Research and Development in Canadian Industry (RDCI)

Changes to the survey for RY2014

The Research and Development in Canadian Industry (RDCI) survey was redesigned for reference year 2014.

The reference period was changed from the 12-month fiscal period ending in the calendar year, January 1st to December 31st of the reference year to the 12-month fiscal period ending between April 1st of the reference year and March 31st of the following year.

The survey became a weighted sample survey with a sample of approximately 8,250 rather than a census survey with 2,000 sampled units and the remainder composed of massively imputed SR&ED units. The sampling unit became the company.

The survey data will revised for one year period only.

New content additions for the survey:

  • Social sciences and humanities R&D expenditures
  • Additional R&D expenditures categories for current in-house R&D expenditures (services to support R&D, R&D materials and other)
  • Additional R&D expenditures category for capital in-house R&D costs (software)
  • Source of funds additional detail for provincial grants and contracts

The sources of funds question will no longer ask for funds from specific federal departments, but will ask for grants and contracts with provinces to be reported separately.

  • On-site R&D contractors and consultants added to R&D personnel
  • Total in-house R&D by type of activity (basic research, applied research, experimental development)
  • Results of R&D spending added
  • Additional detail to questions on payments and receipts for technology (software and databases)

Content deletions from the survey:

  • R&D personnel by level of education
  • R&D personnel by field of research and development
  • R&D expenditures and R&D personnel by postal code location of R&D activities
  • Details by federal department or program for source of funds