Surveying Messenger Respondents by Telephone for the Courier and Messengers Services Price Index

Initial Identification

"I am calling from Statistics Canada, my name is <Surveyor name>."

Purpose of this survey

"We survey your company on a monthly basis in order to produce a monthly price index by measuring the change over time in prices for Courier and Messenger services on a Canada level."

Identifying specific respondent

"Would you or would someone else in your office be able to answer some questions on the types of services your company offers and the cost of those services?" <Obtain Contact Information (Name, position, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, mailing address) and confirm what type of contact (telephone, email or fax) the respondent would prefer.>

Explanation and verification of Service

"The information we are looking for is meant to represent your typical activity. In particular the pick-up and delivery of a document weighing 1LB as well as a package weighing 3 KG." "In previous contact with your company we have determined that your company delivers these types of packages, is this still accurate?" <If not ask how their service has changed, if the service does not meet our survey criteria then thank them for their time and explain we will not be asking them for future price information.>

Price collection

Price #1

"You previously reported a pick-up at <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> and delivered to <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> within one hour for a 1 LB document would cost <quote last reported Base Rate (on file)> excluding taxes. Is this correct for the month of <last month that data was collected> ?" <If not, ask them what the correct Base Rate would have been for that month?> "What is the Base Rate for this service this month?"

Price #2

"You previously reported a pick-up at <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> and delivered to <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> within one hour for a 3 KG package would cost <quote last reported Base Rate (on file)> excluding taxes. Is this correct for the month of <last month that data was collected> ?" <If not, ask them what the correct Base Rate would have been for that month?> "What is the Base Rate for this service this month?"

Price #3

"You previously reported a pick-up at <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> and delivered to <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> in a 3-4 hour window for a 1 LB document would cost <quote last reported Base Rate (on file)> excluding taxes. Is this correct for the month of <last month that data was collected> ?" <If not, ask them what the correct Base Rate would have been for that month?> "What is the Base Rate for this service this month?"

Price #4

"You previously reported a pick-up at <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> and delivered to <specific location in the respondent's city (on file)> in a 3-4 hour window for a 3 KG package would cost <quote last reported Base Rate (on file)> excluding taxes. Is this correct for the month of <last month that data was collected> ?" <If not, ask them what the correct Base Rate would have been for that month?> "What is the Base Rate for this service this month?"

Other Charges

"Besides taxes, are there any other charges that apply to your services?"

"Do you apply a Fuel Surcharge to these services? <Reference the 1 LB and the 3 KG services if necessary> If so, what amount or rate do you charge?"

"Does this Fuel Surcharge change regularly? If so, how often should we survey your Fuel Surcharge rate?"

"Thank you for your time and cooperation with this survey."

Additional Information

"The data collected by this survey is confidential and specific price information is never accessible by anyone or any organization other than Statistics Canada. The price information gathered through this survey is used to produce a price index on a Canada level. This index is called the Courier and Messenger Services Price Index and is published by Statistics Canada on a monthly basis. This index shows price movement of Courier and Messenger services over time and is subject to a six month revision period."