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Investment in new housing construction, March 2015

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Released: 2015-05-21

Investment in new housing construction increased 4.2% to $3.5 billion in March compared with the same month a year earlier.

Investment rose in all dwelling types with apartment and apartment-condominium buildings accounting for much of the national advance.

Investment in apartment and apartment-condominium buildings rose 7.5% to $1.2 billion, while spending on single-family homes increased 1.5% to $1.8 billion.

Investment in row house construction advanced 7.7% to $351 million and spending on semi-detached dwellings rose 5.1% to $193 million.

Provincially, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario recorded the largest year-over-year increases.

In Alberta, total investment in new residential construction increased 15.0% to $937 million. In British Columbia, spending was up 13.3% to $643 million, while in Ontario, investment rose 2.4% to $1.1 billion.

Conversely, Quebec posted the largest decline, with total investment falling 9.3% to $481 million. Lower spending in single-family dwellings was mostly responsible for the decrease, down 19.0% to $154 million.

Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador posted the second and third largest declines. In Saskatchewan, total investment declined 11.5% to $112 million and in Newfoundland and Labrador, total spending fell 25.1% to $36 million.

  Note to readers

Data on investment in new housing construction (including single-family dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, row housing, apartments and condominiums) are not seasonally adjusted and all comparisons in this release are between March 2014 and March 2015.

Data in CANSIM are available at the national and provincial levels, in both current and constant dollars (base year 2007).

Unless otherwise specified, the highlights refer to current dollars and are ranked in terms of dollar change rather than percentage change.

Estimates for investment in new housing construction from January 2014 to February 2015 have been revised.

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To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Mariane Bien-Aimé (613-951-7520;, Investment, Science and Technology Division.

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