2018 International Methodology Symposium

Symposium logo

Statistics Canada
November 6 to 9, 2018
Sala San Marco Event and Conference Centre
215 Preston Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Services and information

Registration information

Registration information for both participants and contributors.

Organizing committee

Contact information of program chairs.


A list of the workshops with abstracts and contributor biographies.

Program and contributions

Program and list of the Symposium events for each day.

Key dates

Table of key event dates and deadlines.

Notes to participants

Instructions and information for participants. Including platform instructions and virtual conference etiquette.

Notes to presenters

Information on presentation formatting and submissions. Including poster sessions and proceedings manuscripts.

Manuscript style guide

Instructions for preparing your manuscript for proceedings.

Combine to Conquer: Innovations in the Use of Multiple Sources of Data

Statistics Canada's 2018 International Methodology Symposium, "Combine to Conquer: Innovations in the Use of Multiple Sources of Data," will be held at the Sala San Marco Event and Conference Centre (ten minutes from downtown Ottawa) from November 6 to 9, 2018.

Increasingly, statistical agencies and researchers are exploring ways to combine survey data, administrative data, big data and other alternative data sources to overcome the limitations involved when these sources are used separately. This emerging paradigm coincides with the modernization of statistical agency infrastructure, requiring new thinking and innovative methods to integrate different data sources and evaluate their quality.

All members of the statistical community—including private organizations, governments and universities—are invited to participate. The symposium will include workshops, plenary and parallel sessions covering a wide variety of topics.

Symposium highlights include:

  • Full-day workshops on Tuesday, November 6
    1. Survey Data Integration (Jae-Kwang Kim, Iowa State University)
    2. Using Administrative Data in a Census (Li-Chun Zhang, University of Southampton)
    3. Machine Learning with Applications in the Production of Official Statistics (Jean-François Plante, HEC Montréal)
  • Paul Biemer, Research Triangle Institute, as the keynote speaker on Wednesday, November 7
  • Donald Rubin, Harvard University, as the Waksberg Award speaker on Thursday, November 8
  • Sharon Lohr, Arizona State University, as the speaker of a plenary session on Friday, November 9

We are soliciting contributed papers that examine methodological issues related to the use of multiple sources of data. Topics may include the following:

  • Record linkage and statistical matching
  • Data integration
  • Administrative data
  • Administrative census
  • Big Data
  • Alternative data sources
  • Data mining
  • Sampling frames and sample design
  • Collection
  • Edit and imputation
  • Measurement errors and estimation
  • Small area estimation
  • Data analysis
  • Non-probability samples
  • Data quality
  • Disclosure control
  • Dissemination
  • Data access and acquisition
  • Artificial intelligence / machine learning

Should you wish to submit a contributed paper, please send your proposal by email to STATCAN.Symposium2018-Symposium2018.STATCAN@statcan.gc.ca by May 11, 2018. It must include the following: title, an abstract (in English or French) of approximately 250 words, three to six keywords and your full contact information.

We will contact you no later than May 25, 2018 to inform you whether or not your proposal is accepted. Selected contributors must submit the final version of their presentation (in English or French) by September 7, 2018. Conference proceedings will be published online. The final paper must be sent to us by January 11, 2019.

Visit our web site regularly to obtain further details about the program, registration, accommodation, tourism information and more.