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Investment in new housing construction, June 2017

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Released: 2017-08-22

Investment in new housing construction — Canada

$4,730.9 million

June 2017

7.2% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — N.L.

$20.7 million

June 2017

-26.2% decrease

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — P.E.I.

$14.8 million

June 2017

76.6% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — N.S.

$70.3 million

June 2017

23.3% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — N.B.

$28.9 million

June 2017

6.6% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Que.

$772.5 million

June 2017

12.0% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Ont.

$1,845.6 million

June 2017

2.5% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Man.

$149.9 million

June 2017

43.9% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Sask.

$97.5 million

June 2017

2.5% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Alta.

$713.7 million

June 2017

11.3% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — B.C.

$1,007.8 million

June 2017

6.0% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Y.T.

$6.1 million

June 2017

4.8% increase

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — N.W.T.

$2.4 million

June 2017

-42.6% decrease

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction — Nvt.

$0.7 million

June 2017

-27.4% decrease

(12-month change)

Investment in new housing construction rose 7.2% from June 2016 to $4.7 billion in June. The increase was mostly attributable to higher investment in single family dwellings (+$257.9 million).

All but one province saw an increase in new housing investment in June 2017. The largest increase was in Quebec (+$82.6 million), followed by Alberta (+$72.5 million) and British Columbia (+$57.4 million). Newfoundland and Labrador posted a decrease of $7.4 million (-26.2%) compared to June 2016.

Quebec's $82.6 million year-over-year increase was mostly a result of investments in apartments, accounting for 53% of the total gain in this province.

Alberta posted an increase of $96.3 million of investment in single homes compared to June 2016, offsetting the decrease of $32.3 million of investment in apartments.

In British Columbia, investment in new housing construction surpassed the $1 billion mark for the second month in 2017, up 6.0% year over year. This increase was the result of higher investment in all dwelling types, except for double homes.

Chart 1  Chart 1: Investment in new housing construction, by type of dwelling
Investment in new housing construction, by type of dwelling

Other provincial highlights

Prince Edward Island had the largest year-over-year percentage increase in new housing investment (+76.6% or +$6.4 million). The growth was mostly attributed to a 127.5% increase of investment in single homes. The province also saw a year-over-year decrease of 24.7% in apartments compared to June 2016.

Quebec and Manitoba were the only two provinces posting increases among all dwelling types.

Lower investment in apartments

In Canada, new housing investment increased year over year for all dwelling types except apartments, which posted a decline of $12.3 million (-0.8%), mostly explained by lower investment in Ontario and Alberta.

  Note to readers

Data on investment in new housing construction (including single-family dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, row housing, apartments and condominiums) are not seasonally adjusted, and all comparisons in this release are between June 2016 and June 2017.

Data in CANSIM are available at the national and provincial–territorial levels in both current and constant dollars (base year 2007).

Unless otherwise specified, the highlights refer to current dollars and are ranked in terms of dollar change rather than percentage change.

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