Step 1
Identify the category of the product or service you want to cite
Archived Content
Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please "contact us" to request a format other than those available.
Identify the category of the product or sevice you want to cite from the menu below. See the glossary for definitions. Go to step 2 for the category that best describes your product or service.
If you already know the category, go directly to step 2.
Start of text boxCensus products
- census reference products
- census tables, graphs and maps
- census analysis
- census microdata
- census boundary files
Go to step 2.
Collection materials
- surveys and statistical programs
- questionnaires
Go to step 2.
Conferences and workshops
- proceedings or abstracts of a conference or workshop
- sections or parts of a conference or workshop
Go to step 2.
Custom and special tabulations
Go to step 2.
Data products
- complete databases
- tables and graphs
Go to step 2.
Maps and geospatial products
- maps
- electronic mapping tools
- cartographic boundary files
Go to step 2.
Microdata products
- public-use microdata files
- synthetic files
- master files
- user guides
Go to step 2.
Pages from Statistics Canada's website
- primary web pages
- secondary web pages
Go to step 2.
Private communications
- oral communications
- written or visual communications
Go to step 2.
- books
- chapters and sections
- articles
- analytical studies, technical papers and monographs
- periodicals
- series
- co-editions
Go to step 2.
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