Description of visuals
(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on screen with the title: "2016 Census: 150 years of population growth in Canada." The words: "This video presents the key results of the 2016 Census on population counts" appear onscreen.)
According to the 2016 Census, our country is now home to 35.2 million people—stretching from Ferryland, in eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, all the way to Beaver Creek, in western Yukon.
(The 2016 Census logo appears onscreen. The map of Canada appears behind it. People populate the map and the words "35.2 million people" pops into view beneath the map. "Ferryland" in Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador and "Beaver Creek" in Western Yukon are identified on the map by red circles.)
It's 10 times more than in 1871, a few years after Confederation, when Canada's population was only 3.5 million people. At the time, most were living in the eastern part of the country in the four founding provinces: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
(The Canadian Red Ensign and the year 1871 appear in the middle of the map. Beneath the map, the words "3.5 million people" are shown. The people on the map dissipate and a small amount regroup in the Eastern part of the Canadian map: Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.)
Thanks to high fertility and some large immigration waves, notably at the beginning of the 20th century, Canada's population grew fast, so much so that the 1931 Census was the first to enumerate more than 10 million Canadians.
(A maple leaf slowly materializes on screen as smaller maples leaves collide with it coming from both sides. Three circles grow around the maple leaf, each one bigger than the other. The maple leaf grows with the circles. The Canadian map flips into view and the words "Census 1931" are displayed in the middle. The map slides to the side and in the middle of another maple leaf, the words "10 million Canadians" are visible.)
It was also the first to have asked about household appliances. Interestingly enough, more than two-thirds of the population reported that they didn't have a radio at home. 35 years later, and following a large baby-boom in the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s, the 1966 Census enumerated more than 20 million people in Canada, just before celebrating the 100th anniversary of our country.
(Hands holding a 1931 Census form pops up on screen. The words "Do you have household appliances?" are written on it. Three houses appear with vintage radios over top of them. Two of them have a red rejection sign on them, the third has music notes floating over top. A map of Canada is shown onscreen. The year "1931" counts up to "1966." Surrounding the map, several babies pop up and the words "1966 Census" are written. Bellow, a calendar with the year "1966" is beside the words "20 million people in Canada.")
It took another 35 years to reach the 30 million mark, in 2001. By then, immigration had replaced falling fertility as the key driver of our country's population growth. Yet, Canada's annual rate of population growth in the last 15 years was still the highest among G7 countries. According to population projections, we could be 40 million strong by 2031, with an increasing share of the population living in the western part of the country.
(The calendar pages flip to the year "2001." The words "30 million people in Canada" are written beside it. The camera moves back to the map where several circles appear and are absorbed. Three bars grow, each different in size and transform into a maple leaf. A world map is shown. Beside it, the flags of the G7 countries pop up (Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany and Japan). A graphic is drawn with bars displaying the "Annual population growth among the G7 countries" with their percentages, Canada having the highest growth rate. A wrist watch on an arm slides into view. On the watch, the year "2031" can be seen. A finger presses on the watch and a hologram lights up. We see a Canadian map on a grid with the words: "Population: 40 million".)
When you completed your census questionnaire, you supported a true Canadian tradition. The 2016 Census marked 350 years since Jean Talon travelled across New France to conduct the first census, in 1666. Now, as as throughout our nation's history, census information is used to improve every social and economic aspect of our communities.
(A 2016 Census form is shown on screen. Circles are drawn from it and form a maple leaf. The camera moves down, waves pop up and Jean Talon with other sailors can be seen in their vessel.)
Along with millions of other Canadians, you took part in a long-standing tradition that helps us understand where we come from, who we are today, and how to shape our future. Thank you for completing your census questionnaire and for watching this video.
(The camera moves back to the Census form. Dots fly off of the form to reveal a small town. Several people pop into view, overlaying the town, and a maple tree sprouts from them.)
For more information, and to access results for your community from the 2016 Census, visit
(A laptop slides into view. The words "2016 Census" are displayed on its screen. A mouse clicks the submit button and the words "Thank you!" appear. The 2016 logo appears on the laptop's screen followed by the website address "" The Census 2016 logo appears with the words "Your Census. Your Neighbourhood. Your Future." The Canada Wordmark appears.)