2019 Census Test - Data Quality Project, Dwelling Classification Survey

Form 91Q

Confidential when completed.

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act. R.S.C., 1985, c. S-19

Control use


  • Prov.
  • CD No.
  • CU No.
  • VR Line No.

Contact person

Office Use Only

Result of interview

  1. Completed questionnaire
  2. Incomplete questionnaire

Section l — Address or Exact Location of This Dwelling

Transcribe from the Assignment List (Form 1B)

  • Street and No. or lot and concession
  • Apt. No.
  • City, town, village
  • Province/territory
  • Postal Code
  • AD

Section Il — Verification of Dwelling

Interviewer check item:
1. Is there a dwelling (a set of living quarters with a private entrance) at the address listed above?

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 2
  2. No; What is located at this address?
    1. Business or professional office of some sort (e.g., dentist office, gas station); Continue with Question 2
    2. Dwelling under construction; Continue with Question 2
    3. Dwelling demolished; Continue with Question 2
    4. Empty lot; Continue with Question 2
    5. Could not locate address; End interview
    6. Apartment no longer used as a separate dwelling; Continue with Question 2
    7. Other – Specify; End interview

Read script: refer to Form 91R
2. On Census Test Day, Tuesday May 14, was there a single set of living quarters at this address, or was there more than one?

  1. None; End interview
  2. One; Continue with Question 3
  3. More than one; Did each have a private entrance?
    1. Yes; Go to Question 3 and complete a separate questionnaire for each dwelling
    2. No; Go to Question 3

Interviewer check item:
3. Identify person contacted.

  • Family name:
  • Given name and initial(s)
  1. Occupant
  2. Neighbour
  3. Superintendent or building manager
  4. Other; Specify

Section Ill — Dwelling Occupancy Status on May 14, 2019

4. Was someone living in the dwelling on Census Test Day? (Tuesday, May 14, 2019)

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 5
  2. No; Go to Question 6
  3. Don't know; End interview and find another contact
  • If the dwelling is now occupied but the occupancy on May 14, 2019 is unknown, check "Don't know".
  • Only check "Yes" or "No" based on the occupancy on Census Test Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2019.

5. On Census Test Day, were they living in the dwelling on a temporary or occasional basis, or was it their usual home?
A temporary or occasional basis would include such things as staying at a summer home or a second home.

  1. Temporary – Specify; Go to Question 15
  2. Usual Home; Go to Question 17
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 17

6. Is the dwelling generally occupied on a temporary or occasional basis, or is it someone's usual home?
A temporary or occasional basis would include such things as a summer home or a second home.

  1. Temporary – Specify; Go to Question 15
  2. Usual Home; Continue with Question 7
  3. Don't know; Continue with Question 7

7. Were the usual residents temporarily away, or staying outside of Canada on Census Test Day, Tuesday, May 14?
Temporarily away includes being away on business, at a summer home, on vacation, or at school.

  1. Yes – Specify; Go to Question 17
  2. No; Continue with Question 8
  3. Don't know; Continue with Question 8

Section lV— Interview A — Dwelling Unoccupied on May 14, 2019

8. Was anyone living in the dwelling at any time between May 1st and Census Test Day, Tuesday, May 14?

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 9
  2. No; Go to Question 11
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 11

9. Were they living in the dwelling on a temporary or occasional basis, or was it their usual home?
A temporary or occasional basis would include such things as staying at a summer home or a second home.

  1. Temporary; Go to Question 15
  2. Usual home; Continue with Question 10
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 11

10. Could you tell me when these former occupants moved out of the dwelling?

  1. On or before May 13, 2019; Continue with Question 11
  2. On or after May 14, 2019; Return to Question 4, and obtain information about the dwelling for Census Test Day. Use a new questionnaire if necessary
  3. Don't know; Continue with Question 11

Interviewer check item:
11. Is the person being interviewed an occupant of the dwelling listed in SECTION I?

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 12
  2. No; Go to Question 13

12. On what date did your household move into this dwelling?

  1. On or before May 14, 2019; Return to Question 4, and obtain information about the dwelling for Census Test Day. Use a new questionnaire if necessary.
  2. On or after May 15, 2019; Go to Question 15

13. Is someone currently living in the dwelling?

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 14
  2. No; Go to Question 15
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 15

14. On what date did the current occupant(s) move into the dwelling?

  1. On or before May 14, 2019; Return to Question 4, and obtain information about the dwelling for Census Test Day. Use a new questionnaire if necessary.
  2. On or after May 15, 2019; Continue with Question 15
  3. Don't know; Continue with Question 15

15. Was this dwelling suitable for year-round occupancy on Census Test Day, Tuesday, May 14?
That is, did it have a source of heat or power, and provide complete shelter from the elements?

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 16
  2. No; Continue with Question 16
  3. Don't know; Continue with Question 16

16. Was this dwelling under construction or major renovation on Census Test Day, Tuesday, May 14?

  1. Yes; End interview and complete Question 24 and Question 25
  2. No; End interview and complete Question 24 and Question 25
  3. Don't know; End interview and complete Question 24 and Question 25

Section V — Interview B — Dwelling Occupied on May 14, 2019

17. How many persons were living in the dwelling on Census Test Day, Tuesday, May 14?


  • All persons who had their main residence at this address on May 14, 2019, including newborn babies, room-mates and person who were temporarily away,
  • Canadian citizens, landed immigrants (permanent residents), persons asking for refugee status (refugee claimants), persons from another country with a work or study permit and family members living here with them,
  • Persons staying at this address temporarily on May 14, 2019 who have no main residence elsewhere.


  • Visitors who had their main residence elsewhere in Canada,
  • Government representatives of another country or members of the Armed Forces of another country and their families,
  • Residents of another country visiting Canada, for example, on a business trip or on vacation.
  1. number of persons; Continue with Question 18
    If "00" persons End interview and complete Question 24 and Question 25
  2. Don't know; Continue with Question 18

18. When did these people move into this dwelling?

  1. On or before May 14, 2019; Go to Question 21
  2. On or after May 15, 2019; Continue with Question 19
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 23

19. Did anyone live in the dwelling prior to these people?

  1. Yes; Continue with Question 20
  2. No; Return to Question 4, and obtain information about the dwelling for Census Test Day. Use a new questionnaire if necessary.
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 23

20. When did these former occupants move out of this dwelling?

  1. On or before May 13, 2019; Return to Question 4, and obtain information about the dwelling for Census Test Day. Use a new questionnaire if necessary
  2. On or after May 14, 2019; Return to Question 17 and obtain information for the May 14 occupants
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 23

21. Do these people still live in the dwelling?

  1. Yes; Go to Question 23
  2. No; Continue with Question 22
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 23

22. When did these people move out of the dwelling?

  1. On or before May 13, 2019; Return to Question 4, and obtain information about the dwelling for Census Test Day. Use a new questionnaire if necessary.
  2. On or after May 14, 2019; Go to Question 23
  3. Don't know; Go to Question 23

23. What is the sex and age of each person usually living in the dwelling on Census Test Day, May 14?

Interviewer instructions:
Refer to Question 17 to obtain the total number of persons.
If Question 17 has no response or the number of persons is "00" or more than "06", End interview and complete Question 24 and Question 25

  1. Number of persons

Obtain the sex and age for each person.
If the age of a person is unknown, an approximate age is acceptable.

List of household members - Census Test Day, May 14th, 2019
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6
Male / Female            
For children under the age of 1, enter 0.

Section Vl — Classification of Dwelling

To be completed by interviewer upon completion of interview.

24. What is the "dwelling type" of the dwelling listed in Section I? Mark one circle only.
For a list of dwelling types and their definitions refer to page 6.

  1. Single-detached house
  2. Semi-detached house
  3. Row house
  4. Apartment or flat in a duplex
  5. Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys
  6. Apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys
  7. Other single-attached house
  8. Mobile home
  9. Other movable dwelling

25. Is the dwelling listed in Section l suitable for year round occupancy?
That is, does it have a source of heat or power, and provide complete shelter from the elements?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't know

Section Vll — Situations in the Field

Interviewer check item:
Check all that apply. Explain situations in Section VIII - Comments.

  1. "No dwelling exists" or "Could not locate address" - explain the situation
  2. More than one dwelling at the same address – explain the situation & write down the exact number of dwellings at this address
  3. Two addresses describe the same dwelling (i.e. AD=01) – write down the SSID for each dwelling
  4. Only one of the two addresses associated with the dwelling is listed on the Assignment List, Form 1B, you will conduct one interview for the entire dwelling (i.e. AD=02) – write the other address associated with the dwelling
  5. Dwelling is a business or collective dwelling with a private dwelling at the address – explain the situation
  6. Refusal by the occupant
  7. Refusal by NON-occupant
  8. Received a completed Form 2A during DCS
  9. Other – explain the situation

Section Vlll — Comments

(Space for comments)

Private dwelling type codes - Definitions

1. Single-detached house
A single dwelling not attached to any other dwelling or structure (except its own garage or shed).
A single-detached house has open space on all sides, and has no dwellings either above it or below it.
A mobile home fixed permanently to a foundation should be coded as a single-detached house. (See Code 8.)
2. Semi-detached house
One of two dwellings attached side by side (or back to back) to each other, but not attached to any other dwelling or structure (except its own garage or shed). A semi-detached house has no dwellings either above it or below it and the two units, together, have open space on all sides.
3. Row house
One of three or more dwellings joined side by side (or occasionally side to back), such as a townhouse or garden home, but not having any other dwellings either above it or below. If townhouses are attached to high-rise buildings, assign Code 3 to each townhouse.
4. Apartment or flat in a duplex
One of two dwellings, located one above the other. If duplexes are attached to triplexes or other duplexes or to other non-residential structures (e.g., a store), assign Code 4 to each apartment or flat in the duplexes.
5. Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys
A dwelling unit in a high-rise apartment building which has five or more storeys. Also included are apartments in a building that has five or more storeys where the first floor and/or second floor are commercial establishments.
6. Apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys
A dwelling unit attached to other dwelling units, commercial units, or other non-residential space in a building that has fewer than five storeys.
7. Other single-attached house
A single dwelling that is attached to another building and that does not fall into any of the other categories, such as a single dwelling attached to a non-residential structure (e.g., store or church) or occasionally to another residential structure (e.g., apartment building).
8. Mobile home

A single dwelling, designed and constructed to be transported on its own chassis and capable of being moved to a new location on short notice. It may be placed temporarily on a foundation pad and may be covered by a skirt.

A mobile home must meet the following two conditions:

  • It is designed and constructed to be transported on its base frame (or chassis) in one piece.
  • The dwelling can be moved on short notice. This dwelling can be easily relocated to a new location, because of the nature of its construction, by disconnecting it from services, attaching it to a standard wheel assembly and moving it without resorting to significant renovations and reconstructions.
9. Other movable dwelling
A single dwelling, other than a mobile home, used as a place of residence, but capable of being moved on short notice, such as a tent, recreational vehicle, travel trailer, houseboat or floating home.

Private dwelling type codes — Chart

Is this dwelling attached to another dwelling or structure (other than its own garage or shed)?

  • No
    Can this dwelling be moved on short notice?
    • No: Code 1
    • Yes
      Is this dwelling designed and constructed to be transported on its own frame (i.e., mobile home)?
      • No: Code 9
      • Yes: Code 8
  • Yes
    Does this dwelling have any other dwelling(s) above or below it?
    • No
      Is this dwelling in a building that has more than two dwellings attached side by side or back to back?
      • No
        Is this dwelling attached to only one other dwelling side by side or back to back (i.e., semi-detached)?
        • No: Code 7
        • Yes: Code 2
      • Yes: Code 3
    • Yes
      Is this dwelling in a building that has five or more storeys?
      • No
        Are there exactly two dwellings in this building?
        • No: Code 6
        • Yes: Code 4
      • Yes: Code 5