Health Statistics
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The Health Statistics Branch (HSB) of Statistics Canada is the country's trusted source of timely, accurate and relevant information about the health of Canadians. We provide data and insights about the health of the population, determinants of health and the scope and utilization of Canada's health care resources.
This information is used by health planners and policy makers at all levels of government to make the evidence-informed decisions that are critical to health policy and programming. It also supports clinicians, patients, non-governmental organizations, researchers and the general public in the countless decisions they make to improve health outcomes every day.
What's trending in health?

Explore recent statistics on health in Canada through:

The biobank is an integral part of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), which is a cross-sectional survey designed to produce a nationally representative estimates that accurately portraits the health of Canadians
Gender, diversity and inclusion statistics

A focal point for data produced by Statistics Canada's Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics.
Sustainable Development Goals Data Hub

Browse Canada's statistics for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Tables and tools
- Health characteristics, annual estimates, by household income quintile and highest level of education
- Health characteristics, two-year period estimates, census metropolitan areas and population centres
- Canadian Social Environment Typology: A New Geographic Classification Tool to Classify Canadian Neighbourhoods
- Monitoring the COVID-19 virus in wastewater through the Canadian Wastewater Survey: preliminary data release (2021-04-01 to 2022-01-31)
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