Individual Report Consumer Information

Individual Report Consumer Information

Introduction and Instructions

In support of the Canadian Government's systems of allowance for expatriate civilian and military employees, the Government Allowance Indexes Section of Statistics Canada has been assigned the responsibility for the computation of comparative indexes of retail prices and costs (Post Indexes) encountered by Canadian Government personnel stationed at foreign locations/posts.

The responsibility of employing departments for introducing indexes into compensation systems is described in the Foreign Services Directives (FSD 55), and the Military Foreign Service Instruction, for the Canadian Forces.

The information obtained from this survey will form the basis for establishing or adjusting your Post Living Allowance (PLA) payable under the Foreign Service Directive (FSD 55). Thus, it is important to you that the information you provide be as accurate as possible. In the separate price survey questionnaires, retail prices on a wide range of consumer goods and services are collected directly from those retail outlets used by Government employees.

This questionnaire should be completed by each Canada-based family or individual member of the mission. Your co-operation in ensuring that the necessary information is supplied a soon as possible will be appreciated.

The various questions have been grouped under eight sections:

Section A: General information relating to yourself, your family and the location at which you are stationed.

Section B: Purchasing Patterns: relative importance of supply sources (local versus imports, etc.).

Section C: Communications and Television Information

Section D: Transportation Information.

Section E: Domestic Help Costs.

Section F: Household Insurance Costs

Section G: Additional Information

The information reported should reflect your own purchasing practices. Please describe the experience of you and your family. Do not try to give answers representative of the post as a whole. Actual retail prices for your location are being collected separately through your Survey Co-ordinator.

Once you have completed Sections A to G, the questionnaire should be forwarded to the Survey Co-ordinator at your post who will, in turn, send it to Ottawa along with all other survey material required.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics that would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business/institution/individual without the previous written consent of that business/ institution/individual. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other Legislation.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Section A: General information

  1. Name of Employee
  2. Location, post or military establishment
  3. Employing Department
  4. Public Service classification or military rank
  5. Number of years (months) at this location
  6. Number of people living in your household
    • Adults
    • Children
    • Ages of children

Section B: Purchasing patterns

Important reminder: Base your estimates on quantity not cost

1) This section is used to establish the relative importance of the sources of supply used by you and your family to buy the items listed below for consumption at this post. Please estimate in percentage terms the quantity of purchases made from each source.

N.B. If you have been at this post more than one year you should report your experiences of the past 12 months only.


  • In the case of items not regularly consumed, do not enter any percentages and indicate accordingly under "comments".

  • Where items are regularly consumed, Columns A to I must total 100% horizontally.

  • In columns A and B, report the percentage of the total quantity of purchases made at local stores which are accessible to all consumers, regardless of the item's country of origin. In column A, report the percentage of local purchases made using the Currency of this country. In Column B, report the percentage of purchases made with other currencies, e.g., US Dollars. These secondary currencies should be specified.

  • In columns C to E, report percentage of the total quantity of purchases made at local outlets which may have restricted access to specific groups. Include diplomatic stores, hard currency stores, embassy and/or military facilities that are located within driving distance of the post.

  • Under "Supply Brought to Post" (column F), show the percentage of the total quantity of purchases for goods that were brought to this post from Canada or a previous posting. This column should include goods brought at the time of arrival and/or supplies purchased during trips to Canada.

  • Exclude goods shipped from Canada for which additional freight, insurance or handling fees are incurred. Exclude purchases made while on trips at other locations. (See below.)

  • In columns G to I, report the percentage of the total quantity of purchases for goods that were imported from other locations. Direct Importation refers, for the most part, to Export Houses such as Peter Justesen. Purchases made through the Internet should be included in these columns. Goods shipped from Canada that incurred additional costs such as freight, insurance or handling fees should be included in these columns.

    Name(s) of supplier(s) and percentages for each source of supply should be reported separately. The above types of imports should be supported by shipping bills, etc. in order to ensure all additional costs are reflected.

    Also include in these columns purchases at locations other than Canada while on trips and identify the location(s) of such purchases. (Supplier names are not required.)

Table 1 Items for consumption at this post
  Local retailers Special outlets
(e.g. US Commissary/PX, Embassy Commissaries)
  Direct importation Total Comments
(Specify Currency)
Specify Outlet
Specify Outlet
Specify Outlet
To Post
Specify Supplier
Specify Supplier
Specify Supplier
Beef                    = 100%  
Pork                    = 100%  
Lamb                    = 100%  
Veal                    = 100%  
Cured Meat, e.g., Bacon, Sausage, etc.                    = 100%  
Poultry                    = 100%  
Fish, Fresh/Frozen                    = 100%  
Canned Meat/Fish                    = 100%  
Milk, Fresh
(incl. UHT)
                  = 100%  
Other Milk Products, e.g. Evaporated, etc.                   = 100%  
Dairy Products, e.g. Yogurt, Ice Cream                    = 100%  
Cheese                    = 100%  
Eggs                    = 100%  
Butter                    = 100%  
Margarine                    = 100%  
Other Fats and Oils e.g. Salad Oils Shortening, Mayonnaise, etc.                   = 100%  
Breakfast Cereals                    = 100%  
Cookies and Cake Mixes                    = 100%  
Rice                    = 100%  
Bread                    = 100%  
Pasta Noodles                    = 100%  
Flour                    = 100%  
Baby Cereals                    = 100%  
Sugar                    = 100%  
Spreads, e.g. Peanut Butter, Honey, etc.                    = 100%  
Relishes and Sauces, incl. Pickle, Worcester, etc.                    = 100%  
Coffee/Tea                    = 100%  
Soft Drinks                    = 100%  
Nuts                   = 100%  
Candy, incl. Chocolate Bar                    = 100%  
Potato Chips and Similar Products                    = 100%  
Spices                    = 100%  
Pet Food                    = 100%  
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
(incl. Juices) 
                  = 100%  
Frozen Fruits and Vegetables                    = 100%  
Frozen Prepared Foods                   = 100%  
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables                    = 100%  
Personal Care Supplies and Toiletries                   = 100%  
Paper Products, Incl. Tissues, Toilet Paper, Hygiene Products                    = 100%  
Baby's Diapers (Disposable)                    = 100%  
Laundry Detergent                   = 100%  
Other Household Cleaning Supplies, incl. Bleach, Fabric Softener                   = 100%  
Paper Towels                    = 100%  
Other Household supplies, e.g. Light Bulbs, Insecticide, Food Wrap and Garbage Bags                   = 100%  
Medical and Pharmaceutical Products, (Non prescription)                   = 100%  
Books                    = 100%  
Magazines                    = 100%  
Newspapers                    = 100%  
Sporting Equipment                   = 100%  
Photographic Supplies and Equipment                   = 100%  
Toys and Games,
Incl. Electronic
                  = 100%  
Home Computer Hardware and Peripherals                   = 100%  
Home Computer Supplies
Incl. Software
                  = 100%  
CD's, Video Tapes and DVD's,
exclude Rentals
                  = 100%  
Women's Clothing                    = 100%  
Men's Clothing                    = 100%  
Children's Clothing                   = 100%  
Household Textiles                    = 100%  
Small Home Appliances                    = 100%  

2) Estimate your relative use (in percentage terms) of the following facilities for services:

N.B.: In the case of services not regularly used, do not enter any percentages but indicate by writing "N/A" across.

Table 2 Facilities for services
Service Local Retail Facility Military Facility
(specify in Question 2a)
Other Facility
(specify in Question 2b)
Admission to Movie Theatres          = 100%
Video/DVD Rentals         = 100%
Cable/Satellite Television Service         = 100%
Admission to Sports Events         = 100%
Admission to Performing Arts         = 100%
Dry Cleaning         = 100%
Barber Shop         = 100%
Beauty Shop         = 100%
Shoe Repairs         = 100%
Home Computer Service/Repairs         = 100%
Auto Service/Repairs
(excl. Parts, see 4)
        = 100%

2a) For items where use at "Military Facility" has been reported above, please specify the facility.

2b) For items where use at "Other Facility" has been reported above, please specify the facility.

3) Estimate your relative use (in percentage terms) of the following facilities for goods.

N.B.: In the case of goods not regularly consumed, do not enter any percentages but indicate by writing "N/A" across the row.

Table 3 Facilities for goods
Product Local Retail Facility
Special Arrangements (tax/duty free purchases) Specify in Question 3a
Military Facility Specify in Question 3b
Brought to Post (from Canada or previous post)% Direct Importation (Include Duty Free Houses) Specify in Question 3c
Motor Oil              = 100%
Gasoline              = 100%
Other Motoring Supplies, e.g. Tires, Batteries, etc.             = 100%
Liquor and Spirits              = 100%
Wine              = 100%
Beer              = 100%
Cigarettes              = 100%

3a) For items where "Special Arrangement (tax/duty free purchases)" have been reported above, please list the most important supplier for each type of good specified. Explain briefly the method used to access duty-free purchases and any limitations that may apply, (e.g. gas coupons, official requests) for reimbursement which must be made to the local government, etc.).

3b) For items where use of "Military Facility" have been reported above, please list the most important supplier for each type of good specified.

3c) For items where use of "Direct Importation" (including Duty Free Houses) have been reported above, please list the most important supplier for each type of good specified.

Section C: Communications and Television Information

Telephone Include both monthly residential and cellular telephone costs but exclude any costs that are reimbursed i.e., business calls, etc. and initial installation charges)

1a) Based on recent experience estimate the amount spent per month on local and long distance phone calls. Specify the currency.

(Please include copies of a minimum of 4 recent bills)

  • Cost per month
    Residential service
  • Cost per month
    Cellular service

1b) Of the total amount you and your family spent on telephone charges during the past 12 months estimate, in percentage terms, the relative importance of "local" versus "long distance" charges.

Internet (Residential Use: Exclude any costs that are reimbursed.)

2a) Indicate the type of provider used to obtain this service.

  • Cable Service
  • Telephone Line
  • Other

2b) If telephone lines are used, are the costs for line usage reflected in 1a)

  • Yes
  • No

2c) Based on recent experience estimate the amount spent per month on use of the Internet excluding any telephone line charges. Specify the currency.

(Please include copies of a minimum of 4 recent bills)

2d) If service is not provided for a flat rate per month, estimate the number of hours that this service is used in a typical month.

  • Hours per month
  • Cost per hour

Postal Service

3a) For the amount spent on postal services, please estimate in percentage terms the relative importance of the regular local mail service versus international mail services.

3b) For the amount spent on International mail services, please estimate in percentage terms the relative importance of the regular mail system of this location versus the diplomatic bag or special services (i.e., for which Canadian postage is used) during the last 12 months.

Cable or satellite television services (Exclude any costs that are reimbursed.)

Indicate the type of service that is used in your domicile:

  • Cablevision
  • Satellite
  • Service not used (Go to Section D)

Is this service supplied at no direct cost to you or your family?

  • Yes (Go to Section D)
  • No

4a) Based on recent experience estimate the amount spent per month on Cable or Satellite Television services. Exclude initial installation charges and pay per view costs.

4b) Indicate the number of English and French channels that are included in the package received for the costs shown above.

If the language of this country is either English or French, go to 4d.

4c) Indicate the number of channels broadcast in the language of this country that are viewed by members of this household. (Please include copies of recent bills)

4d) Indicate the number of channels broadcast in languages other than english, french or the language of this country that are viewed by members of this household.

4e) Indicate the number of channels where some of the programming is in the original English or French with other language subtitles. Exclude any included in 4b, 4c and 4d.

4f)  If English or French Pay per View service is available, indicate the cost to view a first run movie. Include all taxes, if applicable.

Section D: Transportation Information

Public transportation

1) Of the total amount spent by you and your family on local public transportation during a typical one month period, please estimate in percentage terms, the relative importance of the various types of public transportation used at the Post.

Public Transportation not used


  • Taxi
  • Municipal bus/street car
  • Subway
  • Other (e.g. Commuter trains, etc.) (Specify)

2) Does anyone in this household receive "commuting assistance"?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to 4)

If yes, is commuting assistance received in respect of:

  • Personal motor vehicle? (Go to 4)
  • Public transportation?

3) If commuting assistance is received for use of public transportation estimate the percentage of the monthly amount spent by you and your family for use of public transportation (excluding Commuting Assistance) which is spent on:

  • Commuting use
  • Other use

Private transportation

4) Does anyone in this household have an automobile at this Post?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section E)

If yes, is the automobile in question:

  • Owned?
  • Rented under FSD30? (Go to Section E)
  • Other (specify)?

5) Please provide the following information for each car:

5a) Vehicle's Make/Model/Year

5b) Specify the annual licensing and registration costs for any of these vehicles) that were paid directly by a family member at the post, i.e., no costs that were reimbursed?

Automobile insurance

6) Complete if applicable

Insurance Coverage and Annual Premiums paid for:

  1. Third Party Liability
    • Annual Premiums
    • Coverage
  2. Collision
    • Annual Premiums
    • Deductible
    • Coverage
  3. Other Physical Damage
    • Annual Premiums
    • Coverage
    • Specify type(s) of other physical damage insured against

Describe any discounts incorporated in annual premiums shown above:

  1. In terms of "Accident-free driving record":


    No. of years without claim
    Discount (% or actual amount)

  2. Any other type of discount (please explain)

Note: Please include a photocopy of your Vehicle Insurance policy.

Section E: Domestic Help Costs

If you employ domestic help, complete the following.


  • Information should be provided in respect to part-time and other casual employees, as well as for any full-time domestics.

  • Include "evening baby-sitters".

  • The scale of pay and costs should be provided in the currency used to purchase these services. Specify, where applicable.

  • Clearly indicate for each type of domestic help reported, the amount of "representational/hospitality allowance" or other type of allowance(s) received as full or partial reimbursement for domestic expenditures personally incurred (Question 8).

  • If more than 6 servants are employed, a separate sheet providing a break-down of the information requested below should be attached.

  • Do not include gratuities for Hair Services and Restaurant Meals.
  1. Type of Service
  2. Living In or Out?
  3. Cash Wage
    Please report hourly rate or weekly rate in the currency used to pay these workers.
  4. Frequency of service or hours worked (Specify hours worked)
    1. works every week (hours per week)
    2. works every 2 weeks (hours per week)
    3. works once a month (hours per month)
    4. Other (hours per period) (specify)
  5. Annual wage outlay (specify currency)
  6. Other typical annual expenses (specify currency)
    1. Social Security Tax
    2. Food Cost
    3. Transportation Cost
    4. Medical Expenses
    5. Clothing Expenses (e.g. uniforms, etc.)
    6. Other Expenses
  7. Total annual cost in local currency (Q5 + Q6)
  8. Annual reimbursement received as "representational or hospitality allowance" or other benefits (e.g., paid by Embassy, etc.)
  9. Net annual expenditure personally incurred (Q7 – Q8)
  10. If expenses have been reported in Question 6 (i.e., "Other Typical Annual Expenses"),please provide explanations (i.e., by custom or legal requirement, etc.)

Section F: Household Insurance Costs for Tenants

1) Is your personal property in your residence covered by household insurance?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section G)

2) Is this service supplied at no direct cost to you or your family?

  • No
  • Yes (Go to Section G)

3) Indicate whether coverage is for a single family unit or a multi-unit dwelling

  • single family
  • multi-unit

4) Indicate the approximate amount of insurance coverage you carry for your personal property including coverage for fire and theft, emergency living expenses and property temporarily removed from the tenancy. Coverage should not include damages resulting from major catastrophes such as earthquakes, tornadoes, etc., unless these are included at no extra charge.

  • $50,000 CDN
  • $75,000 CDN
  • $100,000 CDN
  • Other (specify)

a) Indicate the annual premium for the coverage described above.

b) Indicate the deductible amount for this policy.

Note: Please include a photocopy of your Household Insurance policy.

6) Do you have supplementary insurance to cover major catastrophes such as earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section G)

7) Indicate the annual premium for the supplementary coverage.
Note: Please include a photocopy of your Household Insurance policy.

Section G: Additional Information

1) Describe any unusual local cost of living problems faced by you and your family.


I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this document is true and accurate.

  • Signature
  • Date