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Statistical tables
- Related CANSIM tables
Table 1 Summary table
Table 1-1 Operating revenue by industries
Table 1-2 Operating expenses by industries
Table 1-3 Operating profit by industries
Table 1-4 Operating profit margin by industries
Table 1-5 Return on capital employed (ROCE) by industries
Table 1-6 Return on equity (ROE) by industries
Table 1-7 Debt to equity ratio by industries
Table 1-8 Total assets by industries
Table 1-9 Corporate income taxes paid by industries
Table 2 Total all industries
Table 2-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 2-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 2-3 Selected ratios
Table 3 Total finance and insurance industries
Table 3-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 3-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 3-3 Selected ratios
Table 4 Total non-financial industries
Table 4-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 4-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 4-3 Selected ratios
Table 5 Agriculture, fishing, hunting, trapping and support activities
Table 5-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 5-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 5-3 Selected ratios
Table 6 Forestry, logging and support activities
Table 6-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 6-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 6-3 Selected ratios
Table 7 Oil and gas extraction and support activities
Table 7-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 7-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 7-3 Selected ratios
Table 8 Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas)
Table 8-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 8-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 8-3 Selected ratios
Table 9 Utilities
Table 9-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 9-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 9-3 Selected ratios
Table 10 Construction
Table 10-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 10-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 10-3 Selected ratios
Table 11 Food and soft drink manufacturing
Table 11-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 11-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 11-3 Selected ratios
Table 12 Alcoholic beverage and tobacco manufacturing
Table 12-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 12-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 12-3 Selected ratios
Table 13 Clothing, textile and leather manufacturing
Table 13-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 13-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 13-3 Selected ratios
Table 14 Wood product manufacturing
Table 14-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 14-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 14-3 Selected ratios
Table 15 Paper manufacturing
Table 15-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 15-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 15-3 Selected ratios
Table 16 Printing and related support activities
Table 16-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 16-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 16-3 Selected ratios
Table 17 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
Table 17-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 17-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 17-3 Selected ratios
Table 18 Basic chemical manufacturing
Table 18-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 18-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 18-3 Selected ratios
Table 19 Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibres and filaments manufacturing
Table 19-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 19-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 19-3 Selected ratios
Table 20 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
Table 20-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 20-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 20-3 Selected ratios
Table 21 Soap, agriculture, paint and other chemical products manufacturing
Table 21-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 21-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 21-3 Selected ratios
Table 22 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
Table 22-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 22-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 22-3 Selected ratios
Table 23 Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing
Table 23-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 23-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 23-3 Selected ratios
Table 24 Primary metal manufacturing
Table 24-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 24-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 24-3 Selected ratios
Table 25 Fabricated metal product and machinery manufacturing
Table 25-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 25-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 25-3 Selected ratios
Table 26 Computer and electronic product manufacturing
Table 26-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 26-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 26-3 Selected ratios
Table 27 Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing
Table 27-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 27-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 27-3 Selected ratios
Table 28 Motor vehicle and trailer manufacturing
Table 28-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 28-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 28-3 Selected ratios
Table 29 Motor vehicle parts manufacturing
Table 29-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 29-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 29-3 Selected ratios
Table 30 Air, rail and ship products and other transportation equipment manufacturing
Table 30-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 30-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 30-3 Selected ratios
Table 31 Furniture and related product manufacturing
Table 31-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 31-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 31-3 Selected ratios
Table 32 Miscellaneous manufacturing
Table 32-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 32-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 32-3 Selected ratios
Table 33 Food, beverage, tobacco and farm product wholesaler-distributors
Table 33-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 33-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 33-3 Selected ratios
Table 34 Petroleum product wholesaler-distributors
Table 34-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 34-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 34-3 Selected ratios
Table 35 Motor vehicle and parts wholesaler-distributors
Table 35-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 35-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 35-3 Selected ratios
Table 36 Building material and supplies wholesaler-distributors
Table 36-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 36-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 36-3 Selected ratios
Table 37 Farm, construction, forestry, mining and other industrial machinery and equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributors
Table 37-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 37-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 37-3 Selected ratios
Table 38 Computer, communications and other machinery and equipment wholesaler-distributors
Table 38-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 38-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 38-3 Selected ratios
Table 39 Miscellaneous wholesaler-distributors
Table 39-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 39-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 39-3 Selected ratios
Table 40 Motor vehicle and parts dealers
Table 40-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 40-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 40-3 Selected ratios
Table 41 Furniture, home furnishings, electronics and appliance stores
Table 41-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 41-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 41-3 Selected ratios
Table 42 Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers
Table 42-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 42-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 42-3 Selected ratios
Table 43 Food and beverage stores
Table 43-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 43-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 43-3 Selected ratios
Table 44 Gasoline stations
Table 44-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 44-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 44-3 Selected ratios
Table 45 Clothing, department and other general merchandise stores
Table 45-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 45-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 45-3 Selected ratios
Table 46 Miscellaneous retailers
Table 46-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 46-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 46-3 Selected ratios
Table 47 Air transportation
Table 47-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 47-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 47-3 Selected ratios
Table 48 Rail, truck, water and other transportation
Table 48-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 48-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 48-3 Selected ratios
Table 49 Pipelines, warehousing and transportation support activities
Table 49-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 49-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 49-3 Selected ratios
Table 50 Publishing industries (except Internet)
Table 50-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 50-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 50-3 Selected ratios
Table 51 Broadcasting, motion pictures, sound recording and information services
Table 51-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 51-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 51-3 Selected ratios
Table 52 Telecommunications
Table 52-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 52-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 52-3 Selected ratios
Table 53 Banking and other depository credit intermediation
Table 53-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 53-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 53-3 Selected ratios
Table 54 Local credit unions
Table 54-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 54-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 54-3 Selected ratios
Table 55 Non-depository credit intermediation
Table 55-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 55-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 55-3 Selected ratios
Table 56 Central credit unions
Table 56-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 56-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 56-3 Selected ratios
Table 57 Financial transactions processing, loan brokers and other activities related to credit intermediation
Table 57-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 57-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 57-3 Selected ratios
Table 58 Securities and commodity contracts intermediation and brokerage
Table 58-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 58-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 58-3 Selected ratios
Table 59 Securities and commodity exchanges and other financial investment activities
Table 59-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 59-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 59-3 Selected ratios
Table 60 Life, health and medical insurance carriers
Table 60-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 60-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 60-3 Selected ratios
Table 61 Property and casualty insurance carriers
Table 61-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 61-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 61-3 Selected ratios
Table 62 Agencies, brokerages and other insurance related activities
Table 62-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 62-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 62-3 Selected ratios
Table 63 Real estate
Table 63-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 63-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 63-3 Selected ratios
Table 64 Automotive, machinery and equipment and other rental and leasing
Table 64-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 64-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 64-3 Selected ratios
Table 65 Professional, scientific and technical services
Table 65-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 65-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 65-3 Selected ratios
Table 66 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
Table 66-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 66-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 66-3 Selected ratios
Table 67 Educational, healthcare and social assistance services
Table 67-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 67-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 67-3 Selected ratios
Table 68 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Table 68-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 68-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 68-3 Selected ratios
Table 69 Accommodation services
Table 69-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 69-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 69-3 Selected ratios
Table 70 Food services and drinking places
Table 70-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 70-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 70-3 Selected ratios
Table 71 Repair, maintenance and personal services
Table 71-1 Balance sheet and income statement
Table 71-2 Reconciliation of profit
Table 71-3 Selected ratios