Immigrants and non-permanent residents Statistics
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Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB): Interactive apps

The dynamic charts provide a wealth of information on immigration analytical outcomes.
Use the Economic Outcomes Interactive App to explore data on immigrant Income by sex, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, knowledge of official languages at admission, years since admission, and admission year.
Use the Mobility Interactive App to explore data on interprovincial mobility by geography of admission, geography of residence, immigrant mobility indicators, age groups and sex at taxation year, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages at admission, immigrant admission category, and admission year.
IMDB data tables
- Income of Immigrant tax-filers, by immigrant admission category and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars
- Income of Immigrant taxfilers, by socio-demographic profile and tax year, 2022 constant dollars
- Income of asylum claimants by claim year and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars
- Immigrant taxfilers by economic outcomes and tax year, economic regions, 2022 constant dollars
- Immigrant taxfilers by economic outcomes and tax year, census metropolitan areas, 2022 constant dollars
- Interprovincial migration of immigrant taxfilers, by admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces
- Interprovincial migration of immigrant taxfilers, by pre-admission experience and tax year, for Canada and provinces
- Mobility of immigrant taxfilers by census metropolitan areas and tax year
- Mobility of immigrant taxfilers by economic regions and tax year
- Economic outcomes of taxfiling immigrants admitted as children compared to Canadian taxfilers by age at taxation in 2021
About the IMDB
The Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) combines administrative immigration data with outcomes from tax data. The IMDB covers all immigrants admitted to Canada since 1952 and all non-permanent resident permits since 1980. This database, whose population is composed of immigrants and non-permanent residents alike, provides detailed and reliable information on socioeconomic outcomes after their arrival in Canada, such as employment income and inter-provincial migration, from annual tax files since 1982. It connects these short- and long-term outcomes with characteristics at admission, such as immigrant admission category, source country and knowledge of official languages at admission. The database also provides information on pre-admission experience in Canada and citizenship acquisition since 2005.
View the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) Technical Report, 2023 for more technical information.
View the following Daily articles for the most recent IMDB information on selected topics:
- The overall median entry wage of new immigrants continues to grow in 2022
- Immigrants admitted in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec most likely to stay in their provinces of destination
- The continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: Variations in the economic integration of new immigrants
- Atlantic Canada experiences a recent uptick in retaining skilled immigrants
- The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the economic integration of many immigrants
How to access the IMDB
Data from the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) can be accessed through Research Data Centres (RDCs) across Canada. View the application process and guidelines for RDC access.
To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of the IMDB, or to request custom tabulations, contact the Diversity and Sociocultural Statistics Client Services (
For more information, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300;
2021 Census data visualization

These interactive charts show the distribution of the immigrant population by selected places of birth and by various geographic regions in Canada. Two charts are presented: one is for places of birth and the second, geographic areas.
Gender, diversity and inclusion

Visit Statistics Canada's Centre for Gender, diversity and inclusion statistics.
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