BP-54 Survey of Canadian Portfolio Investment

Balance of Payments Division

Survey Guide

Purpose of the Survey

The purpose of the Survey of Canadian Portfolio Investment is to determine the amount and types of securities owned by Canadians. The survey is conducted on a security by security basis.

The data will be used to compile the portfolio investment of Canada's balance of payments and international investment position statistics. The survey is being conducted in co-ordination with other countries to facilitate international data comparability. The survey is also designed to generate feedback on Investment Fund strategies related to industrial distribution, type of financial instrument and geographical distribution.

Collection Authority

The information requested is collected under the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. The survey is conducted on an annual basis.


Information collected under the Statistics Act is treated in strict confidence and is specifically exempt from being released under the Access to Information Act.

How to report

Data would preferably be submitted through electronic mail in a single file using Excel or ASCII with delimiters. To assist respondents in identifying the information requested, Statistics Canada developed a standard record layout (see next page: ’Recommended table structure’).

Warning: Information sent via facsimile or electronic mail, when in transit, may encounter risk of disclosure. Upon receipt, Statistics Canada will confirm the reception of your submission. Thereafter, Statistics Canada will assure the confidentiality of the information.

What to report

Update of the list of funds as well as contact name and details (pre-print information).
Detailed holdings of your funds in a single electronic file.

Please return the required information to:

Statistics Canada
Balance of Payments Division
Survey of Canadian Portfolio Investment (SCPI) 22nd floor, R.H. Coats Building
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6
Attention: Francis Salifu or Éric Boulay
E-mail cpiabop@statcan.gc.ca
Fax 1-613-951-9031

If there are questions regarding the survey, please contact Francis Salifu at (613) 951-2428 or Éric Boulay at (613) 951-1872 or use our toll free number (866) 765-8143.

Recommended Table Structure

** For more information about the content of the fields, see instructions on the following pages. **

Field, Field Name Data Type
Field Field Name Data Type Width Decimals
1 Code or name of the Fund (M) Alphanumeric 6  
2 Sequence Number Numeric 6  
3 Security Identification Code Alphanumeric 12  
4 Stock Market Symbol Alphanumeric 10  
5 Security Type (M) Numeric 2  
6 Name of Issuer (M) Character 65  
7 Security Description Character 65  
8 Industrial Description Character 40  
9 Market Value (M) Numeric 12  
10 Market Price Numeric 12 4
11 Quantity (M) Numeric 12  
12 Average Cost Numeric 12  
13 Exchange Rate Numeric 7 4
14 Currency of Denomination (M) Character 3  
15 Amount on Loan Numeric 12  
16 Country of Issuer (M) Character 3  
17 Issue Date Date (MMDDYYYY) 8  
18 Maturity Date (M) Date (MMDDYYYY) 8  
19 Type of Coupon Character 1  
20 Coupon or Dividend Numeric 7 4
21 Status Character 1  
(M): Mandatory Field Total 234 12

Content of fields

Field 1: Code or name of the fund - Enter the name or code of the fund.

Field 2: Sequence Number - Starting at 1, sequentially number each record. The last record should have the same sequence number as the total number of records.

Field 3: Security Identification Code - Enter the security identification code. For example, enter the CUSIP, SEDOL, or ISIN code. Please refrain from using internally generated codes.

Field 4: Stock Market Symbol - If available, enter the stock market symbol of the security.

Field 5: Security Type - Indicate the type of security according to the following code-set1:

  1. Equity (including warrants and rights)
  2. Debt and debentures
  3. Money market instruments
  4. Options
  5. Futures
  6. Forwards
  7. Cash
  8. Mortgages
  9. Real estate
  10. Units of pooled, mutual and investment funds
  11. SWAPS

Field 6: Name of Issuer - Enter the name of the issuer of this security.

Ex: Government of Canada
Ex: ABC Corporation

Field 7: Security Description - Provide pertinent descriptive information. Examples follow:

For equities:

  • Ex: ADR, Subordinate voting
  • Ex: Preferred convertible shares
  • Ex: Partly paid shares.
  • Ex: IBM Common shares

For debts:

  • Ex: Convertible debenture
  • Ex: Floating rate bond

For money market instruments:
Ex: Treasury bill
For options:

  • Ex: Call or Put

For futures: Not needed
For forwards: Ex: Buy British Pounds, Sell US

Field 8: Industrial Description - Pertinent descriptive information. If possible, please use code-set below:

Sector Description

A Food, Beverage and Tobacco
B Wood and Paper
C Energy
D Chemicals, Chemical Products and Textiles
E Metallic Minerals and Metal Products
F Machinery Equipment (except electrical machinery)
G Transportation Equipment
H Electrical and Electronic Products
I Construction and Related Activities
J Transportation Services
K Communications
L Finance and Insurance
M General Services to Business
N Government Services
O Education, Health and Social Services
P Accommodation, Restaurants and Recreation Services
Q Food Retailing
R Consumer Goods and Services

Field 9:  Fair (Market) Value - in Canadian dollars

For equities (including warrants and rights), enter the price (field 10) times the number of shares (field 11) converted in Canadian dollars.

For debts and the money market instruments, enter the price expressed as a percentage (field 10) times the face value (field 11).

When reporting a negative position for a security, enter "R" in field 21. A negative position occurs when securities acquired under repurchase or security-lending arrangements are subsequently sold to a third party.

For options, enter the number of contracts times the contract size times the premium. Option on stock

Example: 50 IBM Call Jan 09 at 130 at 8¾ (market price at date of survey) Calculation: Number of contracts (50) X contract size ($100) X premium 50*100*(8¾) = $43,750 US$ → 59,763 Cdn$ (43,750*1.366)

Option on index

Example: 20 S&P 500 Call May 655 at 14½ (market price at date of survey)
Calculation: Number of contracts (20) X contract size ($500) X premium
20*500*(14½) = $145,000 US$ → 198,070 Cdn$ (145,000*1.366)

Option on currency

Example: Trading on Philadelphia Exchange
100 Call British Pounds Dec 166 at .70 (market price at date of survey)
Calculation: Number of contracts (100) X contract size ($31,250) X premium 100*31,250*(.0070) = $21,875 US$ → 29,881 Cdn$ (21,875*1.366)

For futures :

Bond contracts: Enter the number of contracts times the contract size times spot price less exercise price (strike price).

Example: 20 / 5 year US treasury.

Strike price or exercise price = 98.25 spot price = 97.75

Calculation: number of contracts (20) X contract size ($100,000) X (spot-strike)
20*100,000*(.9775-.9825) = -$10,000 US$ → 13,660 Cdn$ (10,000*1.366)

Index contracts: Enter the number of contracts times’ future value multiplier times’ spot price less exercise price (strike price).

Example: 50 S&P 500

Calculation: Number of contracts (10) X future value multiplier ($500) X (spot-strike) 10*500*(655.86- 659.60) = -18,700 US$ -25,544 Cdn$ (18,700*1.366)

Currency: Enter the number of contracts times’ future value multiplier times’ spot price less exercise price (strike price).

Example: 20 Euro 1.4877

Calculation: Number of contracts (20) X future value multiplier ($125,000) X (spot-strike) 20*125,000*(1.5821- 1.5754) = 16,750 Euro  →  27,185 Cdn$ (16,750*1.6230)

For forwards :

Enter the market value in excess of (less than) settlement amount in Cdn$.

For cash:

Enter the Canadian dollar value of your holdings.

Field 10: Market Price

For equities, enter the market price per share, warrant or right in Cdn$.
For debts and money market instruments, enter the market price as a percentage of the security's face value.
For options, enter the market price times the multiplier in Cdn$.
For futures, enter market price in Cdn$.
For forwards, leave this field empty.
For cash, leave this field empty.

Market price should be used to report all holdings of securities. All securities should be converted to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate prevailing at the close of business of the surveyed period. Please indicate any fund not converted into Canadian dollars in the confirmation of funds form.

For equities ( including warrants and rights):

For stock listed companies, the market price of your holding should be calculated using the market price prevailing on the stock exchange at the close of the surveyed period.

For unlisted enterprises, if a market price is not available at the close of the business of the surveyed period, estimate the market price of your holding of equity securities by using one of the following methods:

  • a recent transaction price;
  • director's valuation; or
  • net asset value (net asset value is equal to total assets, including intangibles, less non-equity liabilities and the paid up value of non-voting shares. Assets and liabilities should be recorded at current, rather than historical value).

For debts and money market instruments:

Debt securities should be recorded (as a percentage) using one of the market valuation methods listed below:

  • a quoted traded market price at the close of the business of the surveyed period;
  • the net present value of the expected stream of future payments/receipts associated with the securities;
  • for unlisted securities, the price used to value securities for accounting or regulatory purposes, etc.; or
  • for discount, deep discount or zero coupon securities, the issue price plus amortisation of the discount.
  • Comparative security valuation approach

For options:

For exchange traded options, the market price of your holding is the market price prevailing on the exchange at the close of the surveyed period.

For OTC options and exchange-traded options, if a market price is not available at the close of the business of the surveyed period, estimate the market price of your holding by using one of the following methods:

  • a recent transaction price;
  • director's valuation

For futures:

For futures, provide the market price. The market price is obtained by taking the spot price of the underlying asset minus the strike price (or exercise price.) As per the example shown in field 9 for futures, the spot price less the exercise price must be expressed like this: .9775 (spot)-.9825 (exercise) = -.005

For forwards:

Leave this field blank.

For cash:

Leave this field blank.

Field 11: Quantity

For equities (including warrants and rights), enter the number of shares.

For units of pooled, mutual and investment funds, enter the number of units held rounded to the nearest unit.

For debts, enter the face value held in the currency of denomination. For asset-backed securities, enter the remaining face value of principal still outstanding.

For money market instruments, enter the face value at maturity.

For options, and futures, enter the number of contracts.

For forwards, enter the amount receivable at the expiration of the contract in original currency.

For cash, leave this field blank

Field 12: Average Cost - Enter the average cost (historical cost) of the security held.

Field 13: Exchange Rate - Enter the exchange rate used to convert the currency of denomination in field 9. This rate should be the one prevailing at the close of the surveyed period. Ex: Market value of US stock converted in CDN$ (field 9) over market value of US stock in US$ denomination currency.

Field 14: Currency of denomination - Currency codes appear in Appendix 2.

Field 15: Amount on loan - Face value or share units of field 11 (in Cdn$) sold under loan repurchase                   agreements or lent under security lending arrangements.

For debt, enter the face value of field 11 sold under repurchase agreements and security lending arrangements.

For stocks, enter the number of shares of field 11 sold under security lending arrangements.

Field 16: Country of Issuer - Enter the code from Appendix 2 for the country of residence of the issuing entity of the security.

Field 17: Issue Date - Enter the original date of issue for this security in the following format: MMDDYYYY.

Field 18: Maturity Date - Enter the date on which this security matures in the format: MMDDYYYY. For a security with a call provision, enter the final maturity date, not the call date.

Field 19: Type of coupon - Fixed (F) or Variable (V)

Enter "F" for fixed rate or "V" for variable or floating rate.

Field 20: Coupon or Dividend

Forbonds enter the annual coupon rate. For variable rate, enter the rate that prevailed at the end of the surveyed period rounded to four decimal places.

Forequities, enter the annual value of the dividend. For zero coupon bonds, enter 0.0000.

Field 21: Status - Enter "D" if security is in default.

Enter "R" when securities acquired under repurchase or security lending arrangements are subsequently sold to a third party.

Appendix 1 - Security Types

Equity securities = Security type 1

  • ordinary shares;
  • stocks (class A, class B);
  • depository receipts, e.g., American depository receipts (ADR), should be attributed to the country of residence of the issuer of the security underlying the depository receipt;
  • equity securities that have been sold under repurchase agreements; and
  • equity securities that have been lent under securities lending arrangement

i) Securities acquired under repurchase or securities lending arrangements are to be excluded from the report;
ii) Securities acquired under repurchase or security lending arrangements and subsequently sold to a third party should indicate it by entering the letter "R" in item 21.

  • warrants and rights

i) subscription rights to securities;
ii) subscription or share warrants; and
iii) currency warrants

Debt securities (with an original term to maturity of over 1 year) = Security type 2

  • bonds, zero coupon or stripped bonds, deep discounted, currency linked (e.g., dual-currency), floating rate, equity related (e.g., Convertible bonds, Eurobonds);
  • asset-backed securities such as mortgage backed bonds, collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO);
  • receivable securitization;
  • index-linked securities (e.g., property index certificates);
  • preference shares (participating, non-participating, convertibles);
  • floating rate notes (FRN), such as perpetual notes (PRN), variable rate notes (VRN), structured FRN, reverse FRN, collared FRN, step up recovery FRN (SURF), range/corridor/accrual notes;
  • medium term notes;
  • Bunds (German), Gilts (United Kingdom), OAT’s (France), JGB’s (Japan);
  • bonds with optional maturity dates, the latest of which is more than one yearto maturity;
  • debentures;
  • negotiable certificates of deposits with contractual maturity of more than one year;
  • other long term securities;
  • bearer depository receipts (BDR) denoting ownership of debt securities, should be attributed to the country of residence of the issuer of the security underlying the depository receipt;
  • debt securities that you have sold under repurchase agreements; and
  • debt securities that you have lent under a securities lending arrangement

i) Securities acquired under repurchase or securities lending arrangements are to be excluded from the report;
ii) Securities acquired under repurchase or security lending arrangements and subsequently sold to a third party should indicate it by entering the letter "R" in item 21.

Money market instruments (with an original term to maturity of less than 1 year) = Security type 3

  • bonds, zero coupon or stripped bonds, deep discounted, currency linked (e.g., dual-currency), floating rate, equity related (e.g., Convertible bonds, Eurobonds);
  • asset-backed securities such as mortgage backed bonds, collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO);
  • index-linked securities (e.g., property index certificates)
  • non-participating preference shares;
  • receivable securitization (with less then one year to maturity);
  • discount notes;
  • commercial paper;
  • floating rate notes (FRN),such as perpetual notes (PRN), variable rate notes (VRN), structured FRN, reverse FRN, collared FRN, step up recovery FRN (SURF), range/corridor/accrual notes;
  • medium term notes;
  • Bubill (German), Conventional Gilts (United Kingdom), BTF’s (France) ;
  • bonds with optional maturity dates, the latest of which is less than one year to maturity; debentures;
  • negotiable certificates of deposits with contractual maturity of less than one year;
  • other long term securities (with a remaining term to maturity of less than one year);
  • bearer depository receipts (BDR) denoting ownership of debt securities, should be attributed to the country of residence of the issuer of the security underlying the depository receipt;
  • debt securities (with a remaining term to maturity of less than one year) that you have sold under repurchase agreements; and
  • debt securities (with a remaining term to maturity of less than one year) that you have lent under a securities lending arrangement;

i) Securities acquired under repurchase or securities lending arrangements are to be excluded from the report;
ii) Securities acquired under repurchase or security lending arrangements and subsequently sold to a third party should indicate it by entering the letter "R" in item 21.


Options = Security Type 4:

Options on stocks, indexes, currency, futures and commodity.


  • Call, Put;
  • Long or short;
  • American or European type.

Futures = Security Type 5:

Futures on currency, indexes, interest rates, metals, petroleum. Characteristics

  • Long or short

Forwards = Security Type 6:

All types of Forwards

Cash = Security Type 7

  • Cash and other deposits
  • Other portfolio investment assets

Appendix 2 - Country and Currency Codes

In reporting the geographical distribution of foreign countries, and currency of payments, please use the codes provided below:

Appendix 2 - Country and Currency Codes
Country Code Currency Code
Afghanistan AF Afgani AFA
Albania AL Lek ALL
Algeria DZ Algerain Dinar DZD
Andorra AD Euro EUR
Angola AO Kwanza AOK
Antigua and Barbuda AG East Caribbean dollar XCD
Argentina AR Argentina Peso ARS
Armenia AM Dram AMD
Australia AU Australian dollar AUD
Austria AT Euro EUR
Azerbaidjan AZ Manat AZM
Bahamas BS Bahamas dollar BSD
Bahrain BH Bahraini dinar BHD
Bangladesh BD Taka BDT
Barbados BB Barbados dollar BBD
Belarus BY Rouble BYR
Belgium BE Euro EUR
Belize BZ Belize dollar BZD
Benin BJ Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Bermuda BM Bermuda dollar BMD
Bhutan BT Ngultrum BTN
Bolivia BO Boliviano BOB
Bosnia-Hercegovina BA Marka BAM
Botswana BW Pula BWP
Brazil BR Real BRL
British Virgin Islands VG United States dollar USD
Brunei BN Brunei dollar BND
Bulgaria BG Lev BGL
Burkina Faso BF Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Burundi BI Burundi Franc BIF
Cameroon CM Cfa Franc Beac XOF
Canada CA Canadian dollar CAD
Cape Verde CV Cape Verde Escudo CVE
Cayman Islands KY Cayman Islands dollars KYD
Central African Republic CF Cfa Franc Beac XOF
Chad TD Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Chile CL Chilean Peso CLP
China CN Yuan Renminbi CNY
Columbia CO Colombian Peso COP
Congo, Democractic Republic CG Cfa Franc Beac XOF
Costa Rica CR Colòn CRC
Croatia HR Kuna HRK
Cuba CU Cuban Peso CUP
Cyprus CY Cyprus Pound CYP
Czech Republic CZ Czech Koruna CZK
Denmark DK Danish Krone DKK
Djibouti DJ Djibouti Franc DJF
Dominica DM East Caribbean dollar XCD
Dominican Republic DO Dominican Peso DOP
East Timor TP Rupiah IDR
Ecuador EC Sucre ECS
Egypt EG Egyptian Pound EGP
Equatorial Guinea GQ Cfa Franc Beac XOF
Estonia EE Estonia Kroon EEK
Ethiopia ET Birr ETB
Falkland Islands FK Falkland Islands Pound FKP
Fiji FJ Fiji dollar FJD
Finland FI Euro EUR
France FR Euro EUR
Gabon GA Cfa Franc Beac XOF
Gambia GM Dalasi GMD
Georgia GE Lari GEL
Germany DE Euro EUR
Ghana GH Cedi GHC
Gibraltar GI Gibraltar Pound GIP
Greece GR Euro EUR
Guadeloupe GP Euro EUR
Guatemala GT Quetzal GTQ
Guernsey GG Pound Sterling GBP
Guinea GN Guinea Franc GNF
Guinea-Bissau GW Peso GWP
Guyana GY Guyana dollar GYD
Haiti HT Gourde HTG
Honduras HN Lempira HNL
Hong Kong HK Hong Kong dollar HKD
Hungary HU Forint HUF
Iceland IS Icelandic Krona ISK
India IN Indian Rupee INR
Indonesia ID Rupiah IDR
International Organisation XX    
Iran IR Rial IRR
Iraq IQ Iraqi Dinar IQD
Ireland IE Euro EUR
Israel IL Shekel ILS
Italy IT Euro EUR
Ivory Coast CI Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Jamaica JM Jamaican dollar JMD
Japan JP Yen JPY
Jordan JO Jordanian Dinar JOD
Kazakhstan KZ Tenge KZT
Kenya KE Kenian Shilling KES
Kiribati (Canton & Enderbury) KI Autralian dollar AUD
Korea (North) KP Won KPW
Korea (South) KR Won KRW
Kuwait KW Kuwaiti Dinar KWD
Kyrghyzstan KG Som KGS
Laos LA Kip LAK
Latvia LV Lats LVL
Lebanon LB Lebanese Pound LBP
Lesotho LS Loti LSM
Liberia LR Liberian dollar LRD
Libyan LY Libyan Dinar LYD
Liechtenstein LI Swiss Franc CHF
Lithuania LT Litas LTL
Luxembourg LU Euro EUR
Macao MO Pataca MOP
Macedonia MK Denar MKD
Madagascar MG Malagasy Franc MGF
Malawi MW Kwacha MWK
Malaysia MY Ringgit MYR
Maldives MV Rufiyaa MVR
Mali ML Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Malta MT Maltese Lira MTL
Mauritania MR Ouguiya MRO
Mauritius MU Mauritius Rupee MUR
Mexico MX Mexican Peso MXN
Moldova MD Leu MDL
Monaco MC Euro EUR
Mongolian MN Tugrik MNT
Montenegro ME Euro EUR
Morocco MA Dirham MAD
Mozambique MZ Metical MZM
Namibia NA Namibien dollar NAD
Nepal NP Nepalese Rupee NPR
Netherlands NL Netherlands Guilder NLG
Netherlands Antilles AN Netherlands Antilles Guilder ANG
New Zealand NZ New Zealand dollar NZD
Nicaragua NI Còrdoba NIC
Niger NE Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Nigeria NG Naira NGN
Norway NO Norwegian Krone NOK
Oman OM Riyal Omani OMR
Pakistan PK Pakistani Rupee PKR
Panama PA Balboa PAB
Papua New Guinea PG Kina PGK
Paraguay PY Guarani PYG
Peru PE Sol PEN
Philippines PH Peso PHP
Poland PL Zloty PLZ
Portugal PT Euro EUR
Puerto Rico PR United States dollar USD
Qatar QA Riyal QAR
Romania RO Leu ROL
Russian Federation RU Ruble RUR
Rwanda RW Rwanda Franc RWF
Saint Lucia LC East Caribbean dollar XCD
Saint Pierre And Miquelon PM Euro EUR
Samoa WS Tala WST
Sao Tome And Principe ST Dobra STD
Saudia Arabia SA Riyal SAR
Senegal SN Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Serbia RS Dinar RSD
Seychelles SC Seychelles Rupee SCR
Sierra Leone SL Leone SLL
Singapore SG Singapore dollar SGD
Slovenia SI Tolar SIT
Somalia SO Shilling SOS
South Africa ZA Rand ZAR
Spain ES Peseta ESP
Sri Lanka LK Sri Lanka Rupee LKR
Sudan SD Soudan Pound SDD
Suriname SR Suriname Guilder SRG
Swaziland SZ Lilangeni SZL
Sweden SE Swedish Krona SEK
Switzerland CH Swiss Franc CHF
Syrian SY Syrian Pound SYP
Tajikistan TJ Rouble TJR
Taiwan TW Taiwan dollar TWD
Tanzania TZ Shilling TZS
Thailand TH Baht THB
Togo TG Cfa Franc Bceao XOF
Trinidad and Tobago TT Trinidad dollar TTD
Tunisia TN Tunisian Dinar TND
Turkey TR Turkish Lira TRL
Turkmenistan TM Manat TMM
Uganda UG Uganda Shilling UGS
Ukraine UA Hryvna UAH
United Arab Emirates AE Dirham AED
United Kingdom GB Pound Sterling GBP
United States US United States dollar USD
Uruguay UY Uruguayo Peso UYU
Us Virgin Islands VI United States dollar USD
Uzbekistan UZ Rouble UZR
Venezuela VE Bolivar VEB
Vietnam VN Dong VND
Yemen YE Yemeni Rial YER
Zaire ZR Zaire ZRN
Zambia ZM Kwacha ZMK
Zimbabwe ZW Zimbabwean dollar ZWD


Code of the Fund (M) Sequence Number Security Identification Code Stock Market Symbol Security Type (M) Name of Issuer (M) Security Description Industrial Description Market Value $CAD (M) Market Price Quantity (M) Average Cost Exchange Rate Currency of Denomination (M) Amount on Loan Country of Issuer (M) Issue Date Maturity Date (M) Type of Coupon Coupon or Dividend Status
Alphanumeric Numeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Numeric Character Character Character Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Character Numeric Character Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Character Numeric Character
Decimal:                 4     4             4  
FUND 01 1 135087VQ4   2 GOVT OF CANADA GOVT OF CANADA BONDS Government 2,763,900 92.1300 3,000,000 2,760,400   CAD 1,000,000 CA   06/01/2024 F 6.5000  
FUND 01 2 36962FW77 GE 2 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CO. MTN Private 6,307,462 141.7407 4,450,000 6,257,459 1.3708 USD   US   05/06/2036 F 6.8000  
FUND 01 4   BMO.PR.D 2 BANK OF MONTRÉAL PREFERRED SHARE D Private 3,425,000 27.4000 125,000 3,550,400   CAD   CA     F 8.2500  
FUND 01 5   TEE.DB 2 TEE-COM DEBENTURES Private (101,520) 101.5200 100,000     CAD   CA   06/06/2010 F 5.2500 R
FUND 01 7     3 MEXICAN GOVERNMENT MEXICAN CETES Government 2,022,016 18.1170 11,160,874 2,030,200 0.1830 MXN   MX   01/11/2019      
FUND 01 8 878742204 TEK.B 1 TECK CORP. CLASS B SUB. VOTING Mines & Metals 14,872,000 25.9909 572,200 14,015,265 1.3660 USD   CA       0.2011  
FUND 02 1 500631106 KEP 1 KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORP ADR Electronics 1,530,000 51.0000 30,000 1,425,600 1.3660 USD   KP          
FUND 02 3 IT9276A1043   1 TELECOM ITALIA MOBILE SPA COMMON (IL50 PAR) Communications 75,000 3.0000 25,000 74,890 0.0009 ITL   IT          
FUND 02 4     1 FRASER AND NEAVE LTD COMMON   630,000 10.5000 60,000 630,450 0.5346 SGD   SG          
FUND 02 5   IBM 4 IBM CALL, IBM JAN 08, 130 Computers 59,763 11.9525 50   1.3660 USD   US 12/21/2008        
FUND 02 6   OEX 4 S & P 500 CALL, S&P 500, MAY 07, 655 Index 198,070 19.8070 20   1.3660 USD   US 05/21/2007        
FUND 02 7     4 BRITISH POUND CALL B POUND, DEC 166 Currency 29,881 0.9562 100   1.3660 USD   GB 12/21/2005        
FUND 02 8     6 PAY CDN$ RECEIVED GBP1-10 FORWARD ON CURRENCY   (7,271)   645,000   2.0368 GBP   GB 04/11/2008 07/15/2008      
FUND 02 10     5 US 5 YEAR TREASURY MAY 2006, 98.5   (13,600) (0.6830) 20   1.3660 USD   US 10/12/2005 05/15/2006      
FUND 02 11     5 S & P 500 MAY 2007, 659.60   (25,544) (5.1088) 10   1.3660 USD   US 01/01/2007 05/05/2007      
FUND 02 12     5 EURO EURO MAY 2007. .6685   22,881 0.0060 20   1.3660 USD   DE 12/05/2006 5/18/2007      
FUND 02 13     9 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE   Real estate 25,000                        
FUND 02 14     7 CASH US $ US $   1,400,000       1.3660 USA              
FUND 02 15   TEE.DB 2 TEE-COM DEBENTURES Private (101,520) 101.52 100,000     CAD   CA   06/06/2009 F 5.25 R
FUND 02 16     10 Pooled fund - Beutel Unit of fund Finance 1,000,000 10 100,00012   1.0000 CAD   CA          

1. Equity (including warrants and rights)
2. Debt and debentures
3. Money market instruments
4. Options
5. Futures
6. Forwards
7. Cash
8. Mortgages
9. Real estate
10. Pooled, mutual and investment funds
11. Swaps
12. Negative position: When reporting a negative position for a security, enter 'R' (for repurchase) in field 21.

*A survey guide is available upon request.

Note: Please include any tables of concordance for country codes, industry codes and currency codes if different from the BP-54 requested codes.


1. Please see Appendix 1 for a more detailed description of these categories.