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Table 1 Percentage of population that has a university degree or a university certificate above a bachelor's, by age group, 2007 

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Percentage of population that has a university degree or a university certificate above a bachelor's, by age group, 2007 
Rank Aged 25 to 64 Aged 25 to 34 Aged 55 to 64
  OECD1countries % OECD1countries % OECD1countries %
1 Norway 32 Norway 41 United States 30
2 United States 31 Netherlands 35 Netherlands 24
3 Netherlands 29 South Korea 34 Norway 24
4 Iceland 26 New Zealand 33 Canada 21
5 Denmark 25 Finland 32 Iceland 20
6 New Zealand 25 Denmark 32 Denmark 19
7 Canada 25 Australia 31 New Zealand 18
8 South Korea 24 United States 31 Sweden 18
9 Australia 24 Sweden 31 Australia 18
10 Sweden 23 Ireland 30 Switzerland 17
11 United Kingdom 23 Poland 30 United Kingdom 17
12 Japan 23 Canada 29 Hungary 16
13 Finland 21 Japan 29 Japan 15
14 Ireland 21 United Kingdom 29 Finland 14
15 Switzerland 21 Iceland 28 Germany 14
16 Spain 20 Switzerland 26 Poland 12
17 Poland 19 Spain 26 Spain 12
18 Hungary 18 Luxembourg 24 Czech Republic 11
19 Luxembourg 18 France 24 France 11
20 Germany 16 Hungary 21 Ireland 11
21 France 16 Portugal 21 Luxembourg 11
22 Greece 15 Greece 19 Greece 10
23 Mexico 15 Belgium 18 Slovak Republic 10
24 Belgium 14 Italy 18 South Korea 10
25 Portugal 14 Mexico 18 Belgium 9
26 Czech Republic 14 Slovak Republic 17 Italy 9
27 Slovak Republic 13 Germany 16 Mexico 8
28 Italy 13 Czech Republic 15 Turkey 8
29 Turkey 11 Turkey 14 Portugal 7
30 Austria 10 Austria 13 Austria 7
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).