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Spatial information products
Interactive maps
Thematic maps
Reference maps
- Aggregate Dissemination Area (ADA) Reference Maps
- Census Tract Reference Maps, by Census Metropolitan Areas or Census Agglomerations
- Census of Agriculture Reference maps
- Federal Electoral District Reference Maps
- Dissemination Area Reference Maps
- Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) reference maps
Attribute information products
Training, concepts, and classifications

Documentation and reference guides


Access geography portion of the Census Dictionary

The Census Dictionary: Geography index provides detailed information on every aspect of the Census of Population including concepts, universes, variables, and geographic terms, as well as historical information to facilitate the comparison of variables between census years.
Census of Agriculture

The Census of Agriculture provides a statistical portrait of Canada's agriculture industry and its farm operators and families.

With GeoSuite, users may retrieve and query data, explore the links between geographic areas, obtain information on those areas and output data in tabular format.