Steel primary form steel castings* and Pig iron survey

Manufacturing and Energy Division Monthly Survey

Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this Act. Under the provisions of the Statistics Act, Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing or releasing, in any manner, any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey relating to any identifiable business without the previous written consent of that business (please see sharing agreement).


Kindly complete and return this form in time to be in Ottawa by the Tenth of the month following the month under review.

Please update the name or address if necessary

Survey purpose

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on quantities of selected steel products that are produced and shipped by Canadian manufacturers of steel primary forms, steel castings and pig iron. Data collected by this survey provide an indicator of the economic condition of the producing industry and can serve as input to study market share and industry trends. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Data-Sharing agreements - To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. The details of these agreements as well as information on record linkages were provided to you in the form of a letter with the January mail out. If you would like another copy of this information please contact us at 1-866-873-8789.

  • Name of person responsible for this report
  • Telephone (Area code and number)
  • Facsimile
  • Website
  • E-mail address

Has there been a change in ownership during the reporting period?

  • Yes
  • No

Was this plant operational during the reporting period?

  • Yes
  • No

Instructions - Casting Operations


The total actual production of rough steel castings during the month reported, is to be shown in the space provided, in weight to the nearest metric tonne, omitting decimals and fractions.


(a) Are to be shown in weights to the nearest metric tonne in the proper spaces provided on the form, according to the end-uses of the castings. Weights in the Rough Castings are required. Where a foundry rough-machines or finishes castings before shipment, the finished shipping weights will be accepted only when the Rough weights are not obtained in the ordinary course of business.

(b) In the case of “captive” operation, i.e. where a firm produces castings for own use, transfer of same should be treated as a shipment for statistical purposes and disposition should be recorded against applicable S.D.C. No. designated in section 5.

Steel Primary Forms, Steel Castings and Pig Iron
  Standard Classification of Goods Charged to furnace during the month
Are you reporting in . . . metric tonnes, imperial tons
(a) Pig Iron 72.01.00  
(b) Direct Reduced Iron 72.03.10
(c) Scrap Iron and Steel**
Own make
Prompt industrial
Obsolete 72.04.00
Pig Iron, Direct Reduced Iron And Scrap Iron Ang Steel – Total  


Steel Primary Forms, Steel Castings and Pig Iron
  Standard Classification of Goods Total tonnage made (including tonnage made for own use) Tonnage shipped (for Domestic use or for export)
2. (a) Steel, Primary Forms (non-alloy, stainless, and alloy) (including continuous cast steel)      
Electric furnace – 72.06 72.07 72.18 72.24    
Basic oxygen furnace – 72.06 72.07 72.18 72.24    
Steel, Primary Forms – Total –      
(b) Continuous cast steel included in (a) above      
3. Steel Castings      
(a) Carbon    
(b) Alloy    
4. Pig Iron      
(a) Domestic 72.01.00    
(b) Export 72.01.00    



(7325.99.2) Steel Castings
SDC No. 5. SHIPMENTS (Compiled by end use) Carbon castings Alloy castings
11 Wholesalers and warehouses    
81 Export    
21 Automotive and Aircraft Industries    
51 Agricultural (including implement and equipment manufacturers)    
31.32 Construction (steel fabrication and metal building systems)    
52.53 &54 Machinery and tools (including electrical machinery, non-electrical machinery and industrial packaging equipment)    
41 Natural Resources and Extractive Industries [(including mining, lumbering, quarrying, oil and gas) (including refineries, etc)]    
22 Railway operating    
23 Railroad Cars and Locomotives    
24 Shipbuilding    
70 Miscellaneous (including grinding balls, railway car wheels and all other)    
70 Total    
* Steel is the first solid state after melting suitable for further processing or sale, including ingots, steel castings and continuous or pressure cast blooms, billets, slabs or other product forms.

** Scrap Classification
The producers of ferrous scrap describe unprocessed scrap by its origin. Home (own generated) scrap is produced in the manufacture of steel mill products, whereas prompt industrial scrap is generated by the secondary manufacturing industry and obsolete scrap comes from discarded machinery, equipment and structures.

Note: 1. Alloy steel includes only steel where the minimum of the range specified in any of the elements named exceeds the following percentages: Nickel, 0.40%; chromium, 0.43%; copper, 0.50%; manganese, 1.65%; silicon, 0.50%; molybdenum, 0.10%; vanadium, tungsten, cobalt, titanium and zirconium any percent.

2. High alloy castings include all castings with any alloy content of 8% and over.


For further information please call 1-800-386-1275 or by Fax: 1-888-883-7999.

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.


5-3121-1306: 2009-01-12 STC/IND-310-60034