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Maps from the Statistics Canada website in HTML or PDF
Maps from a publication in HTML, PDF or print
Maps created using geographic information system (GIS) software
Maps from E-STAT Search map
Electronic mapping tools (GeoSearch and GeoSuite)
Statistics Canada. 2002. "Québec CMA Median Age, 2001 by Census Tract" (map). 2001 Census. Thematic maps.
/CMA/Quebec_medage_ec_f3.pdf (accessed August 16, 2005).
Citing a map from an electronic publication
Statistics Canada. No date. “1665/1666 New France: Five major areas with all settlements” (map). Censuses of Canada 1665 to 1871. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-187-XIE. Ottawa. Last updated July 12, 2004.
/pub/98-187-x/4227844-eng.pdf (accessed August 16, 2005).
Statistics Canada. 2002. “Moncton, N.B. (13), CMA/CA code 305, map 2 of 2” (map). Census Tract Reference Maps by Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92F0145XIB. Ottawa. Last updated March 12.
&startrow=1 (accessed August 16, 2005).
Statistics Canada. 2004. “Exposure to second-hand smoke in the home, by health region, 2003” (map). Health Indicators. No. 1. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-221-XIE. p. 1.
/pub/82-221-x/2005001/pdf/4227057-eng.pdf (accessed August 16, 2005).
Clark, Warren. 2003. “Canada: Monthly religious attendance, 1999 to 2001” (map). “Pockets of belief: Religious attendance patterns in Canada.” Canadian Social Trends. No. 68. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-008-XIE. p. 4.
/pub/11-008-x/2002004/article/6493-eng.pdf (accessed August 16, 2005).
Citing a map from a print publication
Statistics Canada. 2004. “Moncton: Census agglomeration (CA), map 2 of 2. Census tract reference maps by census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations” (map). Profile of Census Tracts in Moncton and Saint John, 2001 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 95-230-XPB. Ottawa. Last updated February.
Clark, Warren. 2003. “Canada: Monthly religious attendance, 1999 to 2001” (map). “Pockets of belief: Religious attendance patterns in Canada.” Canadian Social Trends. No. 68. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-008-XPE. p. 4.
Statistics Canada. 2004. “Where the grapes are” (map). “From Concord to Chardonnay: Canada's grape transformation.” Canadian Agriculture at a Glance. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 96-325-XPB. Ottawa. p. 85.
Citing a map from the Standard Geographical Classification in print
Statistics Canada. 2002. “Alberta north part” (map). “Provincial maps, census divisions, 2001 Census.” Standard Geographical Classification 2001: Volume II, Reference Maps. Map 16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-572-XPB. Ottawa. Scale 1:850,000.
Statistics Canada. 2004. Ottawa–Hull Urban Area, Highest Level of Education, University Degree (map). Using 2001 Census, Ottawa–Hull CMA Census Tract (cartographic boundary file, gct_505b02a_e.exe) and E-STAT, 2001 Census (data file). Using ArcGIS, Version 9.0 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, Calif.). Ottawa. University of Ottawa Geographic Information and Data Centre. Scale: 2 cm = 1 km, approximately.
Statistics Canada. No date. Punjabi, Non-official Languages, Single Responses, Population by Mother Tongue, British Columbia Lower Mainland, Showing Census Metropolitan Area / Census Agglomeration Boundaries (map). E-STAT. Learning Resources. Search map 2001. Last updated December 17, 2003. 45218370 (accessed August 16, 2005).
Citing GeoSearch
Statistics Canada. 2002. GeoSearch. 2001 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92F0176XIE. Ottawa. Last updated March 12. (accessed August 16, 2005).
Citing 2001 Census GeoSuite
Statistics Canada. 2002. GeoSuite, 2001 Census (Geography Products: Geographic Data Products). Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92F0150XCB. Ottawa. Last updated March 12. CD-ROM. This 2001 Census product may also be accessible for free at Depository Services libraries. These data are available at no additional charge to Canadian educational institutions participating in the Data Liberation Initiative.
Statistics Canada. 2002. Dissemination Areas, Montréal CMA, 2001 Census (cartographic boundary file, gda_462b02a_e.exe). Arc Info Edition. System requirements: Arc Info Interchange for Windows.