Statistics Canada
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Table 1 Leading indicators

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Leading indicators
  February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 Last month of data available
              % change
Composite leading indicator (1992=100) 232.5 235.1 237.4 239.2 240.9 241.8 0.4
Housing index (1992=100)1 138.1 138.1 138.8 136.4 132.8 127.4 -4.1
Business and personal services employment (thousands) 2,932 2,950 2,960 2,955 2,967 2,976 0.3
S&P/TSX stock price index (1975=1,000) 11,366 11,591 11,744 11,747 11,787 11,804 0.1
Money supply, M1 ($ millions, 1992)2 211,503 212,990 214,194 215,554 216,896 217,585 0.3
US Conference Board leading indicator (1992=100)3 128.1 129.1 130.3 131.2 132.0 132.5 0.4
Average workweek (hours) 36.5 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.7 36.7 0.0
New orders, durables ($ millions, 1992)4 20,704 21,225 21,246 22,022 22,519 23,023 2.2
Shipments/inventories of finished goods4 1.73 1.77 1.81 1.85 1.88 1.90 0.025
Retail trade              
Furniture and appliance sales ($ millions, 1992)4 2,879 2,907 2,930 2,957 2,970 2,953 -0.6
Other durable goods sales ($ millions, 1992)4 10,082 10,075 10,022 9,977 9,923 9,868 -0.6
Unsmoothed composite leading indicator 237.4 238.8 243.7 243.2 241.3 241.9 0.2
Composite index of housing starts (units) and house sales (multiple listing service).
Deflated by the Consumer Price Index for all items.
The figures in this row reflect data published in the month indicated, but the figures themselves refer to data for the month immediately preceding.
The figures in this row reflect data published in the month indicated, but the figures themselves refer to data for the second preceding month.
Difference from previous month.