Modernization projects

Statistics Canada fosters a culture of innovation—it is at the heart of everything we do. Our modernization initiative is based on five key pillars, which were developed in collaboration with our stakeholders in a series of consultations to better understand their information needs. These consultations, coupled with the lessons learned from our four pathfinder projects, are helping transform Canada’s national statistical agency into one that is even more modern and responsive to our data-driven world.

Today, we know that traditional statistics-gathering methods are no longer sufficient to accurately measure Canada’s economic and societal changes. That is why Statistics Canada’s focus has shifted toward leveraging administrative data, using advanced technologies and developing new, cost-effective methods to link and integrate data from a variety of sources.

As we experiment with new methods, we will continue to apply the same rigorous privacy and confidentiality standards to protect Canadians’ information. It is our responsibility by law.

Our modernization projects

Learn about some of our latest initiatives that are driving our modernization forward.