classification (Economic family) - CAUTION: see long description - Form |
ID | ID: Index ID (household) - - |
PersNo | Person identifier within the household. - Derived |
Variable | Description |
Age_Imm_Revised | Immigration: Age at Immigration (revised) - CAUTION: see long description - Q 12 |
CitBir | Citizenship: Canada by birth - Q 10 |
CitCount | Citizenship: Number of responses given to the citizenship question - Q 10 |
Citizen | Citizenship: Citizenship status - detailed - Q 10 |
Citnat | Citizenship: Canada by naturalization - Q 10 |
CitSm | Citizenship: Citizenship status - summary - Q 10 |
Gen71 | Generation status: To compare to 1971 Census place of birth of parents - Derived |
GenDet | Generation status: detailed - Derived |
GenStPOB | Generation status: summary - Derived |
ImmDer | Immigration : Immigrant status - Q 11 |
YRIM | Immigration : Year of immigration - Q 12 |
Variable | Description |
Consent_Tax | Income : Permission to use income tax information - Q 51 |
LoIncA | Income: Low income after-tax status (Person) - Derived |
LoIncB | Income: Low income before tax status (Person) - Derived |
LoInEfA | Income: Low income after-tax status (family)- Derived |
LoInEfB | Income: Low income before taxes status - Derived |
Variable | Description |
PWCD | JTW : Census division of work - |
PWCMA | JTW : CMA or CA or MIZ of work - |
PWCommut | JTW : Place of work type of commuting - Derived |
PWCSDType | JTW : Type of CSD of work - Q 46 |
PWCTCod | JTW: Census Tract code of work - Derived |
PWPR | JTW : Province of work - |
PWSAC | JTW : Place of work: Place of work statistical area classification - Q 46 |
PWSGC | JTW : Census subdivision of work - |
PWStat | JTW : Place of work status - Q 46 |
TrMode | JTW : Mode of transportation to work - Q 47 |
TrMode2 | JTW : Mode of transportation to work 2 - Q 47 |
Variable | Description |
COWD | Labour Market Activities : Class of Worker (Derived) - Derived |
FPTim | Labour Market Activities : Full-time or Part-Time Weeks Worked in 2005 - Q 50 |
Hours | Labour Market Activities : Hours Worked for Pay or in Self-employment - Q 34 |
LayAB | Labour Market Activities : On Temporary Lay-off or Absent from Job or Business - Q 35 |
LF71 | Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity - 1971 Census Concepts - Derived |
LFTag | Labour Market Activities : Labour Force Activity - Derived |
LOKWK | Labour Market Activities : Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work) - Q 37 |
LSTWK | Labour Market Activities : When Last Worked for Pay or in Self-employment - Q 39 |
NAICS02 | Labour Market Activities : Detailed Industry (Based on the 2002 NAICS) - Derived |
NAICSECF | Labour Market Activities : Industry Sectors - Derived |
NAICSH | Labour Market Activities : Industry (historical) - Derived |
NAICSSF | Labour Market Activities : Industry Sub-sectors - Derived |
Nochrd | Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the NOC 2006 - HRSD Canada) - Derived |
NOCS2006 | Labour Market Activities : Occupation (Based on the 2006 NOC-S) - Derived |
NOCSBRD | Labour Market Activities : Occupation broad categories - Derived |
NOCSMAJ | Labour Market Activities : Occupation major groups - Derived |
NOCSMIN | Labour Market Activities : Occupation minor groups - Derived |
NUJOB | Labour Market Activities : New Job to Start in Four Weeks or Less - Q 36 |
REASN | Labour Market Activities : Reasons unable to start a job - Q 38 |
SOC91H | Labour Market Activities : Derived Occupation Variable for Historical Comparisons - Derived |
Weeks | Labour Market Activities : Weeks Worked in 2005 - Q 49 |
WorkAct | Labour Market Activities : Work Activity in 2005 - Derived |
Variable | Description |
FOL | Language : First official language spoken - Derived |
HLNACount | Home language A : Number of responses to the language spoken most often at home question - Q 15 |
HLnAEn | Language : Home language - English - component - Part A. - Q 15 |
HLnAFr | Language : Home language - French - component - Part A. - Q 15 |
HLnAW1R | Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part A. - Q 15 |
HLNBCount | Home language B : Number of responses to the language spoken regularly at home question - Q 15 |
HLnBDr | Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part B - Q 15 |
HLnBEn | Language : Home language - English - component - Part B. - Q 15 |
HLnBFr | Language : Home language - French - component - Part B. - Q 15 |
HLnBW1R | Language : Home language - first write-in - component - Part B. - Q 15 |
HLnDr | Language : Home language derived - retrieval - Part A. - Q 15 |
LnWACount | Language of work A : Number of responses to the language of work question - Part A. - Q 48 |
LnWADr | Language of work derived - Part A. - Q 48 |
LnWAEn | Language of work - Part A - English. - Q 48 |
LnWAFr | Language of work - Part A - French. - Q 48 |
LnWAW1R | Language of work - first write-in - component- Part A. - Q 48 |
LnWBCount | Language of work B : Number of responses to the language of work question - Part B. - Q 48 |
LnWBDr | Language of work derived - Part B. - Q 48 |
LnWBEn | Language of work - Part B - English. - Q 48 |
LnWBFr | Language of work - Part B - French. - Q 48 |
LnWBW1R | Language of work - first write-in - component- Part B. - Q 48 |
MTgCount | Mother tongue : Number of responses to the mother tongue question - Q 16 |
MTNDr | Language : Mother tongue derived - Derived |
MTNEn | Language : Mother tongue (English) - component - Derived |
MTNFr | Language : Mother tongue (French) - component - Derived |
MTNW1R | Language : Mother Tongue - First Write-In - component - Derived |
NOLCount | Non-official language : Number of responses given to the non-official language question - Q 14 |
NOLW1R | Language : Non-official language - First write-in - component - Q 14 |
NOLW2R | Language : Non-official language - Second write-in - component - Q 14 |
NOLW3R | Language : Non-official language - Third write-in - component - Q 14 |
OLN | Language : Official language - Q 13 |
Variable | Description |
CMA1 | Mobility 1 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
CMA5 | Mobility 5 : Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
CO1 | Mobility 1 : Country of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
CO5 | Mobility 5 : Country of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
CSDType1 | Mobility 1 : Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
CSDType5 | Mobility 5 : Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
Mob1 | Mobility 1 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
Mob5 | Mobility 5 : Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
PCD1 | Mobility 1 : Census division of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
PCD5 | Mobility 5 : Census division of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
PCSD1 | Mobility 1 : Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
PCSD5 | Mobility 5 : Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
PR1 | Mobility 1 : Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
PR5 | Mobility 5 : Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
RUUB1 | Mobility 1 : Rural-urban place of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
RUUB5 | Mobility 5 : Rural-urban place of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
SAC1 | Statistical Area Classification 1 year ago - Form2b |
SAC5 | Statistical Area Classification 5 years ago - Form2b |
Variable | Description |
HhWork | Unpaid work : Hours Spent Doing Unpaid Housework - Q 33a |
KidCare | Unpaid work : Hours Spent Looking After Children, Without Pay - Q 33b |
SrCare | Unpaid work : Hours Spent Providing Unpaid Care or Assistance to Seniors - Q 33c |
UnP1Flg | Unpaid work : Unpaid work imputation flag - Derived |
UnPWork | Unpaid Work : Summary variable for unpaid work - Q 33abc |
Variable | Description |
DPGrSum | Population Group: Summary - Q 19 |
DVisMin | Visible minority population: Detailed - Q 19 |
DVMHist | Visible minority population: Detailed, historical - Q 19 |
VMBlack | Population Group: Black - Q 19 |
VMChin | Population Group: Chinese - Q 19 |
VMFilip | Population Group: Filipino - Q 19 |
VMJapan | Population Group: Japanese - Q 19 |
VMKorea | Population Group: Korean - Q 19 |
VMLatAm | Population Group: Latin American - Q 19 |
VMSAsia | Population Group: South Asian - Q 19 |
VMSEA | Population Group: Southeast Asian - Q 19 |
VMWAsia | Population Group: West Asian - Q 19 |
VMWhite | Population Group: White - Q 19 |
Variable | Description |
Elect | Annual payment for electricity CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H6a |
FCond | Condominium fees CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H8f |
Fuel | Annual payment for fuel(s) CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H6b |
GrosRt | Rent, gross - Derived |
MortG | Monthly mortgage payments CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H8a |
OMP | Owner's major payment - Derived |
OtSer | Annual payment for water and other municipal services CAUTION - See cautionary note. - Q H6c |
Rent | Rent monthly cash CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Derived |
Taxes | Annual property taxes CAUTION - This is a complex variable. See cautionary note. - Q H8c |
Value | Value of dwelling - Q H8d |
Variable | Description |
RuSize | Rural/urban size code - Derived |
Variable | Description |
AfTaxI | Income: After-tax income - Derived |
CfEq1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust census family income based on census family composition - Derived |
CfInc | Income : Census family total income - Derived |
CfInc_AT | Income: After-tax income of census families - Derived |
CfInc_AT_PP | Income: After-tax income of census families for all persons - Derived |
CfInc_PP | Income : Census family income for all persons. - Derived |
CHDBN | Income : Child benefits - Q 52d |
CQPPB | Income : Canada/Québec Pension Plan benefits - Q 52f |
EfEq1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition - Derived |
EfInc | Income : Economic family total income - Derived |
EfInc_AE_PP | Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families - Derived |
EfInc_AT | Income: After-tax income of economic families - Derived |
EfInc_AT_AE_PP | Income: Adjusted after-tax income for economic families and persons not in economic families - Derived |
EfInc_AT_PP | Income: After-tax income of economic families for all persons - Derived |
EfInc_PP | Income : Economic family income for all persons. - Derived |
EICBN | Income : Employment Insurance benefits - Q 52g |
EmpIn | Income : Employment income - Q 52abc |
EmpIn_AE_PP | Income: Employment income adjusted for economic family size - Derived |
FarmI | Income : Net Farm self-employment income - Q 52b |
GovtI | Income : Other government income - Q 52h |
GTRfs | Income : Total government transfer payments - Derived |
HhEq1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust household income based on household composition - Derived |
HhInc | Income : Household total income - Derived |
HhInc_AT | Income: After-tax income of households - Derived |
HhInc_AT_PP | Income: After-tax income of households for all persons - Derived |
HhInc_PP | Income : Household total income for all persons. - Derived |
IncTax | Income: Income tax paid - Q 52 |
Invst | Income : Investment income - Q 52i |
MrkInc | Income : Market income - Derived |
OASGI | Income : Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement - Q 52e |
OtInc | Income : Other money income - Q 52k |
Retir | Income : Retirement pensions - Q 52j |
SelfI | Income : Net Non-farm self-employment income - Q 52c |
SempI | Income : Total self employment income - Q 52bc |
TotInc | Income : Total income - Q 52 |
Wages | Income : Wages and salaries - Q 52a |
Variable | Description |
PWDist2 | JTW : POW Commuting distance capped maximum of 201 kilometres - Derived |
Variable | Description |
POP | Population size group of current census subdivision of residence (2006) - Derived |
POP1 | Mobility 1 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2005) - Q 23 |
POP5 | Mobility 5 : Population size group of census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (2001) - Q 24 |
Variable | Description |
CompW1 | Composite Weight (HHLDWT + OCCWTH-1) - |
CompW2 | Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP-1) - |
Variable | Description |
AbAncSm | Aboriginal: Aboriginal ancestry - Selected single and multiple response combinations |
AbArResI | Aboriginal: Inuit area of residence - CAUTION: see long description |
AbDerr | Aboriginal: Aboriginal identity - Summary |
ABFNIDRG | Aboriginal: First Nations (North American Indian) single identity & Registered or Treaty Indian status |
AbIdent | Aboriginal: Aboriginal identity - Detailed |
ABIDENTM | Aboriginal: Aboriginal identity - Detailed, with additional multiple responses |
AsRr | Aboriginal: Aboriginal group (Question 18) |
BFNCBR | Aboriginal: Membership in a First Nation or Indian band |
RgIndR | Aboriginal: Registered or Treaty Indian Status |
Variable | Description |
ADifclty | Difficulty with activities of daily living. |
ARHome | Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at home. |
AROthr | Reduction in the amount or kind of activity in other activities (e.g., transportation or leisure). |
ARWkSc | Reduction in the amount or kind of activity at work or at school. |
DisAbFl | Activity difficulties/activity reductions at home, at work or school, or other. |
Disabil | Activity difficulties/reductions: Combinations of one or more activity difficulties/reduction |
Variable | Description |
AGEGR5 | Age by 5-year age groups |
BrthYr | Date of birth: Year |
ComLaw | Common-law status |
DayB | Date of birth: Day |
MarSt | Marital status (legal) |
MarStH | Marital status (de facto) |
MthBd | Date of birth: Month |
Sex | Sex |
Variable | Description |
Built | Period of construction of dwelling |
DocTp | Document type classification (Person) |
DType | Structural type of dwelling |
HhldRes | Household on reserve |
NOS | Housing suitability |
PIT | Property taxes included in mortgage payments |
PresMortG | Mortgage, presence of |
RCond | Tenure - Condominium |
Rpair | Condition of dwelling |
Stien1 | Person 1 is a household maintainer |
Stien2 | Person 2 is a household maintainer |
Stien3 | Person 3 is a household maintainer |
Stien4 | Person 4 is a household maintainer |
Stien5 | Person 5 is a household maintainer |
Stien8 | A person who does not live here is a household maintainer |
Stmp | Person responsible for household payments |
Subsidy | Subsidized housing |
Tenur | Tenure |
Variable | Description |
ATTSCH | Education: Attendance at school - Detailed |
ATTSCHSUM | Education: Attendance at school - Summary |
CIP2000 | Education: Major field of study, detailed (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical) |
CIP2000_2 | Education: Major field of study, 2-digit series (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical) |
CIP2000_4 | Education: Major field of study, 4--digit sub-series (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical) |
CIP2000_PRIM | Education: Major field of study, Primary Groupings (based on CIP Canada 2000, historical) |
CIP2011 | Education: Major field of study, detailed (based on CIP Canada 2011) |
CIP2011_2 | Education: Major field of study, 2 digit series (Based on CIP Canada 2011) |
CIP2011_4 | Education: Major field of study, 4 digit subseries (Based on CIP Canada 2011) |
CIP2011_PRIM | Education: Major field of study, Primary Groupings (Based on CIP Canada 2011) |
HCDD | Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree |
HCDD_14V | Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree - Summary with university detail |
HCDD_7V | Education: Highest certificate, diploma or degree - Summary |
LOC_ST_RES | Education: Location of study compared with province or territory of residence |
LOC_STUDY | Education: Location of study |
MEDDIP | Education: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry |
PSCDDSUM | Education: Postsecondary certificates, diplomas and degrees, types obtained |
SSGRAD | Education: Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent |
Variable | Description |
DETH123 | Ethnic Origin: Single or multiple response indicator |
DPGRSUM | Population group: Summary |
DVisMin | Visible minority: Detailed |
ETH1 | Ethnic origin (component): First ethnic origin- CAUTION: see long description |
ETH2 | Ethnic Origin (component): Second ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description |
ETH3 | Ethnic Origin (component): Third ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description |
ETH4 | Ethnic Origin (component): Fourth ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description |
ETH5 | Ethnic Origin (component): Fifth ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description |
ETH6 | Ethnic Origin (component): Sixth ethnic origin - CAUTION: see long description |
Variable | Description |
CF_Rp | Census family reference person |
CFAGE1STPRSN | Age of first spouse/partner or parent in census family |
CFAGE2NDPRSN | Age of second spouse/partner in couple census family |
CFAMST | Census family status |
CFAMSTDET | Census family status including detailed child status |
CFAMSTSIMPLE | Census family status, simple version |
CFKIDAGEMINGR | Age of youngest child in census family, by age group |
CFKIDS | Indicator of whether any children are present in census family |
CFKIDSET7A | Ages of children in census family by 7 categories |
CFMAR1STPRSN | Legal marital status of first spouse/partner or parent in census family |
CFMAR2NDPRSN | Legal marital status of second spouse/partner in couple census family |
CFSEX1STPRSN | Sex of first spouse/partner or parent in census family |
CFSEX2NDPRSN | Sex of second spouse/partner in couple census family |
CFSTAT | Household living arrangements |
CFSTATSIMPLE | Household living arrangements, simple version |
CFSTRUCT | Census family structure |
CFSTRUCTSIMPLE | Census family structure, simple version |
EF_RP | Economic family reference person |
EFAGE1STPRSN | Age of first spouse/partner, parent or other adult in economic family |
EFAGE2NDPRSN | Age of second spouse/partner in couple economic family |
EFAMST | Economic family status |
EFAMST06 | Economic family status, 2006 concept applied to 2011 data |
EFAMSTSIMPLE | Economic family status, simple version |
EFSEX1STPRSN | Sex of first spouse/partner, parent or other adult in economic family |
EFSEX2NDPRSN | Sex of second spouse/partner in couple economic family |
EFSTRUCT | Economic family structure |
EFSTRUCTSIMP | Economic family structure, simple version |
PRESCH0T18 | Number of sons/daughters of person, up to 5 or more, aged 0 to 18 |
PRESCHAGEMING R | Age of youngest son/daughter of person, by age group |
PRESCHILD | Indicator of whether any sons/daughters of person are present |
PRESCHNUM | Number of sons/daughters of person, up to 5 or more |
PRESCHSET7A | Ages of sons/daughters of person by 7 categories |
Variable | Description |
CMA | Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of current residence (2011) |
CSDTYPE | Type of CSD |
CT_LIFlag | Census tract low-income status |
CTPCTCODE | Census Tract code |
FSAName | FSA Code |
PCD | Census division of current residence (2011) |
PCSD | Census subdivision of current residence (2011) |
POP_CNTR_IND | Population centre indicator |
PR | Province or territory of current residence (2011) |
Variable | Description |
HMain | Primary Household maintainer |
HwClPr | Presence of the person's spouse or partner in the household |
R2P1 | Relationship to Person 1 |
Variable | Description |
C_Fam | Census family identifier within the household |
E_FamPP | Economic family identifier within the household, stored at the person level |
FopInd | Farm operator (indicator) |
Variable | Description |
Consent_Tax | Income: Permission to use income tax information |
EFDecile | Income: After-tax income Canada-wide decile (EF and PnEF) |
LoLICOA | Income: Low income status based on LICO-AT (Person) |
LoLICOB | Income: Low income status based on LICO-BT (Person) |
LoLIMA | Income: Low income status based on LIM-AT |
LoLIMB | Income: Low income status based on LIM-BT |
LoLIMMI | Income: Low income status based on LIM-MI |
LoMBM | Income: Low income status based on MBM (Person) |
Variable | Description |
PWCD | JTW: Place of work census division |
PWCMA | JTW: Place of work CMA or CA or MIZ |
PWCommut | JTW: Place of work type of commuting |
PWCSDType | JTW: Place of Work Type of CSD |
PWCTCod | JTW: Place of work census tract code |
PwMode | JTW: Mode of transportation to work |
PwMode2 | JTW: Mode of transportation to work 2 |
PWMODE3 | JTW: Mode of transportation to work 3 |
PWOCC | JTW: Vehicle Occupancy |
PWPR | JTW: Place of Work Province |
PWSAC | JTW: Place of work statistical area classification |
PWSGC | JTW: Place of Work Census Subdivision |
PWStat | JTW: Place of work status |
Variable | Description |
COWD | Labour: Class of worker (derived) |
FPTim | Labour: Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 2010 |
LayAB | Labour: On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business |
LOKWK | Labour: Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work) |
LSTWK | Labour: When last worked for pay or in self-employment |
NAICS07S | Labour: Industry sectors (based on the NAICS 2007) |
NAICS07SS | Labour: Industry sub-sectors (based on the NAICS 2007) |
NAICS2007 | Labour: Industry (based on the NAICS 2007) |
NOC11BRD | Labour: Occupation broad categories (based on the NOC 2011) |
NOC11HLA | Labour: Occupation highest level aggregate (based on the NOC 2011) |
NOC11MAJ | Labour: Occupation major groups (based on the NOC 2011) |
NOC11MIN | Labour: Occupation minor groups (based on the NOC 2011) |
NOC11SKILL | Labour: NOC-Skill level category (based on the NOC 2011) |
NOC2011 | Labour: Occupation (based on the NOC 2011) |
NOCHRD | Labour: Occupation (based on the NOC 2006 - HRSD Canada) |
NOCS2006H | Labour: Occupation (based on the NOC-S 2006) |
NOCSBRD | Labour: Occupation broad categories (based on the NOC-S 2006) |
NOCSMAJ | Labour: Occupation major groups (based on the NOC-S 2006) |
NUJOB | Labour: New job to start in four weeks or less from reference week |
REASN | Labour: Reasons unable to start a job |
WorkAct | Labour: Work Activity in 2010 |
Variable | Description |
FOL | Language: First official language spoken |
HLnAEn | Language: Home language (A) - English - component - Part A. |
HLnAFr | Language: Home language (A) - French - component - Part A. |
HLnAW1R | Language: Home language (A) - first write-in - component - Part A. |
HLnBDr | Language: Home language derived - retrieval - Part B |
HLNBDr_ABOR | Language: Home language (B) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part B |
HLNBDr_INUIT | Language: Home language (B) derived - Inuit languages - Part B |
HLnBEn | Language: Home language (B) - English - component - Part B. |
HLnBFr | Language: Home language (B) - French - component - Part B. |
HLnBW1R | Language: Home language - first write-in - component - Part B. |
HLnDr | Language: Home language (A) derived - Part A. |
HLNDr_ABOR | Language: Home language (A) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part A |
HLNDr_INUIT | Language: Home language (A) derived - Inuit languages - Part A |
LnWADr | Language: Language of work (A) - derived - Part A. |
LnWADr_ABOR | Language: Language of work (A) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part A |
LnWADr_INUIT | Language: Language of work (A) derived - Inuit languages - Part A. |
LnWAEn | Language: Language of work (A) - English - component - Part A. |
LnWAFr | Language: Language of work (A) - French - component - Part A. |
LnWAW1R | Language: Language of work (A) - first write-in - component - Part A. |
LnWBDr | Language: Language of work (B) - derived - Part B. |
LnWBDr_ABOR | Language: Language of work (B) derived - Aboriginal languages - Part B |
LnWBDr_INUIT | Language: Language of work (B) derived - Inuit languages - Part B. |
LnWBEn | Language: Language of work (B) - English - component - Part B. |
LnWBFr | Language: Language of work (B) - French - component - Part B. |
LnWBW1R | Language: Language of work (B) - first write-in - component - Part B. |
MTNDr | Language: Mother tongue derived |
MTNDr_ABOR | Language: Mother tongue derived - Aboriginal |
MTNDr_INUIT | Language: Mother tongue derived - Inuit languages |
MTNEn | Language: Mother tongue (English) - component |
MTNFr | Language: Mother tongue (French) - component |
MTNW1R | Language: Mother Tongue - First Write-In - component |
NOLW1R | Language: Non-official language - First write-in - component |
NOLW2R | Language: Non-official language - Second write-in - component - CAUTION: see long description |
NOLW3R | Language: Non-official language - Third write-in - component - CAUTION: see long description |
OLN | Language: Official languages |
Variable | Description |
CMA1 | Mobility 1: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
CMA5 | Mobility 5: Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
CO1 | Mobility 1: Country of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
CO5 | Mobility 5: Country of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
CSDType1 | Mobility 1: Census subdivision type of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
CSDType5 | Mobility 5: Census subdivision type of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
Mob1 | Mobility 1: Mobility Status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
MOB1CMA | Mobility 1: Inter & intra CMA mobility status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010)\x09 |
MOB1CMACA | Mobility 1: Inter & intra CMA and CA mobility status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
MOB1PR | Mobility 1: Inter & intra provincial mobility status - Place of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
Mob5 | Mobility 5: Mobility Status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
MOB5CMA | Mobility 5: Inter & intra CMA mobility status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
MOB5CMACA | Mobility 5: Inter & intra CMA and CA mobility status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
MOB5PR | Mobility 5: Inter & intra provincial mobility status - Place of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
PCD1 | Mobility 1: Census division of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
PCD5 | Mobility 5: Census division of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
PCSD1 | Mobility 1: Census subdivision of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
PCSD5 | Mobility 5: Census subdivision of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
PR1 | Mobility 1: Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
PR5 | Mobility 5: Province or territory of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
SAC1 | Mobility 1: Statistical Area Classification of residence 1 year ago (2010) |
SAC5 | Mobility 5: Statistical Area Classification of residence 5 years ago (2006) |
Variable | Description |
CitBir | Citizenship (component): Canadian citizens by birth |
Citizen | Citizenship: Citizenship status and type - Summary |
Citnat | Citizenship (component): Canadian citizens by naturalization |
CitOth1 | Citizenship (component): Other country of citizenship - First write-in |
CitOth2 | Citizenship (component): Other country of citizenship - Second write-in |
CitSm | Citizenship: Citizenship status - Summary |
FAMGENSTAT | Generation status in the household |
FAMMIDSTAT | Middle generation status in the household |
GenDet | Generation status: Detailed |
GenStPOB | Generation status: Summary |
ImmDer | Immigration: Immigrant status |
PerImmA | Immigration: Period of immigration (by five year group) |
PerImmB | Immigration: Period of immigration (standard variable) |
POB | Place of birth: Detailed |
POBDer | Place of birth of respondent: Summary |
POBF | Place of birth of father: Detailed |
POBM | Place of birth of mother: Detailed |
YRIM | Immigration: Year of immigration |
Variable | Description |
Relig | Religion: Detailed responses |
RELIGDER | Religion: Aggregated responses |
Variable | Description |
AGECONT | Age expressed as a continuous number |
Variable | Description |
Elect | Annual payment for electricity |
FCond | Condominium fees |
Fuel | Annual payment for fuels |
GrosRt | Rent, gross |
MortG | Monthly mortgage payments |
OMP | Owner's major payment |
OtSer | Annual payment for water and other municipal services |
Rent | Rent monthly cash |
Taxes | Annual property taxes |
Value | Value of dwelling |
Variable | Description |
PersNo | Person identifier within the household |
Variable | Description |
CapGn | Income: Net capital gains or losses |
CfEq1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust census family income based on census family composition |
CfInc_AT_PP | Income: After-tax income of census families for all persons |
CfInc_PP | Income: Census family income for all persons |
CHDBN | Income: Child benefits |
ChldC | Income: Child care expenses paid |
CQPPB | Income: Canada/Québec Pension Plan benefits |
Deduc | Income: Non-discretionary spending for the MBM |
DIMBM | Income: Disposable income for MBM |
EfDeducMBM | Income: Non-discretionary spending for the MBM of economic families |
EfDIMBM_PP | Income: Disposable income for MBM for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EfDIMBM_Sz_PP | Income: Adjusted disposable income for MBM for economic families and persons not in economic family |
EfEq1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust economic family income based on economic family composition |
EfEq2_PP | Income: Adjustment factor for the economic family (square root) |
EfInc_AE_PP | Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EfInc_AT_AE_PP | Income: Adjusted after-tax income for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EfInc_AT_PP | Income: After-tax income of economic families for all persons |
EFINC_AT_SZ_PP | Income: Adjusted after-tax income for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EfInc_PP | Income: Economic family income for all persons |
EFINC_SZ_PP | Income: Adjusted income for economic families and persons not in economic families |
EICBN | Income: Employment insurance benefits |
EmpIn | Income: Employment income |
EmpIn_AE_PP | Income: Employment income adjusted for economic family size (EF and PnEF) |
FarmI | Income: Net farm self-employment income |
GovtI | Income: Other government income |
GTRfs | Income: Total government transfer payments |
HhEq1_PP | Income: Factor used to adjust household income based on household composition |
HhEq2_PP | Income: LIM income adjustment factor for the household |
HhInc | Income: Household total income |
HhInc_AT | Income: After-tax income of households |
HhInc_AT_Sz_PP | Income: Adjusted after-tax income of households for all persons |
HhInc_Sz_PP | Income: Adjusted household total income for all persons |
HhMrkInc | Income: Market income of households |
HhMrkInc_Sz_PP | Income: Adjusted market income of households for all persons |
IncTax | Income: Income tax paid |
Invst | Income: Investment income |
LoLICOA_Gap | Income: Low-income gap based on after-tax low income cut-off (LICO-AT) |
LoLICOA_Line | Income: Low-income cut-off based on after-tax income |
LoLICOA_Ratio | Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LICO-AT |
LoLICOA_Sev | Income: Severity of low income based on LICO-AT |
LoLICOB_Gap | Income: Low income gap based on before-tax low-income cut-off (LICO-BT) |
LoLICOB_Line | Income: Low income cut-off based on before-tax income |
LoLICOB_Ratio | Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LICO-BT |
LoLICOB_Sev | Income: Severity of low income based on LICO-BT |
LoLIMA_Gap | Income: Low-income gap based on after-tax low-income measure (LIM-AT) |
LoLIMA_Line | Income: Low-income measure based on after-tax income |
LoLIMA_Ratio | Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LIM-AT |
LoLIMA_Sev | Income: Severity of low income based on LIM-AT |
LoLIMB_Gap | Income: Low-income gap based on before-tax low-income measure (LIM-BT) |
LoLIMB_Line | Income: Low-income measure based on before-tax income adjusted for HH size |
LoLIMB_Ratio | Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LIM-BT |
LoLIMB_Sev | Income: Severity of low income based on LIM-BT |
LoLIMMI_Gap | Income: Low-income gap based on market income low-income measure (LIM-MI) |
LoLIMMI_Line | Income: Low-income measure based on market income |
LoLIMMI_Ratio | Income: Low-income gap ratio based on LIM-MI |
LoLIMMI_Sev | Income: Severity of low income based on LIM-MI |
LoMBM_Gap | Income: Low-income gap based on the Market Basket Measure (MBM) |
LoMBM_Line | Income: Market Basket Measure (MBM) threshold |
LoMBM_Ratio | Income: Low-income gap ratio based on HRSDC's MBM |
LoMBM_Sev | Income: Severity of low income based on HRSDC's MBM |
MrkInc | Income: Market income |
OASGI | Income: Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement |
OtInc | Income: Other money income |
OwnerAdv_PP | Income: Mortgage-less owner's advantage for the MBM disposable income |
Retir | Income: Retirement pensions |
SelfI | Income: Net non-farm self-employment income |
SempI | Income: Total self-employment income |
Sppt | Income: Child or spousal support payments |
TotInc | Income: Total income |
TotInc_AT | Income: After-tax income |
TotInG | Income: Alternate total income including net capital gains or losses |
Wages | Income: Wages and salaries |
Variable | Description |
PWDA | JTW: Place of work dissemination area |
PWDist2 | JTW: POW Commuting distance capped maximum of 201 kilometres |
Variable | Description |
RandomNum | Random number to facilitate creating percentile groups |
Variable | Description |
FedElectDistCode | Federal electoral district code |
PRCDDA | Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area |
PWPRCDDA | JTW: Province, Census Division, Dissemination Area |
Variable | Description |
CfNum | Key for Dwelling table |
DwNum | |
EfNum | Key for Economic Family table |
HhNum | Key for Household table |
PpNum | Key for Person table |
Variable | Description |
CompW1 | Composite Weight (HHLDWT + OCCWTH -1) |
CompW2 | Composite Weight (PERSWT + OCCWTP -1) |
Variable | Description |
AbAncCount | Aboriginal: Aboriginal ancestry - Number of responses |
Variable | Description |
AGE | Age |
Variable | Description |
BedRm | Bedrooms, number of |
Rooms | Rooms, number of |
Variable | Description |
ETHCOUNT | Ethnic origin: Number of responses |
Variable | Description |
CFCNT_PP | Census family size, stored at the person level |
CFKID0T14 | Number of children in census family aged 0 to 14 |
CFKID0T18 | Number of children in census family aged 0 to 18 |
CFKID0T4 | Number of children in census family aged 0 to 4 |
CFKID0T5 | Number of children in census family aged 0 to 5 |
CFKID1 | Number of children in census family aged 1 |
CFKID10T14 | Number of children in census family aged 10 to 14 |
CFKID15T17 | Number of children in census family aged 15 to 17 |
CFKID15T24 | Number of children in census family aged 15 to 24 |
CFKID18T24 | Number of children in census family aged 18 to 24 |
CFKID2 | Number of children in census family aged 2 |
CFKID2T5 | Number of children in census family aged 2 to 5 |
CFKID5T9 | Number of children in census family aged 5 to 9 |
CFKID6T14 | Number of children in census family aged 6 to 14 |
CFKIDGE25 | Number of children in census family aged 25 and over |
CFKIDLT1 | Number of children in census family aged less than 1 |
CFKIDNUM | Number of children in census family |
EFCNT_PP | Economic family size, stored at the person level |
Variable | Description |
CfHh | Number of census families in the household |
CfNm | Number of persons not in a census family in the household |
NStien | Number of household maintainers |
NUnits | Number of persons in household |
Variable | Description |
PWARRIVE | POW: Time of arrival at Place of Work in hours and minutes |
PWARRIVENUM | POW: Time of arrival to Place of work in minutes only |
PWDUR | POW: Commuting Duration |
PWLEAVE | POW: Departure time in hours and minutes |
PWLEAVENUM | POW: Departure Time in minutes only |
Variable | Description |
Hours | Labour: Hours worked for pay or in self-employment |
LF71 | Labour: Labour force status (based on 1971 concepts) |
LFTag | Labour: Labour force status |
Weeks | Labour: Weeks worked in 2010 |
Variable | Description |
HLNACount | Language: Home language (A) - Number of responses. |
HLNBCount | Language: Home language (B): Number of responses. |
LnWACount | Language: Language of work (A) - Number of responses. |
LnWBCount | Language: Language of work (B) - Number of responses. |
MTgCount | Language: Mother tongue - Number of responses to the mother tongue question |
NOLCount | Language: Non-official language - Number of languages - CAUTION: see long description |
Variable | Description |
Age_Imm | Immigration: Age at Immigration |
CitCount | Citizenship: Number of responses |