How to use the data tables - Video transcript
("How to use the data tables" is written on the screen.)
Welcome to a quick overview of how Statistics Canada's data tables work. We'll be taking you through an example, using table 14-10-0090-01 (formerly known as CANSIM table 282-0123) to give you a taste of the new display and functionality.
(The Statistics Canada's "Data" page is on screen.)
(A red box highlights the Keyword(s)s search. The mouse cursor selects the Keyword(s) search and types in the number 14-10-0090-01 and the magnifying glass button is selected.)
(A link to the searched table is now on screen. A red box highlights the link. The cursor shows that both the new table number and its corresponding CANSIM table are listed below the link. The cursor selects the link and the table for "Labour force characteristics by province, territory and economic region, annual" is displayed on screen with its table.)
Before we delve into the functionality of the data tables, it's important to note that the old CANSIM numbers are provided beside the new table numbers. You can still use the old CANSIM table number in the keyword search.
(The part of the page with the new table number (14-10-0090-01) with its corresponding CANSIM table (282-0123) is highlighted by a red box.)
You will notice that most data tables have at least one dropdown menu, allowing you to change one element at a time. Here, you can see the table and dropdown menu, along with the "Add/Remove reference period", "Add/Remove data" and "Download options" buttons.
(The page scrolls down a bit to show the table. The cursor hovers over the table and the dropdown menu. The "Add/Remove reference period ", "Add/Remove data" and "Download options" buttons are highlighted by a red box.)
If we go back to the top, change the labour force characteristics to show part-time employment and then select "Apply," you will notice that the table has changed.
(The cursor moves to the top and selects the drop down menu under "Labour force characteristics". The characteristic "Part-time employment" is chosen and the mouse selects the "Apply" button.)
(The "Part-time employment" table appears on screen.)
Reference maps are also available to show the geographic areas visually.
The mouse hovers over different sections under the "Geography" column of the table.)
Below each table, a section presents related information.
(The page scrolls all the way to the bottom showing the table in its entirety and then hovers over the link at the bottom of the page under the "Related information" section. This section is highlighted by a red box.)
Another handy option for customization is to use the "Add/Remove data" button.
(Back to the top of the page, the cursor hovers and selects the "Add/Remove data" button. In the "Customize table" section, the "Geography", "Labour force characteristics". "Reference period", and "Customize Layout" options are shown.)
You can select multiple items. For example, you can adjust the reference period and select data from 2010 to 2018.
(The cursor selects the tab "Reference period" and changes the "From" year to "2010".)
You can also customize the labour force characteristics to add the participation rate and select geographic areas by selecting the "Geography" tab.
(The cursor then proceeds to select the tab: "Labour force characteristics". It then selects the "Participation rate" check box option. The cursor selects the "Geography" tab.)
Note that this table presents information by province, territory and economic region. In this case, all 79 geographies are selected as a starting point.
(A red box highlights the "Canada" check box.)
Let's assume that you want to compare the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (and not the underlying economic regions).
Use the checkboxes located at the top of the "Geography" picklist to remove Canada and all selections at the second and third levels within the hierarchy, and then select Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Once you select "Apply," all of your customized data will appear.
(The cursor selects the top boxes to demonstrate how to globally select and deselect the unwanted options. The boxes are highlighted by a red box. The cursor then selects the provinces Nova Scotia and New Brunswick located below and proceeds to click the "Apply" button.)
(A new table with the selected options appear on screen.)
You can also customize the layout of the table. If we set "Geography" and "Reference period" as rows, you can see them reflected in the table.
(The cursor selects the "Customize Layout" tab. It then clicks the "Row" option to display the "Reference period" as a row. The "Apply" button is selected and the changes are reflected in the table.)
The "Customize Layout' tab also allows you to display Vectors and Coordinates within the data tables.
(The cursor checks the checkbox next to 'Display Vector Identifier and Coordinate' and then clicks the Apply' button. The data table now includes vectors and coordinates.)
You can also save any customization performed on the table. Clicking the 'Save my selections" button will provide a link which contains all the changes made to the table. You should save this link for future use.
(The cursor navigates to the 'Save my selections' button and clicks it. A URL is shown with a button that allows users to copy the link to their clipboard)
Selecting "Download options" opens a pop-up window with options. Web data services and an application programming interface are now available for all Statistics Canada's data holdings. These services help sophisticated data users who want to program direct, automated data harvesting. Find more information at this link.
(The cursor then selects the "Download" button. A pop-up box appears with the different download options. The cursor moves close to the "Developers" link. The cursor selects the "Close" button and returns to the previous table page.)
This concludes our quick tutorial on how to navigate through Statistics Canada data tables. We hope it was useful. If you have any questions, please select "Contact us" in the bottom left corner of our website.
(The page is scrolled to the bottom and the cursor hovers over the "Contact us" link. A red box highlights the link.)
(The Canada wordmark appears on screen.)