Canadian community health survey content (2009-2010)

Annual common content (all health regions)

Age of respondent (ANC)
Alcohol use (ALC)
Chronic conditions (CCC)
Exposure to second-hand smoke (ETS)
Flu shots (FLU)
Fruit and vegetable consumption (FVC)
General health (GEN)
Health care utilization (HCU)
Height and weight – Self-reported (HWT)
Maternal experiences - Breastfeeding (MEX)
Pain and discomfort (HUP)
Physical activities (PAC)
Restriction of activities (RAC)
Smoking (SMK)

Administration and socio-demographic information

Administrative information (ADM)
Education (EDU)
Income (INC)
Labour force (LBS)
Person most knowledgeable about the household (PMK) (2010 only, not in 2009–2010 data file)
Socio-demographic characteristics (SDC)

Two-year common content (all health regions)

Injuries and functional health

Activities of daily living (ADL)
Injuries (INJ)
Health Utilities Index (HUI)
Use of protective equipment (UPE)

Sexual behaviours

Sexual behaviours (SXB)

One-year common content (all health regions)

2009: Health Services and Access Survey
(subsample, provinces only)1

Access to health care services (ACC)
Wait times (WTM)

2010: Health Care Utilization

Contacts with health professionals (CHP)
H1N1 Flu shot (H1N)
Neurological conditions (NEU)
Unmet health care needs (UCN)

Economic Burden

Loss of Productivity (LOP)
Chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities (CC4)
Fibromyalgia (CC3)

Rapid response


Sleep Apnea (SLA) (JanFeb 2009)
Osteoporosis (OST) (MarApr 2009)
Infertility (IFT) (SepDec 2009)


Stigma towards depression (STG) (May – June 2010)
Osteoporosis (OST) (July – Aug 2010)

Optional content (certain health regions)


Alcohol use - Dependence (ALD)
Alcohol use during the past week (ALW)
Blood pressure check (BPC)
Breast examinations (BRX)
Breast self examinations (BSX)
Changes made to improve health (CIH)
Colorectal cancer screening (CCS)
Consultations about mental health (CMH)
Dental visits (DEN)
Depression (DEP)
Diabetes care (DIA)
Dietary supplement use – Vitamins and minerals (DSU)
Distress (DIS)
Driving and safety (DRV)
Eye examinations (EYX)
Food choices (FDC)
Food security (FSC)
Health care system satisfaction (HCS)
Health status (SF-36) (SFR)
Home care services (HMC)
Home safety (HMS)
Illicit drugs use (IDG)
Insurance coverage (INS)
Mammography (MAM)
Mastery (MAS)
Maternal experiences – Alcohol use during pregnancy (MXA)
Maternal experiences – Smoking during pregnancy (MXS)
Oral health 2 (OH2)
Pap smear test (PAP)
Patient satisfaction – Community-based care (PSC)
Patient satisfaction – Health care services (PAS)
Physical activities – Facilities at work (PAF)
Problem gambling (CPG)
Prostate cancer screening (PSA)
Psychological well-being (PWB)
Satisfaction with life (SWL)
Sendentary activities (SAC)
Self-esteem (SFE)
Smoking - Other tobacco products (TAL)
Smoking - Physician counselling (SPC)
Smoking - Stages of change (SCH)
Smoking cessation methods (SCA)
Social support – Availability (SSA)
Social support – Utilization (SSU)
Stress – Coping with stress (STC)
Stress – Sources (STS)
Suicidal thoughts and attempts (SUI)
Sun safety behaviours (SSB)
Voluntary organizations - Participation (ORG)


1. Asked of a sub-sample of respondents. These theme modules were not asked of respondents in the territories.