Farm product prices, July 2016
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Released: 2016-09-06
Prices received by farmers in July for grains, oilseeds, specialty crops, potatoes, cattle, hogs, poultry, eggs and dairy products are now available.
The price of slaughter cattle in Alberta was $139.51 per hundredweight in July, down 2.1% from June and down 21.7% from July 2015, when the price was $178.26.
The price of soybeans in Ontario was $485.28 per tonne in July, down 1.2% from June, but up 6.4% from July 2015, when the price was $456.25.
Note to readers
Farm commodity prices are now available in CANSIM. The price of over 35 commodities is available by province, with some data series going back 35 years. Price data are extracted from administrative files and derived from Statistics Canada surveys.
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