2021 International Methodology Symposium

2021 International Methodology Symposium logo

Adopting Data Science in Official Statistics to Meet Society's Emerging Needs

Statistics Canada's 2021 International Methodology Symposium "Adopting Data Science in Official Statistics to Meet Society's Emerging Needs" will, for the first time, take place virtually over several weeks in the fall of 2021. Usually held in the National Capital Region of Canada, the Symposium 2021 will be accessible online every Friday between October 15 and November 5, 2021, inclusively.

Services and information


General information about the Symposium.

Program and contributions

Program and list of the Symposium events for each day.


A list of the workshops with abstracts and contributor biographies.

Key dates

Table of key event dates and deadlines.

Registration information

Registration information for both participants and contributors.

Organizing committee

Contact information of program chairs.

Notes to participants

Instructions and information for participants. Including platform instructions and virtual conference etiquette.

Notes to presenters

Information on presentation formatting and submissions. Including poster sessions and proceedings manuscripts.

Manuscript style guide

Instructions for preparing your manuscript for proceedings.