Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada
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February 2011
Apprenticeable Occupations and the Employment Downturn in Canada
[Full article in HTML]In the wake of the economic slowdown which intensified in the fall of 2008, apprenticeable occupations sustained greater employment losses than other occupations. Overall, the downturn in employment had the greatest impact on welders, exterior finishing trades, machinists, carpenters and heavy equipment and crane operators, including drillers ...
A Changing Portrait of International Students in Canadian Universities
[Full article in HTML]The share of international students at Canadian universities doubled between 1992 and 2008, rising from 4% of students to 8%. Accompanying that growth have been significant changes in their characteristics. Compared to the early 1990s, they are now younger and more likely to be enroled in bachelor's level programs. Ontario and British Columbia were the destinations of choice for just over half of international students in 2008 ...
Fact Sheet No. 6 (February 2011)
Doctoral Students and University Teaching Staff
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