Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub

About this hub

Welcome to the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics (GDIS) Hub, Statistics Canada's primary platform for all Gender, Diversity and Inclusion related data. The Hub enables data users to more easily find disaggregated and intersectional data, analytical products and insights.

Gender Results Framework

Statistics Canada has compiled data on each of the indicators of the Gender Results Framework as well as other key indicators related to gender.

Currently, dashboards are available for Education and skills development, Economic participation and prosperity, and Leadership and democratic participation, allowing users to view and interact with relevant data. Additional dashboards covering Gender-based violence and access to justice, Poverty reduction, health and well-being and other Statistics Canada gender indicators are in development and will be launched in the coming weeks.

Explore the data

Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Catalogue

The GDIS catalogue is a database that enables you to find data tables, publications, and data visualizations, but with a focus on disaggregated data and analytical products on gender, diversity and inclusion. You can filter the catalogue easily by population group or by searching using a keyword. For a wider variety of information and subjects check out the Statistics Canada Data page.

You can initiate a search from this page by using the search features below which will take you to the catalogue page with the results of your query pre-populated. You have two options for searching from this page; you can search by typing a keyword in the search bar and hitting the Enter key, or you can select one of the 7 links below the search bar (6 options for "population group" and 1 "Browse all" option). Once you are taken to the catalogue page, your search term will be displayed in the search bar under the "Phrase or keyword" heading, or the population group you chose will be checked in the dropdown for "Population groups". The search will notify you how many results are found and the number of pages. There are additional filters under the dropdowns "Identity factors and other" and "Type" that you can select to narrow your search. You can also sort the results chronologically or alphabetically by using the "Sort by" dropdown. You can use the "Results per page" drop-down to select how many results you would like presented before needing to skip to another page.

Search the GDIS catalogue

Browse by population group

What's new

International Women's Day 2025

March 8 marks International Women's Day. This year's theme - Strength in every story - highlights the importance of amplifying the voices of all women. Statistics and data tell countless stories of women in Canada, particularly those who continue to face barriers to success.

For more information, visit the following pages:

Data Visualization Tool:
Canada's Transgender and Non-Binary Population

Explore data with our Canada's Transgender and Non-Binary Population: Data Visualization Tool by age for province, territories and Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) based on data from the 2021 Census of Population.


These infographics provide a quick overview of gender, diversity and inclusion in Canada.

Additional information

Social inclusion statistics for Canada's ethnocultural groups

Welcome to the Social Inclusion portal linked to Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy and the Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics. This portal brings together key statistical information on the inclusion (or exclusion) of ethnocultural groups and immigrants in Canada.

More information on social inclusion indicators for Canada's ethnocultural groups

Analytical products on social inclusion

Disaggregated Data Action Plan

What is disaggregated data?

Disaggregated data is the breakdown of large datasets into smaller segments such as gender, region, ethnicity or a combination of these to reveal underlying trends and differences between and within individual segments that may not be reflected in aggregated data. Disaggregated data can better inform our understanding of the experiences of diverse people. In other words, the more a dataset is disaggregated, the more it is representative of the characteristics of the individuals that comprise the dataset. Without intersectional disaggregated data, data users risk inferring information about individuals and subpopulations based on inferences about the larger group. Thus, disaggregated data is needed to provide a more accurate and nuanced picture of the Canadian population. Gender-Based Analysis Plus considerations should always be applied when disaggregating data.

The Disaggregated Data Action Plan Accomplishments Report 2023-2024: An Evolving Mosaic showcases progress made in the third year of the plan's implementation to support more representative data collection and enhanced statistics on Indigenous Peoples, women, racialized groups, and persons with disabilities.

Led by Statistics Canada, this initiative adopts a whole-of-government approach to provide all levels of government, businesses, policy makers, data users, non-profit organizations and Canadians with the detailed insights necessary for evidence-based decision making for a more equitable Canada. To the extent possible, data for each population group are broken down into subcategories according to gender, ethnocultural characteristics, age, sexual orientation and disability—or intersections of these and other subcategories, as needed. Data are also disaggregated to the lowest possible level of geography, as events affect people differently depending on where they live.

For more information on the Disaggregated Data Action Plan and related initiatives, please visit the Disaggregated Data Action Plan page.

Engaging Canadians on the visible minority concept

Engagement Initiative Objectives

The visible minority concept is currently under review. Statistics Canada is committed to engaging with partners, stakeholders, ethnocultural groups, and the general public to identify the appropriate terminology and categories to describe the population and properly address data needs in health, education, justice, and employment equity.

These consultative engagements on the Visible Minority Concept were conducted virtually with stakeholders and partners, ethnocultural groups, non profit and nongovernment organizations and researchers.


Consult and comment initial findings of the engagement initiatives here: Visible minority concept consultative engagement

Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)

Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) is an analytical tool used to support the development of responsive and inclusive policies, programs, and other initiatives. GBA Plus is a process for understanding who is impacted by the issue or opportunity being addressed by the initiative; identifying how the initiative could be tailored to meet diverse needs of the people most impacted; and anticipating and mitigating any barriers to accessing or benefitting from the initiative. GBA Plus is an intersectional analysis that goes beyond biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences to consider other factors, such as age, disability, education, ethnicity, economic status, geography (including rurality), language, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

For additional information and resources on GBA Plus, check out the following links:

Framework and standards

Framework: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The Canadian Indicator Framework for the SDGs encompasses the 17 goals to support Canada's domestic implementation of the SDGs.

Standards: Statistical data and metadata standards are a set of rules about how data and metadata are managed, organized, represented, or formatted. They enable consistent and repeatable description, representation, structuring, and sharing of data and metadata.
Statistics Canada has many statistical standards used for collecting and publishing detailed data. For information on topic specific standards, please visit Gender, diversity and inclusion, and related standards and Gender, sex at birth, sexual orientation, and related standards. The Gender of Person Reference Guide and Sex at Birth of Person Reference Guide bring together information from multiple sources for a better understanding of terms and to promote standards adoption and interoperability of data.
All our statistical standards can be found through the Standards, data sources, and methods page.

Diversity Wheel
Description: Diversity Wheel

This figure illustrates some of the factors which can intersect with sex and gender. Six oblong shapes of differing colors overlap and fan out. Each oblong has two identity factors written on it. The top oblong has "sex and gender". Starting below sex and gender and going clockwise, the additional identities identified are: geography, culture, income, sexual orientation, education, language, race, ethnicity, religion, age and disability.

International initiatives

Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality

Goal 5 - Gender equality of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Gender in the international context

Related hubs and portals

Visit other hubs and portals

Consult our subject specific hubs and portals for all the related data, analysis and reference resources. These pages contain information on topics important to the GDIS.

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